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Saturday 31 January 2015

IDW - Angry Birds Transformers #3

Title: Revenge of the Fowlin'!
Written by: John Barber
Art by: Marcelo Ferreira
Colours by: Nikos Koutsis
Flats by: Mike Toris
Letters by: Chris Mowry
Edits by: David Hedgecock
The Autobirds and Deceptihogs join forces to fight the invading Eggbots, during the initial fight however Starscream Pig is captured by the Eggbots and taken inside one of their towers. After a brief argument between the two leaders, the group splits up into smaller teams to handle multiple missions. Heatwave Bird's team are sent to capture one of the eggs so they can study it and discover what happened to them, whilst Arcee Bird's team are sent to rescue Starscream, and everyone else are to continue fighting the Eggbots.

Arcee's team reaches the tower, but within a few seconds Bluestreak Bird is captured, though Lockdown Pig is glad as the Autobird was annoying him.
Elsewhere, Galvatron Pig is goin full out to kill the Eggbots, despite their mission to capture one. Heatwave tries to stop him, but is easily sent flying by the Deceptihog.

Inside the tower, Bluestreak Bird manages to break out of his binds, and drags Starscream Pig away with him through the tower, trying to escape.
Outside, Arcee Bird's team are trying to smash into the tower, but are suddenly surrounded by Eggbots. Meanwhile, Galvatron is still on a rampage until Heatwave comes flying through the sky in vehicle mode (having slingshotted himself from 10 miles away) and knocks out Galvatron Pig. Before anything else can happpen though, the group are surrounded by Eggbots too.

Back inside the tower, the captives find a room filled with Eggbots, without their mechanical shells (and with terrifying mouths and tongues). Blustreak Bird abandons his companion and manages to get himself out of the tower, followed by a hoard of Eggs, who encounter the other Egggbots outside, scaring both sides, forcing them to run away from each other, much to the confusion of the Autobirds and Deceptihogs.

Arcee Bird's team returns to the rest of the group, and Bluestreak Bird just realizes that he abandoned Starscream Pig, despite that being their mission.
Heatwave arrives, carrying Galvatron, the Minion Pigs and Soundwave (despite him not being in stasis lock) and a still living small Eggbot for the group to study.

Starscream Pig, on top of the tower starts screaming at the others that the Eggspark has taken root, and has begun Cyberforming Piggie Island.....
Optimus Prime Bird - Truck Cab
Arcee Bird - Car
Bluestreak Bird - Sidecar Motorcycle
Heatwave Bird - Fire Truck
Drift Bird - Car
Jazz Bird - Car
Bumblebee Bird - Car
Grimlock Bird - Motorcycle

Megatron Pig - Tank
Galvatron Pig - Truck Cab
Soundwave Pig - Van
Lockdown Pig - Car
Starscream Pig - Jet
Minion Pigs

  • The title is of course a reference to Revenge of the Fallen
  • Heatwave, the big silent muscle-bot of the group turning into a dancing flower at one point is of course a reference to Groot in the 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
  • The slingshot that Heatwave is shown to use to launch at Galvatron is based on the ones used in the regular Angry Birds games
  • For some reason the eggs with mouths and the ones with mechanical suits are afraid of each other...
  • The Eggspark seems to be Cyberforming Piggie Island (and likely further in the world later) into a replica Cybertron. The Allspark was shown using that same ability in the Titan UK alternate universe comics.
  • Optimus Prime Bird and Megatron Pig momentarily call eachother by their Cybertronian counterpart's names, and even seem to act out of character...maybe they should change back before long huh?
  • Bumblebee Bird STILL has a damaged vocal processor....UGH!

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