Title: Speak, Memory: Part 1
Written by: James Roberts
Art by: Hayato Sakamoto
Coordination by: Phases
Colours by: Joana LaFuente
Letters by: Tom B. Long & Chris Mowry
Editor: John Barber

Skids is having another session with Rung, to try and uncover his repressed memories, whilst building one of his models. Skids recounts how he was captured by the Decepticons after the Simanzi Massacre and placed into a cell with an inhibiter device attached, however he starts to lose the details halfway through, so they call it quits
Skids prepares the leave when Ruing receives a visit from Froid, whom had be believed dead for some time now. The two reunite and Skids excuses himself, commenting on the new arrival's Primal Beads around his neck.
At the Medibay, Cyclonus sits next to an unconscious Tailgate, and Velocity marvels at how he wasn't killed by the multiple gun shot wounds he sustained. Megatron arrives and offers his apologies for striking out at Tailgate earlier, and insists that he'd never have actually killed the little Autobot (despite beginning to crush his neck). Rodimus explains that they discovered from Tailgate's mind (via Mnemosurgery) that Getaway and Atomizer set him up, and they've been arrested by Magnus in response. They also explain that Tailgate's energy wave actually managed to wake up Thunderclash as well, now all they need is for Tailgate to wake up too.
Back at Rung's office, Froid recounts how after he helped capture Sunder, a Mnemosurgeon who turned into a serial killer, he joined the prison transport ship that was taking him to Garrus-6, when Sunder escaped and took him hostage, they were believed to be killed when the shuttle they were in was destroyed. Unknown to the rest of the crew however, Sunder and Froid ended up on Scarvix, where Froid became a famous psychiatrist there, whilst helping Sunder get past the death of his accomplice and brother during the shuttle destruction. however, Sunder and Froid ended up on Scarvix, where Froid became a famous psychiatrist there, whilst helping Sunder get past the death of his accomplice and brother during the shuttle destruction.
After the story, Froid reveals the reason he tracked down Rung..he want's to look at his patient notes, which Rung vehemently refuses, due to both patient confidentiality, and of Froid's past of plagiarizing his work. However Froid threatens to reveal Rung's dark secret if he refuses...
Skids sits at the Oil Reservoir and continues to try and recall his memories again, where he recalls helping his new cell-mate Quark remove his inhibitor device, allowing him to transform between modes again. Skids explains that he learned how to do it whilst watching them construct one earlier due to his outlier skills. Quark suggests to keep his abilities a secret in case of being singled out by the Decepticons, when suddenly the commandant of the prison arrives at the door, and Skids recognizes the voice...before his memory starts to fail again.
Rung refuses the request of Froid's and he seems to take it well, but asks Rung to see him off the ship. Once they reach the shuttle bay, Rung is surprised to see some guards, until Froid shows him inside his ship...where Sunder is sitting in a cell, and has been writing words worshiping Mortilus on the walls. Rung claims this is wrong, and Froid is too close to Sunder to be objectional, but Froid throws that in his face by bringing up that Ruing got too close to a patient on a previous assignment, and was disbarred, however the ship was destroyed, so as the sole survivor Rung was able to pretrend it never happened.
Froid reveals that Sunder is able to feed on troubled memories and experiencing by using a rare Mnemosurgery technique where he can read minds just using his eyesight, so he had his eye's scooped out, and planned to use Rung's patients to feed him.
Suddenly, Froid is sent flying as Skids appears and shoots him away with his grappling hook. Rung tells Skids to leave, but Skids is confused as Rung himself called for him to come assist him, but that was before he knew about Sunder's skill. Froid takes this moment to reveal that his Primal Beads are actually Sunder's eyes, and gives them back. Sunder greets the two Autobots, and scans Rung's mind, shattering his spectacles in the process, then turns to Skids, unlocking his repressed memory...
Skids' cell opens up to the prison's commandant...the Decepticon now named Tarn!
Rodimus - Sports Car
Megatron - Tank
Skids - Van
Velocity - Race Car
Tailgate - Car Unconscious
Riptide - Boat (Voice Only)
Quark - Electron Microscope (Flashback)
Ultra Magnus - Vehicle Transport (Flashback)
Getaway - Car (Flashback) Arrested
Atomizer - Car (Flashback) Arrested
Heavy Tread (Flashback) Detonated as a Landmine
Grindcore Prisoners (Flashback)
Optimus Prime/Orion Pax (Mentioned)
Thunderclash - Truck (Mentioned) He woke up!
Chromedome - Car (Mentioned)
Wheeljack - Race Car (Mentioned)
Tarn - Tank (Flashback)
Flywheels - Tank/Jet (Flashback)
Stalker - Personnel Carrier (Flashback)
Skyquake - Jet (Flashback)
Wingthing (Flashback)
Glit (Flashback)
Dreadwind - Stealth Bomber (Flashback)
Ruckus - Baja Buggy (Flashback)
Octus - Dalek (Flashback)
Take-Off (Flashback)
Charger (Flashback)
Grindcore Staff (Flashback)
Cyclonus - Jet
Froid - Jet
Sceptre (Mentioned) Killed in Ship Explosion
The Senate (Mentioned)
Primus (Mentioned)
Mortilus (Mentioned)
The Guiding Hand (Mentioned)
- It's hinted in this issue that Skids losing his "faith" is somehow related to what happened at Grindcore
- Given Glit's medical background in their profile, it's likely the "cross on their back is the Decepticon's version of the medical symbol.
- It's revealed that Rung only collects models of ships that he's served on. This also reveals that Rung was SUPPOSED to be on the Ark-1, but was recalled last minute
- Froid is shown in full in this issue, showing that his design is VERY much based on Prime Sondwave, just with a Seeker-looking chest.
- The effects of Tailgate's spark-wave is revealed to have woken up Thunderclash from his coma, it's also probable that he also revived Cyclonus as well, since he miraculously survived being blasted by the security crew.
- Sunder is normally an Autobot cassette-bird...guess he's a very different character now!
- Rung appears to have a habit of polishing his spectacles when he's nervous, the last time he was shown doing it was after his therapy session with Megatron.
- Since we know Quark died in Grindcore due to that being Brainstorm's motives behind making his time cases, it can be assumed that Tarn will kill him to torment Skids at some point.
- Skids appears to recognize Tarn's voice at Grindcore. Since there'd be no reason he'd know a Decepticon by code-name, just by voice alone, it can be assumed that he know's the voice of the guy under the mask, who is most likely Roller.
- Tarn appears to know about Skids' outlier abilities, which was known to Roller as well, further adding to the theory.
- From their names, I can probably assume that Kindle and Fervor are the previously mentioned Pyrobots
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