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Saturday 15 June 2024

The Energon far!

The most recent transformers comic universe, the Energon Universe, from Skybound/Image Comics has recently celebrated its first year's anniversary. So to celebrate that, I'm going to go over my thoughts on this part of the franchise so far and how I think it can develop in the future.

Void Rivals
Up first, was the only fully new property within the EU (so far), which follows a pair of similar looking aliens (Darak and Solila) whose species have been stuck in something of a war with eachother for centuries (sound familiar?).
The main difference here, is that the aliens are organics, and we're slowly learning what their hidden similarities and connections really are, with recent issues even suggsting the races, and their strange home worlds, build around what appears to be a black hole, are connected to the Quintessons.

This series works well in the EU in particular, due to it introducing lots of new characters and concepts, as well as connecting to pre-established aliens from the Transformers mythos, such as the previously mentioned Quintessons, the Skuxxoids and others. 
The very first issue of the series shocked the world with it's mid-issue cameo from the Transformer, Jetfire, leading to his journey to a little planet called Earth...

The Transformers 
Transformers picks up a currently unknown amount of time after Jetfire's appearance in Void Rivals and finds the Autobots and Decepticons revived on the planet, after the Ark crashed on the planet in the distant past.
This version of the story is a lot darker than most recent Transformers comic lines, feeling more akin in tone and general content to the original Marvel series that kicked off the franchise in the 80's.
Whilst edging on a lot of familiar story beats of the past in this series, it does it's best to change as much as possible too, such as the Witwicky family having a lot more tragedies than we saw for them back in the 80's, to even popular characters being unceremoniously killed off in very brutal manners.

During the early issues of this story, Starscream attacks and destroys a military jet, and it's pilot, only for his friend, and co-pilot, Duke, to escape...

G.I. Joe
Set a few months on from the awakening of the Transformers on Earth, the "Duke" miniseries follows the eponymous character trying to find out what the giant robot who killed his friend was, along the way being recruited into GI Joe. 

Meanwhile, Cobra Commander leaves Cobra-La in his own series, where we learn that Megatron was found by the people of Cobra-La, and has been studied by them for some time, and he starts a journey to locate a potent energy source for his own world conquest plans, leading to the early stages of Cobra being formed...

Following this, Scarlett follows it's namesake as she infiltrates the Arashikage clan to follow her friend Jinx, while Destro follows the head of MARS industries as he continues his new business deal with Cobra Commander and develops his BAT units...

I'm not a major GI Joe fan, but so far these stories are doing a good job at building the Earth-based characters up, and gives some credence for the inevitable Transformers Vs GI Joe battles to come down the line.
Though I do hope they do something new, rather than just have the Joe's think all Cybertronians are evil, until they suffer some mutual loss, forcing them to team up with the Autobots.

The future?
While the creative teams haven't been very vocal on the future of the series, and have said there are no current plans to integrate any other Hasbro products at the moment, I find speculation fun, so let's have a guess for the future!

First up, the Energon Universe special gave us some brief looks into the upcoming storylines, which include Hot Rod looking for a friend who was interested in the Sacred Ring, Baroness joining GI Joe and Megatron escaping from Cobra-La.
Now for the speculation! I'll start by saying that since I'm not a GI Joe guy, I dont have any real predictions for that, besides the upcoming crossover potential, and most likely more character alliegences being switched, like we currently have with Baroness. Another likely future plot would be that MASK and VENOM get spun off from the Joe's and Cobra.

For Transformers it seems likely that after the formative stories, we'll start getting more focus on new or lesser known characters, such as what has been shown in the preview for issue 10 with Beachcomber. This seems to be very in line with the kill-happy attitude the creators have had with the cast so far.

Finally, and probably the biggest topic is from Void Rivals. The most obvious future plot seems to be that the Zertonian god "Zerta" is either a Quintesson or Cybertronian, especially after the Judge referred to them as "Zerta Prime" in Void Rivals 9, which highly suggests a major crossover between the species down the line.

