Title: Origin Myths
Written by: John Barber
Art by: Livio Ramondelli & Kei Zama
Colours by: Livio Raondelli & Josh Burcham
Letters by: Tom B Long
Editor: Carlos Guzman
Publisher: Ted Adams

Following his death, Sideswipe's body is brought to Cybertron by Sunstreaker and Arcee, who are greeted by Optimus, but wish to be left alone with their lost friend. Optimus and Pyra are ready to return to Earth, having had their discussion at Crystal City's site, but are stopped when Aileron runs through the space bridge informing them that the President of the US is in the final talks to name the Earth's representative on the Council of Worlds, and will contact him with the decision very soon. Whilst waiting, Optimus suggests that he and Pyra go meet with Alpha Trion, since Cybertron is soon entering a new era, they may as well learn about the past of the planet too...
Alpha Trion has been holing himself in his chamber with as many books and stories as he can, so he can learn all he can before his death, since having his head chopped off before has made him begin thinking about this...
Optimus sends Blackrock's apologies for his part in the attack on him, and even brings up that he has started wearing the Autobrand too, Trion finds this interesting, since the "First Face" didn't always represent the Autobots, and once Starscream joins them, he begins his story...
A long time ago, the Twin Gladiators, Arcee and Galvatron are forced to fight to the death by their leader, Septimus Prime, but are interrupted by Megatronus, who tears through Septimus' loyalists and offers the Twins to join him in his crusade across Cybertron, in exchange for executing their former leader...something they willingly do. They join Megatronus' Darklander Army and head towards the "Crystal City".
At the Crystal City, which is just a mismatched shanty town at the moment, Vector Prime calls for a meeting with his allies, Alpha Trion, Alchemist Prime, Solus Prime and Nexus Prime, and informs them that Onyx Prime is on the way, but is not alone. The others aren't interested but soon are when Vector explains the meaning for the meeting, Septimus' forces have been destroyed or conscripted by the Darklanders, and they are now heading this way.
Onyx appears along with his new ally, Liege Maximo and they offer to work with the other Primes to fight off the Darklanders, but uniting the beasts of Onyx and the population of the Crystal City. Trion confronts Onyx and explains that though the people of the City aren't soldiers he could use his stories to convince them to die for their cause, and so they agree to work together to fight off their mutual enemies...
Soon the battle comes, and the Primes are watching from afar, as their troops are fighting and dying in their name, however this soon stops when the battlefield starts to rumble and three of the legendary Titans arise from the group. Onyx Prime slashes through the distracted enemies intending to take down the leader of the Darklanders, but stops when he learns that it is his friend, Megatronus, and so they declare a truce, uniting their armies even further
Later, the united people celebrate their new alliance, and Onyx begins taking Alpha Trion's lesson to spark and begins telling stories to others, including the Dark Cybertron prophecy to Alchemist. He approaches Trion and reveals a design to him for the symbol of their united planet, the future symbol of the Autobots, which he claims is a representation of Primus' own face. Trion begins to worry that this will cause problems in the future with people not really understanding that all stories may be true, but that they shouldn't also believe the lies.
Arcee, having overheard all of this gives his take on the matter to Trion, he points out that Nexus' brother and his alliance will join this group and form Thirteen Primes, and that this will create a divide between the people and their leaders. Trion, disturbed by this reality decides to speak with one of the Titans, and learn what he can about the planet before it changes forever...
Alpha Trion finishes his story, with Starscream questioning everything, about what the point of telling them about it was, about how he doesn't believe that Arcee is Galvatron's twin, and how Megatronus was the name of a Prime to other smaller things. Optimus begins to explain that the point is that Cybertron is being united once again now, and they have to learn from the mistakes of the past to not end up the way the Primes did.
Soon, the President contacts Optimus and introduces them to the new representative for Earth. The camera focuses on Buster the Dog (which gives Pyra and Starscream a scare and a fit of anger for a moment) until Marissa Faireborn appears and announces herself as the rep.
Starscream announces for the Grand Plaze to be prepared for the Human arrivals, whilst Pyra worries about how Earth and Cybertron are now BOTH entering an uncertain future, which Optimus simply remarks that everything is uncertain in life.
Elsewhere...Arcee and Sunstreaker lay Sideswipe's coffin down and place a flower at it's end, and further mourn over their loss....

