One of the escape pods from the Mini-Con city crashes into Northern Alaska and is trapped under the ice, meanwhile in Death Valley Smokescreen and Scavenger are spying on some Decepticons working on a rocket. At Autobase the Autobots are in contact with the Death Valley team when they learn from the Mini-Cons about the missing Mini-Cons in the crashed pod and also learn that some of the newcomer Mini-Cons are a bit uneasy around the Autobots still.
At Silver Ridge Megatron is experimenting with the Destruction Team and find their combined power boost to be invigorating, but the team don't give the power for free as they cause pain in the user, but agree to help out if they get a say in what happens around here.
The Adventure Team are in Alaska looking for the missing Mini-Cons and find the impact site, whilst working on how to free them theyare attacked by Thrust. At Autobase Rook is trying to start a revolution against the Autobots when Optimus walks in and says that he'll help to look for the missing Mini-Cons.
In Alaska the Adventure Team are taken down by Thrust and a newly arrived Cyclonus, who has been given the Destruction Team as a power boost (as a test driver). Thrust starts insulting the Mini-Cons, who manage to take over Cyclonus' body and he pummels Thrust.
In Death Valley the 2 Autobots are worried when Laserbeak arrives and tells them that Optimus is busy and they can deal with the Decepticons as they see fit, but the two of them say it's too late, as the rocket's already been launched.
In orbit the rocket deploys a satellite which begins to target the crashed Mini-Con pod's impact site....ready to fire
Cyclonus continues his attack on Thrust and starts to overheat, which starts causing the ice to melt around him. The Autobots and some Mini-Cons arrive on their ship and start the search for the missing Mini-Cons when suddenly the Decepticons use their satellite weapon on the Autobot ship and destroy it, narrowly missing the team. The Autobots attack Cyclonus whilst Thrust flies off to safety, during the battle the Autobots learn that the Mini-Cons have more power than they've revealed before, Optimus asks Sparkplug to powerlink with him and to give him it all, which he then uses on Cyclonus and defeats him.
Skyblast goes into orbit and destroys the satellite. A short while later the Autobots rescue the Mini-Con pod and Sparkplug apologizes for not being fully open with Optimus before, but before he can get a response Optimus has vanished
Optimus reappears on Cybertron, but not his one, this one is being slowly destroyed around him.
A strange pod appears in Big Sur National Park in California and Over-Run escapes in a panic, carrying the Mini-Con Matrix talking about warning Optimus Prime that Chaos is coming.
Hot Shot and the rest of the team in Alaska return to Autobase through the Space Bridge, and wonder why the others pulled them out, especially since it's only for emergencies. Smokescreen and Scavengers reveal that Optimus Prime is there, and everyone's glad that he's okay, until the two Autobots show them that it's not THEIR Optimus who they've found, and this one is very near death.
Over-Run arrives in Downtown San Francisco and tries to uplink to a communications array to contact Optimus before it's too late. At the same time however five evil guys appear though a strange Space Bridge over Cybertron and start their mission.
At Autobase Astroscope explains that this Optimus is an alternate version of their one from another universe, Red Alert starts to check on him when he wakes up and warns them that chaos is coming and then dies.
At Silver Ridge the Decepticons can't get the Space Bridge to work, the Decepticons think it's because the Autobots are planning to attack by cutting them off from their troops, especially with Cyclonus out of commission thanks to the recent mission, and they start to prepare for battle.
Elsewhere Hot Shot contacts Jetfire to tell him what's happening, and he reports that the Decepticon base on Cybertron has some strange readings around it, so his team are going to investigate it. Astroscope and Sparkplug report to Hot Shot that they detected some strange readings at Big Sur and they head out to investigate it. Over-Run starts his message and hopes the Autobots receive it before anyone else, unknown to him though one of the new-comers starts to come through another Space Bridge.
Hot Shot and the Mini-Cons find Over-Run's pod and examine it, they know now that it means there's a "visitor" from another Universe and head out to investigate.