Of more interest to me however is the Sacred Ring itself, a supposed black hole that is surrounded by the reshaped planets of Agorra and Zertonian. 
I personally believe this "black hole" is a partially active space bridge or worm hole, which will lead us to more characters or settings down the line, such as maybe it leads to Elonia and the Space Knights, or Prysmos with the Visionaries or even any of the Cybertronian colonies such as Caminus or Velocitron.
Perhaps we can go to Eukaris, and start up a Beast Wars spin off comic set in the modern day rather than the distant future?
On the other hand, maybe the portal can lead to another universe, like either a previous continuity or a shattered glass style universe?

One major theory I have is that the "Goliant" mentioned by the Zertians as being kept away by the Sacred Ring could be Unicorn, as a long-game final boss for the franchise or perhaps it is a completely new and unrelated character? (Though there would be no way to predict that, and where's the fun there?)

So that's where we are with the Energon Universe right now, I am greatly enjoying the franchise so far, and really do hope we get some more lines before long. While is do still find it a pity that they had to end the Ruckley run of Transformers from IDW, I do sincerely hope this series does well in the long term, and from what we've seen so far, it does seem to be going in a positive direction so far!

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Skybound - Void Rivals #6

Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Lorenzo De Felici
Colourist: Matheus Lopes
Letterer: Rus Wooton
Editors: Sean Mackiewicz & Jonathan Manning
Logo & Publication Design: Andres Juarez
Production: Jillian Crab
Solila is rescued from her cell, hiding the strange artefact along the way, by Kanela, whom she has a poor, but long history with. Unfortunately, the guard notice the escape, and report it to the Premier.
She is taken to the Unifier base, where she and Darak are conscripted to join them on a mission to Agorra to reconnect with their unresponsive Aggorian counterparts.

The team make their way to a Blastwing shuttle that they have access to, but are ambushed at the shuttle site, as Ultum was forced to betray them, on the promise of finding his missing mother.
Solila and Darak escape with the data packet for the Aggorians, and manage to eventually find their way to the edge of the Zertonian side of the Sacred Ring, and enter the Wastelands to make it to Agorra...

Premier Zalilak is informed of them entering the Wastelands, and despite his advisor's suggestion that they couldn't survive there, Zalilak doesn't want to take any risks, and cannot allow "Goliant" to come. He reluctantly orders for "Proximus" to be revived...

On Quintessa, the Skuxxoid hands over the hybrid shuttle to the Judge, and leaves the planet, with the Judge having the shuttle taken away for study, and wondering what their next move against Zerta should be now...
Premier Zalilak
Zalilak's Advisor 
Unifier Members
Starving Civilians 
Ultum's Mother (Mentioned)
Minister of Arms (Mentioned)

Unifier Counterparts (Mentioned)


Zerta (Mentioned)
Goliant (Mentioned)
Proximus (Mentioned)
  • This issue marks the end of the first Void Rivals story arc, which according to the Trade Paperback name will be called "More Than Meets The Eye"...for some completely unknowable reason...
  • Following this issue, Void Rivals is having a break until March, so the other series can have a couple issues to breathe 
  • The armoured prison guards are revealed to be called "Blast Troopers".
  • Solila somehow identified Kanela, despite being in full Blast Trooper armour...does she have a distinct smell or eye shape or something?
  • The Quintesson Judge appears to confirm my theory that Zerta was a Quintesson from last issue. The end of the issue also reveals that the Sacred Ring is apparently some sort of seal to keep "Goliant" at bay. So maybe the ring itself is some sort of long forgotten space bridge ring or something?
  • Also confirming my suspicions from last issue, there are Aggorian Unifiers too.
  • I just want to point out one of the above images, which shows Zalilak having an abundant feast, whilst most other Zertonians are shown in squalor and starving.
  • Solila finally says she trusts Darak...not that she really has much choice since they've entered a wasteland between the two halves of the Ring.

