Title: Enemy of my Enemy, Part 3
Story by: David Mariotte, Tom Waltz & John Barber
Written by: David Mariotte & John Barber
Art by: Alex Milne
Colours by: David Garcia Cruz
Letters & Design by: Jake M. Wood
Editor: Tom Waltz
Assistant Editor: Riley Farmer
Aboard the Ark, The Autobots are busy fixing up their shipmates, and the vessel itself, though Wheeljack says it'll never fly again, but the systems are online. Whilst they are rebuilding, the Terminator watches on, analysing his current allies, waiting for his future opportunities to take them down.
Optimus gives out orders to the actice Autobots, Wheeljack and Ratchet are to stay on the Ark to continue reviving their friends, and monitor the situation on Earth using the local transmissions, Optimus and Velocity are going to investigate possible energy source to help power the Ark for the repairs, Arcee and the Terminator are to search the perimeter for any Decepticon traps in the area, whilst Bumblebee is to escort Sarah home, per her request. Before they leave, the Terminator mentions that he has no weapons, prompting Arcee to take him to the armory.
Elsewhere, the Decepticons have ransacked the Cyberdyne Systems facility, where Starscream interrogates the scientists about their "Hunter" robot, which they know nothing about, meanwhile the others are using the machinery to fill Energon Cubes for their own usage.
Meanwhile, on the Oregon coast, Optimus and Velocity have found the remains of the dune buggy and humans that Starscream destroyed, and Velocity finds a used optic casing, showing them that the Decepticons were definitely here...
On her way home, Sarah stopped by a clothing retail store to change out of her battered waitress outfit, before carrying on with their journey. On the radio they hear about the Decepticon attack on the Cyberdyne facility, and decide to look into it.
Back at the Ark, the Terminator finds a blaster that he likes, and Arcee has Teletraan-1 resize it for him to use, but Arcee also mentions that, even if Optimus trusts him for some reason, she's going to keep an eye on him, and if he tries to fire upon any Autobot, she WILL kill him on the spot.
The two head out for their perimeter check, but along the way, the Terminator secretly plants explosives around the Ark and the perimeter.
They duo reaches where the downed Sky Spy crashed, where the Terminator states that he shot it down when it scanned him. Before they can continue though, Bbumblebee calls in about the Decepticon attack.
At the Cyberdyne facility, Bumblebee prepares to stall the Decepticons, to prevent further damage and wait for the others to arrive, but before he can get Sarah to safety first, Skywarp attacks them, forcing Bee to grab Sarah and drive her straight to the facility.
Just before Skywarp can attack them again though, he is shot down by the Autobots and Terminator. An all out battle begins, and Sarah is tasked with getting through to Ratchet and Wheeljack for reinforcements. During the battle, the Terminator plants one of his explosives on one of the Refraktor trio's face and pushes down the plunger.
On the Ark, Ratchet and Wheeljack are working on their next batch of repairs, and they just need a little more energy from the Ark to revive them so they can bring real reinforcements to the battle. However, before they can find an energy source, they start hearing beeping, as the Terminator's explosives all set off, engulfing the Ark, Mt St Hilary and the surrounding area with destructive fire!
Back at the battle, Refraktor's head blows up in a controlled explosion, just as Vvelocity shoots off the head of another Refraktor, signalling a "nice job" thumbs up to the Terminator. However, just as he is reciprocating it, Starscream shoots around him to get his attention, and declares that he knows his secret, that if he kills the Cyberdyne workers, then he'll cease to exist, so he wants to make a deal....
Optimus gives out orders to the actice Autobots, Wheeljack and Ratchet are to stay on the Ark to continue reviving their friends, and monitor the situation on Earth using the local transmissions, Optimus and Velocity are going to investigate possible energy source to help power the Ark for the repairs, Arcee and the Terminator are to search the perimeter for any Decepticon traps in the area, whilst Bumblebee is to escort Sarah home, per her request. Before they leave, the Terminator mentions that he has no weapons, prompting Arcee to take him to the armory.
Elsewhere, the Decepticons have ransacked the Cyberdyne Systems facility, where Starscream interrogates the scientists about their "Hunter" robot, which they know nothing about, meanwhile the others are using the machinery to fill Energon Cubes for their own usage.
Meanwhile, on the Oregon coast, Optimus and Velocity have found the remains of the dune buggy and humans that Starscream destroyed, and Velocity finds a used optic casing, showing them that the Decepticons were definitely here...
On her way home, Sarah stopped by a clothing retail store to change out of her battered waitress outfit, before carrying on with their journey. On the radio they hear about the Decepticon attack on the Cyberdyne facility, and decide to look into it.
Back at the Ark, the Terminator finds a blaster that he likes, and Arcee has Teletraan-1 resize it for him to use, but Arcee also mentions that, even if Optimus trusts him for some reason, she's going to keep an eye on him, and if he tries to fire upon any Autobot, she WILL kill him on the spot.
The two head out for their perimeter check, but along the way, the Terminator secretly plants explosives around the Ark and the perimeter.
They duo reaches where the downed Sky Spy crashed, where the Terminator states that he shot it down when it scanned him. Before they can continue though, Bbumblebee calls in about the Decepticon attack.