Starscream has been watching this and sends Demolishor to retrieve the pod whilst he follows the Autobot, who is then also followed by Thrust himself. Hot Shot soon finds Over-Run and starts to approach when suddenly Starscream attacks and goes to deal with the Mini-Con, but is himself attacked by the new visitor, Galvatron. Hot Shot starts to attack the Galvatron as well, but is easily defeated as well, next Thrust joins in the battle and distracts Galvatron enough for Over-Run to disappear. Galvatron warps away to his next target as Mirage rematerializes holding Over-Run, who warns that this fight isn't over.
On the other Cybertron Opitmus starts exploring and finds it devoid of life, except for one Decepticon, Spinister, who is freaking out about something eating his world.
On Cybertron, the Decepticon Command HQ has been attacked and all the Decepticons inside slaughtered, and the Heralds of Unicron (Dirge, Bludgeon, Thunderwing and Scourge) have taken control of the Space Bridge network and have turned it into a giant hub for their master to use later.
Over-Run has been taken to Autobase where he explains about what happened to his world, but he doesn't know where Optimus is. They decide to use Over-Run's Null-Reality Pod to locate Over-Run's home universe and thus Optimus, however Red Alert reports that it's gone already.
Megatron is annoyed with Starscream for taking the pod as he has no idea what it is, when Leader-1 comes in and says that the Autobots are using their Space Bridge to hunt down Optimus Prime.
On the other Cybertron Optimus is trying to calm down Spinister and to find out what's happening when Unicron starts to descend on the planet again. The Autobots on Cybertron head out to Decepticon HQ, at the HQ the Heralds head to Earth to kill this universe's Megatron whilst Bludgeon stays behind to defend the hub nexus against any interlopers.
Some Mini-Cons head off to Silver Ridge to get the pod, once they're gone however the Decepticons attack the Autobase on mass and start blasting through the Autobots in their weakened state. The Mini-Cons arrive at the Decepticon base and find it deserted until the Heralds arrive in a Space Bridge.
At Autobase the Decepticons have won the battle, however Megatron starts getting messages form his troops asking for help, Megatron goes to investigate and comes face-to-face with Galvatron.
Megatron and Galvatron fight it out in the Autobase with Galvatron seeming to be the stronger robot, all whilst the Space Team continue their search for Optimus. On Cybertron Jetfire's team arrives at the Decepticon base and finds them all dead and are all worried by the strange electrical storm above them, and are unaware that Bludgeon is stalking them.
At Silver Ridge the Mini-Cons are hiding from the Heralds when they detect Thrust in the vicinity, so they go out to interrogate him for Megatron's location. The Mini-Cons, now alone, access the pod. On the other Cybertron Sprinister explains that this is the end of everything and all will die by Unicron's hand.
On Earth Megatron is augmented by the Air Defense Team, who combine into the Star Saber to help him in this battle. On Cybertron Jetfire's team are investigating the Decepticon HQ and Bludgeon attacks, badly injuring Dropshot in the process. The Autobots however work together and use their vehicle mode headlights to blind the Herald and then Jetfire blasts him, causing him to explode...unfortunately when examining the wreckage they find just his outer shell.
Back on Earth Megatron uses the Star Saber to even the playing field, the Land Military Team arrive on the scene and report to Payload and his team that the battle is over, and that Megatron won the fight by skewering the Galvatron with the Star Saber.
The Mini-Cons at Silver Ridge contact Payload and his team at Lincoln, but the latter have still not located Optimus in the Multiverse yet. On the other Cybertron the planet is falling apart, and Spinister gives up and allows himself to be devoured, however Unicron detects Optimus on the planet and is confused as he'd already almost killed this universe's Optimus and sent him to his next target as a calling card of sorts, this Optimus being transported here was an accident.
At the Decepticon HQ on Cybertron Jetfire's team break into the Space Bridge control and see the bridges are connected to alternate realities and they cant shut them down. Jetfire briefly thinks he sees Optimus in one window, but is replaced by Big Convoy.
On Earth the Heralds have beaten up Thrust, but he has no information, they seem confident that Galvatron would have killed the local Megatron, so they decide to return to the hub, unaware that the local Megatron in fact killed Galvatron instead. Megatron intends to keep the Star Saber now, but the Land Military Team attack the sword and forces it to split again freeing them as they escape.