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Skybound - Transformers #2

Writer, Artist: Daniel Warren Johnson 
Colourist: Mike Spicer
Letterer: Rus Wooton
Editors: Sean Mackiewicz & Jonathan Manning
Publication Design: Andres Juarez

Optimus explores the woods near the Autobot's current Quarry base, when he accidentally crushes a deer, a apologizes to it. Spike approaches him, and tells him it was just an accident, but Optimus is still distraught, forgetting how fragile life on Earth is compared to his home world.
Optimus and Spike tell each other a little about their homes, with Spike talking about his parents, and Optimus talks about Cybertron, including it's war, and how his actions led to the Ark's crash on Earth, and the war being brought here now...

Soon, a newly recovered Cliffjumper arrives, who gets scared by Spike, and a newly arrived Carly, before returning to the Quarry with Optimus.
Wheeljack is being repaired using Optimus' trailer, but Ratchet admits that they don't have enough to rebuild everyone quick enough to counter the Decepticons, or to keep them active without Energon.

Rescue workers have arrived at the power plant, where the workers try to explain about the giant robot attacks, but no-one believes them...until Skywarp and the others arrive, and start a new rampage, with Soundwave even using an Energon converter from the Ark to steal the energy from the plant for their use.
A military jet is called to the plant, but they are attacked by Starscream, who knocks the jet out of the air, and kills the pilot with his bare hands, the co-pilot, Duke, manages to escape after shooting Starscream in the eye.
Spike amanges to steal a police car, whilst the military jet falls on Skywarp and Soundwave, causing a noticeable explosion.

The Autobots hear the noise, and the humans get worried about their parents nearby. Optimus heads off to investigate, knowing the Decepticons are involved, and he feels immense guilt for bringing them to Earth in the first place.
Ratchet remains at the base to continue fixing their allies, with Cliffjumper to protect him. Spike convinces Prime to let him come with him, so he can protect his family, along with Optimus.

Carly drives back home, unaware than Laserbeak is following her, noticing the Optimus Prime added to her van's mural.
Upon returning home, she finds Sparkplug, who has gathered her father's weapons, and explains that the robots have killed her father, Davey.
Optimus Prime - Truck
Ratchet - Ambulance
Cliffjumper - Car
Wheeljack Under Repairs 
Roller - Buggy Drone 
Brawn Stasis Locked
Jazz Stasis Locked 
Ironhide Stasis Locked 
Other Autobots Stasis Locked 
Beachcomber (Flashback) Shot by Decepticons
Beachcomber's Teammate (Flashback) Shot by Decepticons 
Bumblebee (Mentioned) Dead 
Previous Autobot Leader (Mentioned) Dead

Starscream - Fighter Jet
Skywarp - Fighter Jet
Soundwave - Cassette Player
Rumble - Cassette
Laserbeak - Cassette
Megatron (Flashback) Missing

Frosting Killed by Starscream 
Plant Workers
Rescue Workers
Davey (Picture) Dead
Air Force Central Command Operator (Voice)
Spike's Mother (Mentioned) Dead
Jimmy (Mentioned) Dead

Other Cybertronian
Jetfire - Jet (Mentioned) Dead
Turborats (Mentioned)

Cute Deer Accidentally Crushes by Optimus
Cute Wild Animals
  • I can't help but think that the opening pages of Optimus accidentally killing a deer is a parody of the image of Optimus from the "Meet the Autobots" book for the 2007 Movie, where he is shown delicately interacting with butterflies and birds. See Here.
  • Spike implies that his name is just a nickname given to him by his mother, before she died.
  • Optimus states he and the Autobots left Cybertron after two centuries of war, meaning this incarnation of the Great War is a lot shorter than most others. (Though they also crashed on Earth a long time ago, since that war date)
  • Megatron is shown to have been on the Ark before it crashed, fighting Optimus, and even causing his eye injury that he spotted before he was reformatted.
  • Optimus' trailer is confirmed be include his combat deck, and even Roller! Yay! 
  • The police cars seen this issue are designed like G1 Prowl, most likely to give his future alternate mode a basis, but this is a bit odd, since they are based on Japanese police cars...
  • Duke makes his debut this issue, but seemingly pre-G.I. Joe, though he still seems to have some special tools.
  • The two where the human characters are based is named as "Farmingham" here.
  • Davey, from last issue is revealed to have been Carly's father.
  • Just saying, we don't see Jetfire's body this issue...did Ratchet use him for spare parts for the Autobots?

