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Saturday 6 June 2015

IDW - More Than Meets The Eye #41

Title: The Sensuous Frame
Written by: James Roberts
Art by: Alex Milne
Colours by: Joana LaFuente
Letters by: Tom B. Long and Chris Mowry
Editor: John Barber
On the Vis Vitalis, Firestar, the new second in command of the ship, escorts Countdown to visit the dying Thunderclash and give his last regards. Inside the med-bay Countdown is shocked to see Thunderclash is already undergoing Rigor Morphis, and goes to leave him his various medals as a sign of respect when he hears a knock from Thunderclash's trailer, he looks inside, and screams...

Elsewhere, on the Lost Light, Nautica is trying to read another book that Rung had given her, but is being annoyed by Skids, Getaway and Brainstorm showing off. Brainstorm finishes upgrading Nautica's wrench with a new app, designed to expose if Ravage, the ship's resident Decepticon, was sneaking around them, by it being able to "flummox" the light-based attention deflectors equipped to him. Suddenly a loud noise fills the ship. 
In Swerve's bar, Bluestreak tells Ravage that Swerve's been immersing himself in ALL of Earth's media after Ratchet left when they also hear the noise, and Swerve recognizes it as the milestone being reached gong.
Ten minutes later, the crew have gathered in the meeting room, where Rodimus reveals that the crew have been invited to Thunderclash's pre-wake on the Vis Vitalis, meaning that they've now got progress on their mission due to locating Thunderclash and his apparent Matrix map.
Megatron and Rodimus decide not to attend the pre-wake for their own reasons, but Megatron calls Rodimus out on his bluff about "taking stock" and makes him have a strategy meeting with him during the pre-wake.

Later, the two ships have met up, and the Lost Lighters head over to the Vis Vitalis and take part in a dance party. During the party, Nightbeat gets bored and decides to go snooping around the ship, borrowing Nautica's wrench to help him out. Upon his leaving, Firestar approaches Nautica, and greets her old friend, dragging her onto the dancefloor, against her own wishes.
After the quick dance, the two start talking, and Firestar accidentally insults Nautica when she compliments her on finally going it alone without Windblade and Nautica...

Minimus Ambus meets with Velocity and sees the Matrix Map that Thunderclash has been etching into the walls of the ship, which appears to match the one they lost on Luna-1. First Aid is a bit confused though, he sees that according to Thunderclash's medical records he was cured of his illness six months ago, but he's just suddenly started dying. Velocity comments that he was cured by a female Cybertronian, but she can't remember who it was.
First Aid wants to perform a new analysis on Thunderclash, and looked inside his trunk to find nothing inside....

Later, Rodimus and the Lost Light head off to a nearby Starhub to get some more stationary for Megatron and Rodimus' meeting, but some of the crew stay behind on the Vis Vitalis for the funeral and to catch up with others there. The ship would return later to pick up the "stragglers".
Skids and Getaway complain about being tired suddenly, but Nautica asks Skids for his help with something, and Nightbeat gets Getaway's help in chasing down the clearly scared Ravage, who is running through the corridors panicking about someone seeing him.
In the med-bay the team see that Thunderclash is communicating with them through his vitals monitor, by controlling his functions to spell words telling them they are all blind, and are all dead. They wonder what that means, when they hear something knocking from Thunderclash's trunk...

Nightbeat and Getaway think that Ravage would have headed to the Cold Storage, to avoid the people watching him, in there they find some dead bodies, with no noticeable injuries on them. They locate the recently dead body of Countdown, which was also without any marks, until Nightbeat illuminates it with Nautica's wrench, revealing some strange eggs all over him, that were invisible until the special light hits it, however Nightbeat also sees Getaway has them all over his face too. Before long, Nightbeat and Getaway notice that the room is filled with some strange monsters also covered in the eggs, despite the room being empty just before...
Rodimus - Sports Car
Megatron - Tank
Minimus Ambus - Minesweeper
Nautica - Submarine
Nightbeat - Car
Skids - Van
Getaway - Car
Brainstorm - Jet
First Aid - Ambulance
Swerve - Van
Blustreak - Car
Tailgate - Car
Boss - Car
Aquafend - Race Car
Sky High - Helicopter
Gears - Van
Smokescreen - Car
Sureshot - Car
Rollout - Bulldozer
Hoist - Crane
Siren - Car
Hosehead - Fire Truck
Inferno - Fire Truck
Joyride - Buggy
Blaster - Acoustic Truck
Hound - Jeep
Pointblank - Van
Whirl - Osprey Helicopter
Huffer - Truck
Repugnus - Insect Monster
Doublecross - Two Headed Dragon
Crosscut - Van
Jackpot - Car
Rad - Car
Dipstick - Car
Mirage - Race Car
Hot Spot - Fire Truck
Blades - Helicopter
Groove - Motorcycle
Streetwise - Police Car
Thunderclash - Truck In Rigor Morphis
Countdown Killed by the Invisible Monsters
Photon Killed by the Invisible Monsters
Other Lost Lighters
Ratchet - Ambulance (Mentioned) Left the Ship
Alpha Trion (Mentioned)
Blurr (Mentioned)
Windblade (Mentioned)
Chromia (Mentioned)
Proxima (Mentioned)
Acceleron (Mentioned)
Exocet (Mentioned)
Skimmer (Mentioned)
Skystriker/Skystalker (Mentioned)

Ravage - Cassette

Cyclonus - Jet
Froid (Mentioned)
"Mystery Medic" (Mentioned)

Invisible Monsters
  • We get to see Thunderclash's vehicle mode for the first time here. It is also revealed that his preferred mode was his alternate mode, according to his Rigor Morphis.
  • It's revealed here that Thudnerclash used to hand out medals in the shape of his unique insignia decorations, much like how Rodimus hands out his Rodimus Stars as well...
  • Rodimus hitting the "milestone gong" looks similar to the old "Gongman" openings for Rand Films.
  • The only members of the Vis Vitalis crew we see alive and active in this issue are the new arrivals from Caminus...hmmm...
  • Tailgate is still playing with the hoverboard created for him by Ten.
  • The Protectobots and Mirage are all on board the Lost Light still, meaning this story is set either before Combiner Wars, or is set afterwards, but is unmentioned.
  • All of the characters who have been shown to be victims of the invisible monsters are well respected, the famous racer and motivational speaker Photon, the "Greatest Autobot ever" Thunderclash, and the highly decorated Countdown.
  • I think it's a safe bet to assume that the characters who are complaining about being suddenly tired, like Getaway and Skids have already been infected by the alien's eggs.
  • Ultra Magnus seems to be really comfortable with his true self now, as he's going around without the Magnus armour at all nowadays!

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