The Space Team locate Optimus' signal and tells Over-Run, who uses his pod to transport there with Sparkplug, Comettor and his Mini-Con Matrix as well. The Heralds return to Cybertron from Earth and Bludgeon reappears as well in the hub, so Jetfire gets an idea, he tells his team to leave as he sets off the self-destruct on the base, causing it to explode as he jumps through one of the bridges, killing the Heralds.
Jetfire arrives on the doomed Cybertron at the same time as Over-Run and the others arrive. The Mini-Cons power up the Autobots and Over-Run uses the Mini-Con Matrix to power them up further (and giving them their repaint colours) and the two Autobots combine. They use their sudden power boost to shoot Unicron and injure him, then with Over-Run's help they transport back to their home universe.
Back home, Optimus and Jetfire warn the others about Unicron and notice that the rift created by the space bridges is widening still. The team on Cybertron receive word from Earth about their battle, and how most of them are badly hurt, especially Smokescreen who is dying. Optimus asks Red Alert to get Longarm to contact all the Mini-Cons for an emergency meeting now.
Optimus meets with all the Mini-Cons and asks them to help with the upcoming battle, they agree, but when the Decepticons arrive too they prepare to fight them, however Optimus reveals that he invited the Decepticons to this meeting, and trip to Cybertron as they need to be united against Unicron. Megatron releases all the Mini-Cons he has in his custody to Optimus as a token of good will, except for the Destruction Team, as they are too much trouble. All the Transformers leave Earth through a Space Bridge and bid farewell to their human friends.
Now back on Cybertron the Transformers prepare for battle, when Unicron comes through the rift and beckons at the Transformers, but is unprepared when the planet is immediately ready for battle, as usually his Heralds have caused enough chaos by now to make this easier. Concerned by this he abducts Rhinox, Airazor, Cheetor and Terrorsaur to learn why this has happened during the massive battle.
At Cyber City the Mini-Cons combine their powers, as well as those of the Mini-Con Matrix to release a blast of energy at Unicron, skewering him. The monster starts to explode and Optimus has everyone leave the vicinity. Megatron decides to quickly infiltrate the monster and find some powerful weapons inside when Hot Shot, Red Alert and Scavenger appear behind him and shoot him at point blank range and leave him to perish with Unicron, as revenge for what he did to Smokescreen.
Unicron collapses in on himself and disappears and all of Cybertron celebrates, even Optimus, who hopes Cybertron can stay united, should evil ever return again.

Optimus Prime - Truck
Jetfire - Space Shuttle
Hot Shot - Sports Car
Red Alert - Emergency SUV
Scavenger - Bulldozer
Smokescreen - Tow-Truck Crane Badly Injured by Megatron
Laserbeak - Camcorder
Blurr - Race Car
Sideswipe - Sports Car
Overload - Truck
Dropshot - Jet Injured by Bludgeon
Rhinox - Rhino Abducted by Unicron
Cheetor - Cheetah Abducted by Unicron
Airazor - Falcon Abducted by Unicron
Other Autobots
Megatron - Tank Left to die inside Unicron by Hot Shot, Red Alert and Scavenger
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Thrust - Fighter Jet
Cyclonus - Helicopter
Demolishor - Battle Tank
Tidal Wave - Battle Ship
Skywarp - Fighter Jet
Sideways - Motorcycle
Wheeljack - Sports Car
Terrorsaur - Pteranodon Abducted by Unicron
Cy-Kill - Motorcycle Killed by Heralds
Cop-Tur - Helicopter Killed by Heralds
Other Decepticons
Unicron - Ringed Planet Destroyed by the Mini-Con Matrix
Galvatron - Laser Cannon Killed by Megatron
Bludgeon - Tank Killed in Space Bridge Nexus Explosion
Scourge Killed in Space Bridge Nexus Explosion
Thunderwing Killed in Space Bridge Nexus Explosion
Dirge Killed in Space Bridge Nexus Explosion
Sparkplug - Sports Car
Over-Run - Jet
Comettor - Moon Buggy
Leader-1 - Gun Mounted Buggy
Astroscope - Satellite
Skyblast - Rocket
Payload - Rocket Carrier
Mirage - F1 Race Car
Downshift - Race Car
