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Sunday 6 March 2016

IDW - GI Joe vs Transformers #11

Title: Escape from Primus
Written by: Tom Scioli and John Barber
Art, Colours and Lettering by: Tom Scioli
Production by: Chris Mowry
Edits by: Carlos Guzman
Publisher: Ted Adams

Megatron uses the Matrix to command Primus to transform the planet Cybertron into his robot mode, Rodimus and his team manage to escape from the bowels of the planet (why did they even go there again!?!?) and the Keeper is killed by the rubble and devoured by the creator god. Along the way, Mirage is trapped under rubble, and Duke tries to help him out.
Rodimus and the others get to Metroplex, where Rodimus sends out Springer to rescue Springer and Duke. He manages to do so, but Duke loses his grip and falls, one of the Joes, Duke's half brother Falcon jumps from Springer, with a bungee rope, and rescues Duke from death.

Using the power of family or whatever we are shown a flashback of Duke giving a speech to some new Joe recruits, getting ready for the upcoming mission to Cybertron. Whilst there, he notices his brother in the crowd and begins hazing him by forcing him to cut his long hair short, despite there being no regulations for it.
During one of the training sessions, Falcon almost beats his brother's record, but he stops to help out one of the slower troops, which annoys Duke, and he punishes him by putting him on guard duty.
Later, whilst on guard duty, Falcon starts to make out with fellow recruit, Quarrel, but they are attacked by Duke, disguised as a Cobra Trooper, and Duke berates him more for his screwing up

Duke drags Falcon to a boxing ring (seriously, he drags him by the ear like Misty used to do to Brock in Pokémon when he was being too horny around the ladies). The two brothers start to fight, and Falcon starts to get some good punches in, but Duke manages to easily defeat his brother. He tells him to just give up, and reveals that he never earned his military medals as he was always protected from danger by Duke in secret, however Falcon refuses to give up.

Later, Falcon and his team prepare to depart for Cybertron, and Duke sees his brother off, asking him to prove him wrong about all the bad things he's said over the years.

Back in the present, the Autobots and Joes escape from the innards of Cybertron just as the planet fully transforms to robot mode. The remaining dust and debris from Earth's destruction starts to dissipate, and Primus starts heading towards his next meal...the Sun!
Rodimus - Sports Car
Brawn - SUV
Mirage - Race Car
Springer - Helicopter
Goldbug - Sports Car
Metroplex - Slug Thing
Grimlock - Tyrannosaurus Rex Dead, Head attached to Megatron
Wreckers (Mentioned)

Megatron - Gun
Trypticon - Battle Platform
Scorponok - Scorpion
Insecticon Swarm
Soundwave (Flashback - Replica)
Starscream (Flashback - Replica)
Ravage (Flashback - Replica)
Laserbeak (Flashback - Replica)

Primus - Planet Cybertron
Keeper Crushed in Primus' conversion, and devoured

GI Joe
Cover Girl
General Flagg (Flashback)
Cutter (Flashback)
Outback (Flashback)
Muskrat (Flashback)
Big Lob (Flashback)
Quarrel (Flashback)
Budo (Flashback)
Other Joes

Other Human
Duke and Falcon's Mother (Flashback)
Duke's Dad (Mentioned)
Mr Falcone (Mentioned)
Falcon's Past Enemies (Flashback) Killed by Duke

  • Oh...another backstory issue....yay....
  • "Jotobots"....why?
  • In a bit of confusing scale, Metroplex is shown covering up the hole that Primus' head is coming out of, but the head should be MUCH bigger than Metroplex.
  • Why do so many of the Joes have creepy, heavily shadowed, dead faces in this issue? Oh I hope this is purgatory or something!
  • Duke apparently wears his bandolier with grenades on it during non-battle situations...
  • Some scenes in this issue are made to emulate the GI Joe animated movie, with Falcon being a recruit the same time as Big Lob, going through dangerous looking training (just with no Sgt, Slaughter here) and even getting caught trying to make out with a female cadet whilst failing at his guard duties.
  • Primus' robot mode is based on his unused Dreamwave design, but with the energon tentacle thingies added.
  • Why is Primus going straight after the sun? Aren't there more planets between Earth and there?
  • Please let Primus eat the sun and end this mess....
  • It really doesn't help that the previously "worse" GI Joe/Transformers crossover from Dreamwave got a TPB release this just makes this thing look even worse!

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