At the Cyberdyne facility, Bumblebee prepares to stall the Decepticons, to prevent further damage and wait for the others to arrive, but before he can get Sarah to safety first, Skywarp attacks them, forcing Bee to grab Sarah and drive her straight to the facility.
Just before Skywarp can attack them again though, he is shot down by the Autobots and Terminator. An all out battle begins, and Sarah is tasked with getting through to Ratchet and Wheeljack for reinforcements. During the battle, the Terminator plants one of his explosives on one of the Refraktor trio's face and pushes down the plunger.
On the Ark, Ratchet and Wheeljack are working on their next batch of repairs, and they just need a little more energy from the Ark to revive them so they can bring real reinforcements to the battle. However, before they can find an energy source, they start hearing beeping, as the Terminator's explosives all set off, engulfing the Ark, Mt St Hilary and the surrounding area with destructive fire!
Back at the battle, Refraktor's head blows up in a controlled explosion, just as Vvelocity shoots off the head of another Refraktor, signalling a "nice job" thumbs up to the Terminator. However, just as he is reciprocating it, Starscream shoots around him to get his attention, and declares that he knows his secret, that if he kills the Cyberdyne workers, then he'll cease to exist, so he wants to make a deal....
Optimus Prime - Semi-Truck
Bumblebee - VW Beetle
Arcee - Ford Mustang
Velocity - Pontiac Firebird
Ratchet - Ambulance Caught n Ark Explosion
Wheeljack - Race Car Caught n Ark Explosion
Grimlock Inactive, Caught n Ark Explosion
Jazz Inactive, Caught n Ark Explosion
Sideswipe Inactive, Caught n Ark Explosion
Windblade Inactive, Caught n Ark Explosion
Other Ark Autobots Inactive/Dead, Caught n Ark Explosion (Mentioned)
Bumblebee - VW Beetle
Arcee - Ford Mustang
Velocity - Pontiac Firebird
Ratchet - Ambulance Caught n Ark Explosion
Wheeljack - Race Car Caught n Ark Explosion
Grimlock Inactive, Caught n Ark Explosion
Jazz Inactive, Caught n Ark Explosion
Sideswipe Inactive, Caught n Ark Explosion
Windblade Inactive, Caught n Ark Explosion
Other Ark Autobots Inactive/Dead, Caught n Ark Explosion (Mentioned)
Megatron - Gun
Soundwave - Cassette Player
Ravage - Cassette
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Skywarp - Fighter Jet Blasted by Optimus and the Terminator
Thundercracker - Fighter Jet Skewered with Sword by Arcee
Kickback - Locust
Skrapnel - Scarab Beetle
Bombshell - Boll Weevil
Refraktor Trio - Camera Two killed by the Terminator and Velocity
Soundwave - Cassette Player
Ravage - Cassette
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Skywarp - Fighter Jet Blasted by Optimus and the Terminator
Thundercracker - Fighter Jet Skewered with Sword by Arcee
Kickback - Locust
Skrapnel - Scarab Beetle
Bombshell - Boll Weevil
Refraktor Trio - Camera Two killed by the Terminator and Velocity
The Terminator
Sarah Connor
Cyberdyne Systems Workers Some killed by Decepticons
Random Human Pedestrians
Radio Presenter (Voice Only)
Cyberdyne Systems Workers Some killed by Decepticons
Random Human Pedestrians
Radio Presenter (Voice Only)
- Arcee being a warrior and being "Threat Level: Maximum" is a reference to her depiction mainly in the IDW continuities, despite this continuity being based on the G1 cartoon, where, whilst she was a gunner, wasn't really a hardened warrior
- Arcee and Velocity get completely new alternate modes here! Arcee now has a mode based on a Ford Mustang, and Velocity is a Pontiac Firebird. Whilst Arcee HAS had a few Earth-modes before in comics and toylines, this marks the first time Velocity has an Earth-mode! Congrats to her!
- The Terminator mentions that the Sky Spy scanned him...could this be how the grandfather paradox comes to play of Cyberdyne creating Skynet from the Terminator's design?
- Grimlock is shown to have existed pre-Earth in this version of the story, despite being built on Earth in the G1 cartoon.
- Whilst blasting holes into, and skewering Cybertronians isn't normally enough to kill them, considering this is the penultimate issue of this crossover, I think we can assume that the badly injured here are most likely dead.
- Among the Autobots being repaired is Windblade, a character that is usually pretty major in these crossovers, so having her just being "dead" here is a bit of a jarring move.
- I'll be quite surprised if Ratchet, Wheeljack and the inactive Autobots were able to survive the Ark and Mt St Hilary exploding, though then again, the Decepticons all survived being dropped in a lava stream at the end of season one of the cartoon... (And NO, them saying they need a little energy to revive the others will not be a good excuse, a giant explosion is not a "little energy")
- How did Starscream learn about the Terminator's true nature? If he heard him call himself a "Cyberdyne Systems" robot, then that would make sense, but I'm pretty sure he's only referred to himself as that to Sarah and the Autobots.
- Starscream's threat also doesn't really work in canon though, since we've seen that even when Skynet is wiped out in Dark Fate's backstory, the Terminator they sent back, who killed John, was still around decades later, so it's not a Back to the Future style time travel paradox like he seems to be implying here.