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Skybound - Void Rivals #5

Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Lorenzo De Felici
Colourist: Patricio Delpeche
Letterer: Rus Wooton
Editors: Sean Mackiewicz & Jonathan Manning
Logo & Publication Design: Andres Juarez
The two rivals are sitting in their cell, when Darak is dragged away for torture and interrogation, whilst he is being tortured, Solila is visited by her former leader, Mistress Vill, who wishes to give her a special item to help her on her new path.

The Skuxxoid has arrived on Quintessa, where he tries to sell the Prosecutor to a Judge, but is instead almost put on trial, with his prisoner being taken into their own custody. Whilst trying to get out of his trial, Skuxxoid mentions the hybrid ship he took off the rivals, which piques the Judge's interest, upon hearing the term "Zertonian"...

Darak has been tortured badly, but hasn't broken after three days. The torturer leaves to prepare the next round, but a Zertonian child arrives, and frees Darak, leading him through the subterranean tunnels to a secret meeting area, where he is greeted by a group of unmasked Zertonians, who reveal they know about the past unity between the world's, and want to bring them together again, wishing for Darak's help in the mission.
Darak says he'll join their mission, if they can rescue Solila too...with their leader Kanela asking if he even knows who Solila really is....
Solila Imprisoned on Zertonia
Mistress Vill
Keeper of the Light Members
Unifier Members
Prison Guards
Premier Zalilak (Mentioned)

Minister Dulin (Mentioned)

Prosecutor Detained on Quintessa
Allicons - Alligators 
Scorpia (Mentioned) Damaged beyond Repair

Skuxxoid Detained on Quintessa
Skuxxoid's Wife (Mentioned)
Zerta (Mentioned)
  • Solila's helmet seems to be a modified version of the ones used by the members of the Keepers of the Light, whome she used to be a part of.
  • Despite this universe not using toyetic designs for the Transformers characters so far, the Quintesson Judge's chair appears to be based on the one that comes with the Earthrise toy, with seams and all! 
  • The scorpion from issue three is revealed to be a Quintesson Scorpia.
  • The Judge appears to know what Zertonians are, despite the Handroid appearing to have no information on the species. It's possible that the "Zerta" we keep hearing about is actually a Quintesson who founded the Zertonian society, who h would explain all the green motifs etc.
  • The Handroid told Solila that if he was removed from Darak, then self defense systems would activate...looks like he lied about that!
  • The resistance group we meet this issue are the Unifiers, who want to bring the two halves of the Sacred Ring together, and seemingly know about the two species being related. Though we only see Zertonians here, it would be very surprising if there weren't any Aggorian members too, on their side of the ring.
  • The "unique item of power" that Mistress Vill gives Solila features the symbols of the two planets, implying it existed from before the separation.
  • This issue features a preview for the upcoming Duke Miniseries 

Saturday 14 October 2023

Skybound - Transformers #1

Writer, Artist: Daniel Warren Johnson
Colourist: Mike Spicer
Letterer: Rus Wooton
Editor: Sean Mackiewicz
Publication Design: Andres Juarez
Sparkplug is in a bar, drinking away his troubles, following the death of his son, Jimmy, during a rocket launch. His surviving son, Spike, wakes him up, but upsets him when his dad notices his last son with Jimmy's telescope. Sparkplug is picked up by his friend to take him to work, while Spike goes off stargazing with his girlfriend, Carly.