Dirt Boss - Stock Car
High Wire - BMX
Sureshock - Scooter
Grindor - Skateboard
Drill Bit - Drill Tank Probably Killed by Megatron
Dualor - Dual Barrel Tank Probably Killed by Megatron
Buzzsaw - Buzzsaw Tank Probably Killed by Megatron
Ransack - Pick Up Truck
Dune Runner - Assault Buggy
Iceberg - Snow Tracker
Sonar - Shuttle
Runway - Sonic Jet
Jetstorm - Concorde
Wreckage - Dual Barrel Tank
Bonecrusher - Missile-Crane Truck
Knock Out - Rocket Mounted Personnel Carrier
Oval - Sports Car
Spiral - Sports Car
Backtrack - Sports Car
Longarm - Crane
Jolt - Helicopter
Inferno - Rocket Mounted Truck
Incinerator - Dragster
Makeshift - Osprey Helicopter
Firebot - Fire Engine
Prowl - Police Car
Nightbeat - Motorcycle
Rollbar - Jeep
Windsheer - Stealth Jet
Liftor - Fork Lift Truck
Refute - Clamping Truck
Crumplezone -Tank
Swindle - F1 Race Car
Blackout - Radar Truck
Ramjet - Fighter Jet
G1 Optimus Prime Killed by Unicron
G1 Spinister Killed by Unicron
BW Rattrap
BW Tigatron
BW Big Convoy
BM Tankor
RiD Prowl
RiD Optimus Prime

- This Volume concludes the Armada portion of this continuity, and lead onto the ill-fated Energon series
- Several Decepticons are seen as being on Earth doing things at the start of this story, implying that they've been on the planet for a while (as this begins about the same time as the end of the previous volume)...why didn't they help out in some way?
- Though this also explains why Smokescreen and Scavenger were missing in the previous story!
- Mini-Cons are revealed to have an untapped unlimited power reservoir within them
- It's not clear if the Mini-Cons are connected to Unicron here like they are in the cartoon
- It's implied that Over-Run's universe was the one where Optimus was warped to as well...meaning that the G1 Universe he was shipped to includes Mini-Cons as well
- It can't be a coincidence that Unicron's heralds feature characters who don't share names with any characters in the Armada storyline so far (guess it's lucky that Megatron didn't turn into Galvatron huh?)
- This story features one of those rare moments where Megatron fights with Galvatron. I think the only other time that's happened in Transformers other than here is in the G1 Marvel comics
- Here's something confusing to mess with your head. Optimus' partner is Sparkplug, which is consistent with the toyline, but here he is also partnered with Over-Run, which also happens in the toyline too, however when with Over-Run he is in his Powerlinx repaint colours, but Over-Run's Optimus was in the normal colours....AHHHH!!!!
- So....they had fireworks ready to go on Cybertron for some reason?
- The Autobot past of Wheeljack or whether Sideways, Rook and Crosswise have any connection to Unicron isn't shown here...or anywhere else!
- The Destruction Team's fate isn't clear, they were last mentioned as being in a Punishment Cube and seemed to be still there at the end, and then Megatron goes missing....YIKES! (Though due to the end of Dreamwave and Megatron's malicious smile when talking about them makes me think he probably killed them)
- This is the only true non-exclusive (ie Botcon, Club Comics etc) multi-generation crossover for Transformers
- Dropshot is based on an unused Triple Changer design from G1 (and oddly he becomes a sort of recurring character in this continuity as he also appears in Energon...weird)
- The Mini-Con Matrix contains the power of all the Mini-Cons from his reality combined, which as established earlier means they also include the unlimited untapped power they possess as well.
- Oddly despite him being quite close with Optimus through this series (more than other Mini-Cons seem to be with their partners) Sparkplug is nowhere to be seen after this story (or most other Mini-Cons for that matter, but Sparkplug is of particular note I think)
- The Space Bridge from Earth to Cybertron was set to Self Destruct after the Transformers leave, because they want Earth to stay separate from the Cybertronian wars, and in case they fail they don't want Unicron to attack the planet straight away
- Unicron never transforms into robot mode (even in Energon either)