Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Lorenzo de Felici
Colourist: Matheus Lopes
Letterer: Rus Wooton
Editor: Sean Mackiewicz
With the ship approaching Zertonia, the Handroid attempts to stop Solila, and send them to Agorra instead, but Solila manages to disarm the robot, by threatening his Aggorian master.
Solila brings Darak to Zertonia, where he is villified as a monster by the people, and sent to a cell, which the Handroid determines there's no escape from.
Solila visits with her leader, Zalilak, and is relieved when he explains that he will return Darak to Agorra, after they meet his demands for supplies. Zalilak notices her relief and asks if they bonded, before asking if she saw his face...leaving her fearful.
Soon, Solila is dragged to Darak's cell, and is doomed to share his fate for her "treachery", which Darak can't help but be amused by.
Soon, Zalilak contacts Minister Dulin of Agorra, to tell him that the two pilots saw eachother's faces, and both agree to have them executed to keep their secret connection secret...
Elsewhere, the Skuxxoid arrives on Cybertron, intending to collect on a presumed bounty on his Quintesson prisoner, but Shockwave, being one of the few still active Cybertronians on the world declines the offer, due to the lack of supplies, let alone currency, sending the Skuxxoid away...
Solila Imprisoned on Zertonia
Premier Zalilak
Zertonian Dignitary
Zertonian Guards
Zertonian Civilians
Council of Vite (Mentioned)
Darak Imprisoned on Zertonia
Handroid Imprisoned on Zertonia
Minister Dulin
Shockwave - Flying Artillery
Quintesson Prosecutor Imprisoned by Skuxxoid
Zerta (Mentioned)
Skuxxoid's Family (Mentioned)
Other Decepticons (Mentioned) In Stasis
- As previously shown in issue one, the Handroid can control Darak's hand to drag his unconscious body around.
- On the brief switch to Cybertron, Shockwave laments on how he barely has enough energon to keep himself alive...perhaps he should consider turning off some of the lights in the building behind him?
- The leader of Zertonia, Zalilak is revealed to have contact with Minister Dulin of Agorra, with both even showing their faces to eachother, which is supposed to be against their beliefs.
- It's clarified in the letters section that Zertonia and Agorra were separate worlds that were rebuilt around a black hole, creating the Sacred Ring. It's still unclear how they can survive the exposure to a black hole's gravity field etc, but I think it has something to do with their forehead crystals.
- Cybertron appears to be fairly close to the space around the Sacred Ring, since the Skuxxoid has managed to make it there within a month (based on last issue's time skip), making it quite interesting that the two species apparently never met.
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