Spike and Carly hike up a mountain and start to set up, when an earthquake hits, and the two tumble into a new crevasse, landing inside a long lost Spacecraft, the Ark, filled with seemingly dead, giant robots.
Soon, another robot, Jetfire, flies in, and plants a cartridge into Teletraan-1, the ship's computer, which gives it information about Earth vehicles, and starts repairing the other robots...

The first to wake up is Starscream, who immediately shoots the nearby Bumblebee in the head, killing him, whilst thanking the shocked Jetfire. The latter tries to stop Starscream from continuing his slaughter, but is shot by his old friend in the torso.
Before he can finish off their saviour, Starscream is stopped by the newly revived Optimus Prime, who also soon notices his human voyeurs and works to protect them.
Ratchet is soon revived too, along with Skywarp, clueing Starscream to Teletraan reviving them at random, prompting him to start dragging the other Decepticons closer to the computer.
Optimus realises they will be outnumbered soon, so orders Ratchet to load as many of their fellow Autobots into his new trailer as he can, for them to escape.
Soundwave is revived next, attacking Optimus, who is distracted when he finds the body of Bumblebee, and mourns for his friend, bringing back memories for Spike...
Starscream ambushes Optimus when he is distracted, and Soundwave deploys Ravage to assist him, but the humans manage to push Optimus' Ion Blaster to him, allowing him to blast Ravage and avoid the other Decepticons. Knowing he'll be too outnumbered if he doesn't stop the revival process, Optimus shoots and badly damages Teletraan-1, before escaping with Ratchet, the downed Autobots and the humans.

Starscream and Skywarp give chase, but Skywarp is quickly depleted of his energy, forcing them to return to the Ark, but not before Jetfire tries to repent by defeating Starscream, only to be fatally injured by his old friend.

Spike directs the Autobots to an old quarry for them to hide out in, where Jetfire apologizes for his rash actions, and believes their planet, and species itself is doomed to death he dies himself...

At the Ark, Soundwave reveals that Teletraan-1 is beyond their current repair capabilities, but if they have materials and Energon, they may be able to repair it, and revive the rest of the Decepticons. Starscream is pressured into doing a solo resource run, due to the others being energy-depleted, and him being their leader now
The Decepticon leader soon finds a power plant, where Sparkplug happens to be working, where he attacks the electrical pylons, he soon notices Sparkplug's scared friend, whom the Decepticon picks up, and crushes to death, laughing about how pathetic the life on this planet was...
Optimus Prime - Truck
Ratchet - Ambulance
Bumblebee Stasis Locked, Head blasted out by Starscream
Jazz Stasis Locked 
Cliffjumper Stasis Locked 
Prowl Stasis Locked 
Hound Stasis Locked 
Wheeljack Stasis Locked 
Windcharger Stasis Locked 
Other Autobots (Mentioned) Stasis Locked 

Starscream - Fighter Jet
Skywarp - Fighter Jet
Soundwave - Cassette Player
Ravage - Cassette Badly Injured by Optimus 
Thundercracker Stasis Locked
Reflector Stasis Locked 
Laserbeak - Cassette (Mentioned)
Megatron (Mentioned)
Other Decepticons (Mentioned) Stasis Locked 

Other Cybertronian
Jetfire - Cybertronian Jet Killed by Starscream
Teletraan-1 Destroyed by Optimus 

Davey Killed by Starscream 
Army Guy (Flashback) Likely Dead
Jimmy (Mentioned) Killed in Shuttle Explosion
Carly's Dad (Mentioned)

