Pet Sounds
Writer: James Asmus
Artist: Jack Lawrence
Colours: Luis Antonio Delgado
Letterer: Jake M. Wood
The Flyin' Fox Trot
Writer: Sam Maggs
Artist: Priscilla Tramontano
Colours: Luis Antonio Delgado
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Megan Brown
Consulting Editor: David Mariotte
Group Editor: Bobby Curnow

First Story Plot
Fluttershy and Discord are having a happy tea party in the former's cottage when there's an explosion from the outside.
Soundwave has arrived to scout the area for weaknesses and Energon, scaring Fluttershy's animal friends into her cottage.
Fluttershy goes to confront him and see what he wants, but immediately assumes he's a friend when she sees he has pets (his cassette minions). She approaches him to meet the pets, but Soundwave disregards her, however when Discord leaves the house, Soundwave realises that he's a threat, and immediately starts to attack him, sending the cassettes to deal with Fluttershy.
While Discord is using his powers to mess with Soundwave, Frenzy tries to interrogate Fluttershy, but she gets distracted by a scar on Ravage, and tries to apply some cream to it, until Frenzy snacks it out of her hand, and knocks her over, angering the animals, Discord and the beast cassettes.
Soundwave gets swarmed by Discord and an army of magically Cyberformed critters, whilst Laserbeak, Ravage and Ratbat attack Frenzy. Frenzy offhandedly asks his fellow cassettes if they're really willing to ruin their friendship over this, prompting Fluttershy to go back into friendship mode and asks Soundwave if they can start over.
Discord suggests he could turn the Decepticons into pretty ponies, but Soundwave agrees to the start over, without being altered. Megatron contacts Soundwave, telling him they've set up a base, and Soundwave says he'll be with him...eventually, as he watches the Cassettes playing with their new friends.
Second Story Plot
Rainbow Dash is relaxing on a cloud when she is disturbed by Windblade flying past, who claims to be the fastest around, the two decide to have a race, which gathers a bit of a crowd.
During the race, a group of Decepticon jets led by Misfire interrupts, wanting to prove that the Decepticons are better than the Autobots at everything.
Windblade and Rainbow work together to trick the Decepticons into shooting their heat seekers at themselves, sending them plummeting down to the ground. The two racers decide to call the race a tie in the aftermath.
Windblade - VTOL Jet
Mach Kick - Horse
Battle Unicorn - Unicorn
Soundwave - Cassette Player
Frenzy - Cassette
Laserbeak - Cassette
Ravage - Cassette
Ratbat - Cassette
Misfire - Jet
Acid Storm - Jet
Ion Storm - Jet
Nova Storm - Jet
Megatron - Tank (Voice Only)
Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Discord, God of Chaos
Spike, the Dragon (Should be on Earth)
Fluttershy's Animal Friends
Random Pegasus Pair
- Despite being very prominent on the cover, Beastbox doesn't appear in this comic :(
- Despite presumably not seeing him before, Soundwave somehow knows that Discord is a major threat.
- Apparently Equestria smells like Lavender
- Frenzy saying "save it for the message boards" when Fluttershy says that no one wants battle damage is possibly a sneaky jab at people who complain about the battle damage on the recent Siege toyline.
- Windblade being portrayed as fast, competitive and into racing is kind of out if character for her. Honestly her role in this comic would have suited Blurr better, with him being blue, super fast and loving racing, which is even further added on with the early solicits saying that Crasher was going to be the villain of this issue, with her being a race car, and in the Shattered Glass universe being Blurr's cousin.
- Two of the only horse Transformers, Mach Kick and Battle Unicorn, make cameos as racers this issue. This is very awesome. Even though we don't see their insignias, since they're usually Maximals, we can assume they're Autobots here.
- Spike is seen in the crowds this issue, despite him being stuck on Earth with Grimlock (as a small spoiler, Issue four features him returning from Earth, do this has to be a mistake, unless this story happens before his travel to Earth, and he just fell into a second Spacebridge, rather than the original one)
- The Rainmakers dont really do anything in this issue, Acid Storm says "ow" in the last panel, and that's all, even their stances during the battle are pretty static ...