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Saturday 10 October 2015

IDW - More Than Meets The Eye #45

Title: Some of my Best Friends are Autobots
Written by: James Roberts
Pencils by: Alex Milne
Inks by: Brian Shearer with Alex Milne
Colours by: Joana LaFuente
Page 1 Photograph: Maziar Shahsafdari
Letters: Tom B. Long
Editor: John Barber
Since we last saw them, the Scavengers have had a slew of adventures, from landing on a planet where they are forced to sing, having Shockwave exiting a data-pad, saving the universe from a being using a Jenga set, and strangest of all, ending up as toys on a strange photo-realistic planet.

Today, the Scavengers have been turned against each other, Fulcrum, Krok and Grimlock have been taken out, and Misfire is under heavy attack from Spinister, however before Spinister can finish off his target, Crankcase swoops in and shoots his own rubber dart at Misfire's head, winning the game.
The group start to moan at Crankcase, since he wasn't even playing the game, when Krok suddenly realizes that no-one's piloting the shuttle, which quickly crashes into a mountain.
Four hours later, Misfire is trying to teach Grimlock how to write his name down, Grimlock manages to write down a scrawled "G", Misfire congratulates him, until he notices that Grimlock has spilt energon on the floor, causing Misfire to briefly get angry, but then asks what happened to him, resulting in Grimlock grabbing Misfire's neck.

Fulcrum and Crankcase are hanging out in the TV room where they are watching the stand-up routine of Skullcruncher, who has become a self-deprecating Decepticon comic, who is very popular on Cybertron right now. During the stand-up he mocks how the Infiltration process makes no sense, and claims that he always knew Megatron would switch sides.
Krok wakes up in the corridor, having been still unconscious from the crash when he heads to the TV room and gets annoyed that Skullcruncher has made a new life for himself, like several of his other old contacts and friends, and he's jealous of their abilities to leave the war, and smashes the TV.
Suddenly Grimlock smashes into the TV room (or I guess room-room now) with Misfire hanging off his neck, trying to calm him down. Crankcase manages to stop him by blasting him with his shoulder cannons, knocking him out. The other Scavengers moan at Misfire about how he's now rehabilitated the Dinobot yet, when Spinister appears in the room, to tell them that the "giant TV" is talking to him again.

On the bridge, Krok and Misfire respond to the communication from Krok's old friend Demus, who has a business proposition for them on his private moon.
The team head over there, and Demus insists that the Scavengers take a temporary suppressant to hinder their alternate modes, as he becomes violently ill if he sees an alternate mode. Demus takes the Scavengers to his office where he offers to buy their prisoner, Grimlock, from them for half a billion Shanix each. Demus receives a message and leaves, allowing the Scavengers to discuss their decision. Most of them are happy to do this, but Misfire has become attached to Grimlock, and doesn't want him hurt, whilst Fulcrum is concerned with why Grimlock, who is brain damaged, would be worth so much money to Demus.
In the scrapyard, Demus is talking to a mysterious party over his communicator about how they had a deal for both of their protections, when he suddenly comes face to face with someone he's been hiding from...
In the office, the Scavengers have voted 3-2 to sell Grimlock, suddenly Demus is thrown through the window, and executed by the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord, Fortress Maximus, who asks the Scavengers "who's next?"
Misfire - Jet
Krok - Monoformer
Crankcase - Van
Spinister - Helicopter
Fulcrum - Bomb
Demus - Monoformer Killed by Fortress Maximus
Skullcruncher - Alligator (On TV)
Overlord - Jet and Tank (Mentioned)
Ratbat - Cassette (Mentioned)
Agonizer (Mentioned)
Biteback (Mentioned)
Deathsaurus - Dragon (Mentioned)
Gatoraider (Mentioned) Dead
Decepticon Justice Division (Mentioned)

Fortress Maximus - Tank
Grimlock - Tyrannosaurus Rex Brain Damaged

Other Cybertronian
Demus' Contact (On Communicator)
Starscream - Fighter Jet (Mentioned)
Militant Monoform Militia (Mentioned)
  • The Scavengers are back! YAY!
  • In place of the usual "previously" page, this issue has a special "previously" section for the Scavenger's adventures since we last saw them.
  • It's possible that the panel where Shockwave is exiting a data pad is set during the end of Dark Cybertron, where Shockwave was distorting reality.
  • Last time we saw the Scavengers, they were playing Jenga on their ship, here it is revealed that they once saved the universe by playing Jenga too (despite having their memories of the event erased)
  • The photograph of the Scavengers as toys uses their G1 toy counterparts, despite most of them having updated toys in recent years.
  • The Weak Anthropic Principle is revealed to be based on the G1 Ark's cartoon model, but in more Decepticon colours. It even crashes into a mountain and wakes up "later" like the original ship.
  • Misfire has learned since they took him in, that Grimlock didn't escape or get released from Garrus-9 during Overlord's invasion, he simply went missing mysteriously...
  • The "G" Grimlock writes on the wall is more than likely a clue of his to what happened to him, possible the first letter of a location or individual that affected him (Maybe Garrus-1?)
  • I'm doing this review a week or so late due to illness, but turns out this was a good thing, as in the week after his issue came out, a new Skullcruncher toy was announced by Hasbro...coincidence? MAYBE!?
  • Krok was supposedly named after his dead pet. His Action Master accessory partner in the G1 toy line was Gatoraider, who was a crocodile.
  • Krok is revealed to be a member of the MMM, a reference to his original Action Master state in the toys.
  • Hey look it's Fort Max! ....did you know he's getting a new toy in Titans Return too? HUH!?
  • The thing in Krok's hand mentioned in their first appearances is revealed to be a clicker, that he has an obsessive habit of clicking when agitated

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