  • This series follows on from Jetfire's departure in Void Rivals #1, with him making his way to Earth to wake up the Transformers (though I'm sure we'll learn how he found them and why he didn't go to Cybertron as he planned later)
  • Of the characters on the Autobot cover of this issue, only Optimus and Ratchet are actually shown active this issue
  • The Transformer character designs are based on the original designs of the characters from the 80s, unlike previous series where some level of toy synergy has been noted in recent years.
  • Along with this, the series appears to be set around the 80s as well, with imagery of the Vietnam war and the (potential) Challenger explosion.
  • Sparkplug is shown to be an ex-army guy, who lost a friend in war. I wonder if he'll be connected to GI Joe in this continuity?
  • Spike is revealed to have had a brother named Jimmy, who died in a spacecraft explosion (who wants to bet that it'll be revealed to have been caused by a Cybertronian somehow?)
  • The Cybertronians in this issue appear to be speaking in English, since the human characters don't need any translations.
  • do we think Bumblebee's going to be revived? GI Joe? Junkions? Something else?
  • In the Marvel comics Teletraan believed that vehicles were the dominate form of life on Earth, here Jetfire knew the humans were, most likely due to his knowledge of other species (like the Aggorians and Zertonians)
  • Optimus is shown to hold the Matrix in his chest at the moment, and reveals it has the power to heal, but not (seemingly) to revive the dead.
  • Megatron is partially mentioned, but Starscream interrupts pointing out that HE is the leader now...what did you do to him Starscream?
  • Sparkplug's friend is squished in front of him by Starscream...I think this version of the character will be anti-Cybertronian, like his Marvel counterpart.
  • Jetfire knows Optimus' name, but didn't know he was the Prime yet, implying this version of the character was never known by an earlier name (like Orion Pax or Optronix)

Skybound - Void Rivals #4

Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Lorenzo de Felici
Colourist: Matheus Lopes
Letterer: Rus Wooton
Editor: Sean Mackiewicz
With the ship approaching Zertonia, the Handroid attempts to stop Solila, and send them to Agorra instead, but Solila manages to disarm the robot, by threatening his Aggorian master.

Solila brings Darak to Zertonia, where he is villified as a monster by the people, and sent to a cell, which the Handroid determines there's no escape from.
Solila visits with her leader, Zalilak, and is relieved when he explains that he will return Darak to Agorra, after they meet his demands for supplies. Zalilak notices her relief and asks if they bonded, before asking if she saw his face...leaving her fearful.
Soon, Solila is dragged to Darak's cell, and is doomed to share his fate for her "treachery", which Darak can't help but be amused by.

Soon, Zalilak contacts Minister Dulin of Agorra, to tell him that the two pilots saw eachother's faces, and both agree to have them executed to keep their secret connection secret...

Elsewhere, the Skuxxoid arrives on Cybertron, intending to collect on a presumed bounty on his Quintesson prisoner, but Shockwave, being one of the few still active Cybertronians on the world declines the offer, due to the lack of supplies, let alone currency, sending the Skuxxoid away... 

Solila Imprisoned on Zertonia 
Premier Zalilak
Zertonian Dignitary
Zertonian Guards
Zertonian Civilians
Council of Vite (Mentioned)

Darak Imprisoned on Zertonia
Handroid Imprisoned on Zertonia 
Minister Dulin 

Shockwave - Flying Artillery
Quintesson Prosecutor Imprisoned by Skuxxoid
Zerta (Mentioned)
Skuxxoid's Family (Mentioned)
Other Decepticons (Mentioned) In Stasis 
  • As previously shown in issue one, the Handroid can control Darak's hand to drag his unconscious body around.
  • On the brief switch to Cybertron, Shockwave laments on how he barely has enough energon to keep himself alive...perhaps he should consider turning off some of the lights in the building behind him?
  • The leader of Zertonia, Zalilak is revealed to have contact with Minister Dulin of Agorra, with both even showing their faces to eachother, which is supposed to be against their beliefs.
  • It's clarified in the letters section that Zertonia and Agorra were separate worlds that were rebuilt around a black hole, creating the Sacred Ring. It's still unclear how they can survive the exposure to a black hole's gravity field etc, but I think it has something to do with their forehead crystals.
  • Cybertron appears to be fairly close to the space around the Sacred Ring, since the Skuxxoid has managed to make it there within a month (based on last issue's time skip), making it quite interesting that the two species apparently never met.

