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Saturday 28 July 2018

IDW - Bumblebee #2

Title: The Living Headlights
Written by: John Barber
Art by: Andrew Griffith
Colours by: Priscilla Tramontano
Letters by: Tom B. Long
Editor: David Mariotte
Publisher: Greg Goldstein
Having been given the intel from the EGGHEADS that one of the group is potentially a Decepticon allied spy, David returns to Bumblebee, unaware that Diana had hacked into his call and heard everything. David loads his gun, and the other two believe he is going to kill them, but then Diabla and Runabout appear from the river to attack them.
Bee makes a run for it with Diana, with David grabbing onto the rear of his vehicle mode, and the Decepticons chase after them. David tries to explain that he was going to attack the Decepticons, not them, but they aren't so sure.
The Decepticons catch up with the spies on Tower Bridge where Diabla fights Bee, and the humans are left with Runabout, who they fend off with David's "special round" bullet firing gun. The humans manage to escape using a hot-wired scooter and head towards a hidden safe house Diana knows about. Bee is attack by both Decepticons alone, but he also manages to escape by diving into the Thames.

The group meet up in the safe house, where they determine that due to another agent being sent to America to try and root out spies from Russia, which is how Bee came to the UK, perhaps that was the reason for him coming here too.
They decide that, due to the Decepticon interference during the mission in Berlin, and that Gotell was known to be linked to the Soviets too, they should stake out a known agent named Vladimir Vladek.

The agents disguise as a photographer and a model, with Bee as their car, and stake out Vladek's base of operations, where David notices Diabla around the area, so has Bee go "out of control" and knock into her. Using the distraction, the humans storm the base, which has a clothing store as a front.
The two agents break into the back room and fight the Russians, or rather David fights the goons, but Diana talks to Vladek, and explains that the Decepticons, or someone allied to them killed Gotell and will probably go after him next. In exchange they want information on their alliance, which Vladek seems happy to provide, as revenge on his former allies...

Bee and Diabla fight in the streets, but Bee asks to just talk again, which she agrees to. The duo go onto the roof and Bee asks why she's working for a human, but she claims that they are just using the humans to their own ends

Vladek is taken to his car and begins to leave, when the car starts to transform and reveals itself to be the Decepticon, Dead End, who crushed Vladek and his driver inside.
Diabla jumps away, claiming to have just agreed to talk to Bee so he would be distracted, leaving him shocked...unaware of a group of missiles heading right for him...
Bumblebee - Aston Martin

Diabla - Lamborghini Islero
Runabout - Rolls Royce Limo
Dead End - Porsche 365

Agent David Reeve
Agent Diana Lux
Vladimir Vladek Killed by Dead End
Vladek's Driver Killed by Dead End
Vladek's Goon
EGGHEAD operative (Voice Only)
Konrad Gotell (Mentioned) Dead
Agent Ian Byrde (Mentioned)
Director Pelham (Mentioned) Dead
Sector Seven (Mentioned)
  • did Agent Reeve see the Decepticons, and yet Bumblebee and Lux (who were facing where they were coming from) didn't?
  • Bee claims that he "never trusted humans"...I guess he got over that over time huh?
  • Apparently Bumblebee was brought into PROGRAMME as part of an exchange with Sector Seven to root out why doesn't S7 know who Bee is later?
  • Also, the mentioned soviet spy in Sector Seven storyline is shown in the S7 comics
  • Dead End appears for the first time in IDW's continuity here, and he is based seemingly on his scout class toy, rather than his deluxe one. When he appeared in Titan's series, it was the reverse.
  • So...were there humans inside that car that Diabla threw onto the roof? It had it's headlights on, and was in front of her on the road....did she kill them?

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