Optimus Prime - Truck Cab
Pyra Magna - Fire Truck
Arcee - Sports Car, Formerly Treaded Cannon
Aileron - Space Shuttle
Sunstreaker - Sports Car
Sideswipe - Sports Car (In Coffin) Dead
Garrison Blackrock/Sovereign - Head (Mentioned)
United Cybertron
Starscream - Fighter Jet
The Primes
Alpha Trion - Space Shuttle
Vector Prime (Flashback Only)
Solus Prime (Flashback Only)
Alchemist Prime (Flashback Only)
Nexus Prime (Flashback Only)
Onyx Prime (Flashback Only)
Liege Maximo (Flashback Only)
Megatronus (Flashback Only)
Septimus Prime (Flashback Only) Killed by Arcee and Galvatron
"Nexus Prime's Brother" (Mentioned)
The Other Primes (Mentioned)
Other Cybertronian
Bob, the Insecticon
Galvatron - Treaded Cannon (Flashback Only)
Metroplex (Flashback Only)
Chela (Flashback Only)
Metrotitan (Flashback Only)
Septimus Prime's Entourage (Flashback Only) Killed by Megatronus
Darklander Army (Flashback Only)
Beast Army (Flashback Only)
Crystal City Denizens (Flashback Only)
Imperator Maximo (Mentioned) Killed by Liege Maximo
Praetus Maximo (Mentioned) Killed by Liege Maximo
Arrius/Solomus (Mentioned)
Primus (Mentioned)
The Guiding Hand (Mentioned)
Council of Worlds (Mentioned)
Madame President
Marissa Faireborn
Buster, the Dog
- This story is set mostly in a story being told by Alpha Trion, finally giving us some first hand stories of the Thirteen Primes
- This story directly leads into the start of First Strike #1, though it was likely still a few days or so after this issue when the ceremony etc actually begins.
- Hey look! Alpha Trion got better from his beheading in Titans Return! Though he is looking more dishevelled now...
- So we finally get to see Arcee in her original male form, and he is a repaint of Galvatron, not shockingly since they are twins. You can tell them apart easily since Arcee uses swords compared to Galvatron's axe. Though we don't get to see either of them transform here, we can probably assume that they are similar enough to Galvatron's initial IDW body, which was a treaded cannon of sorts.
- Septimus is shown to be another member of the "original Primes" but is hinted as not really being one of them.
- Megatronus using an energy weapon from his hands seems appropriate, since he won't receive his fusion cannon until Solus Prime builds it for him much later. Nice continuity guys!
- The Primes don't seem to know who Liege Maximo is when he walks in, so presumably they weren't all created at once like in most other continuities. Also he names two predecessors of his as leader in his region too.
- Amongst the beast army we can see who appear to be Beast Wars Megatron and Optimus Primal. Whilst the former could just be a random cameo, the latter is likely on purpose due to his upcoming Power of the Primes toy
- It's mentioned here that Primus delivered a prominent speech on the land that would one day become the Crystal City. Likely explaining why it keeps having stuff happen to it in the later years, and why it is seen as so important.
- The original three Titans to emerge from Cybertron are revealed to be Metroplex, Chela and Metrotitan, the latter is mentioned as being the mate of Chela.
- Just gunna play detective here, considering Megatronus and Onyx not realizing they were on opposing sides before they see each other in the battle and them being friendly, and the future additions of the other Primes to this group, we can probably assume that Liege Maximo manipulated things to force this alliance between the Primes for his own gain, most likely to gain access to their lands and technology etc. I'm gunna guess that onyx was just an unwitting pawn on Maximo's scheme here.
- We see here that Galvatron's previous claims that the "Dark Cybertron" prophecy was indeed spread by Alchemist Prime whilst drunk on rancid Energon, but we also learn here that Onyx Prime told him this prophecy too.
- It's revealed that the Autobot insignia is designed after Primus' face, as described to Onyx Prime by Metrotitan, whom is also claimed to have served him before the Titans went to slumber.
- Alpha Trion heading off to speak to one of the Titans and learning about the planet before it changes is leading to his adventures travelling the planet with Metroplex, as mentioned in Spotlight: Orion Pax
- The Earth Council of Worlds Representative is named as Marissa Faireborn...this would have been a nice surprise had First Strike not have begun a month ago and we knew about this already
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