Sunday 24 September 2023

Astrobots #5

Creator & Editor: Aaron Thomas
Writer: Simon Furman
Artist & Letterer: Hector Trunnec 
Producer: Esmond Zhou
Athenia returns to the Persephone to warn them about Atlas' mad plans, and manages to arrange the evacuation of almost half of the colonists, however, despite a delay caused by Eros-10 jamming the signal, the deepscreen scan still takes place, and all the humans who were still on the ship are instantly killed, infuriating Athenia.

In Atlas city, Apollo is told by Atlas how he arrived on a faster colony ship in the past, and built the first city, Paradise City, but he claims that a cult of humans created the A.I. Phage, a virus that destroys Astrobots. Though Atlas was affected by it, he also fought back, and destroyed Paradise City, and killed all the colonists there, eventually ending up in the future Atlas CIty.
Atlas leaves, and swiftly executes the Rebellion leader, Articus, and publically blames the rebels for the attacks on the human colonists, and "exiles" them out of the city, which the regular population start to question, and believe is suspicious.

Later, Lyrel, one of th Persephone's delegate party who came to Atlas city is taken from her holding cell, and dragged away, with the rest of the team left in jail...
After a short drive, the convoy carrying the "exiles" stops, and the guards intend to execute them, only to be fought off by Apollo, and a rescue party.
At the city, Atlas is attacked from the sky by Athenia in a shuttle, seeking revenge for her fallen colonists, but he is defended by his guards. The other crew members beg her to leave him, as they need to tend to their surviving colonists, and worrying about Atlas' will not help them, leading her to head to their rendezvous with their new allies...

Later, Athenia meets with the rebels in the deserts outside the city, where the teams join forces and start hunting for the launched Arks to protect the surviving colonists, Vulkan and some of the other resistance members decide to return to the city to fight from within, while Apollo and Athenia head to find their first Ark...

In the dark labs under the city, Atlas continues the human cloning project, he has created his own version of the Venus type Astrobot, using Lyrel's template, and has also rebuilt the Venus type as a new Astrobot, Artemis, the hunter.
Articus Killed by Atlas 
Other Resistance Members 

Persephone Crew
Zenofanes Imprisoned in Atlas City
Galax Imprisoned in Atlas City 
Stratus Imprisoned in Atlas City 
Lyrel Rebuilt Into Artemis
Venus Units 
Colonists More than Half Killed

Atlas City
ARGUS Intelligence
Tribune Kronoz
Senator Cypherion
Senator Stratica
Senator Eoz
Senator Solus
ARGUS Enforcers
City Guards
Black Eros Units 
Dark Venus Units
City Denizens 
Human Clones In Pods

Paradise City Colonists All Killed, bar Atlas
The Children of Eve (Flashback) Killed in Paradise City 
  • This issue marks the end of the first mini series of Astrobots, but does end with a confirmation of a return in 2024 (yay!) 
  • Atlas confirms that he was part of an earlier colony team, that arrived on the colony world before the others, but they were betrayed by some of the humans and a war broke out, resulting in the destroyed city found in the deadlands outside the city.
  • Interestingly, when the first colony ship lands on the planet, they land in a forest, whilst we have only ever seen wastelands outside the city before now (maybe the Astrobots chopped down all the trees or something?)
  • Articus is killed in the same way as his old friend Trydant, his head is crushed by Atlas, using his bare hands.
  • Lyrel is converted into a new Astrobot, Artemis here, a fate I'm sure is also due to befall on her fellow Persephone delegates in Atlas's custody.
  • As he threatened to do to Athenia, if she didn't work with him, Atlas has created his own versions of the Venus type, to nurture his cloned humans.
  • Eros-10 reveals that he has created a counter signal for the alpha wave deepscreen, so Atlas shouldn't be able to mass exterminate any more humans.
  • It's not mentioned where the DNA for the cloned humans came from, but I would assume they were from the failed Paradise City that Atlas procured somehow.