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Wednesday 11 September 2019

IDW - Transformers vs Ghostbusters #4

Title: Ghosts of Cybertron, Part Four
Written by: Erik Burnham
Art by: Dan Schoening
Colours by: Luis Antonio Delgado
Letters by: Tom B. Long
Assistant Editor: Megan Brown
Editors: David Mariotte & Tom Waltz
Following the discovery that Starscream has escaped, or released from his ghost trap, the team as well as their Autobot allies relocate to their warehouse facility in Red Hook, where they store their extra vehicles and equipment (mostly so the Autobots can have more room to walk around). 
Whilst there, Optimus fixes his graffiti, by taking on a Ghostbuster-themed colour-scheme, and admits that he still doesn't believe in ghosts fully, but does trust his Autobots in their judgements. Ray and Winston upgrade some proton packs to be "Autobot-sized" so their new allies can help them to deal with Starscream and any other similar problems, and before-long, Egon has detected Starscream's PKE signature again, so the crew head out.

The team soon arrive at Long Island, where they quickly find Starscream at a power plant, who is happy to see Optimus there, with the latter being shocked that ghosts are actually real!
The Ghostbusters fire on Starscream, intending to trap him again, but the Decepticon calls for help, and Kremzeek arrives, stopping the proton streams. Starscream tells his master that he has brought Optimus to him, but Kremzeek retorts that he didn't want Optimus, but the Allspark, and proceeds to absorb Starscream inside of himself.
Kremzeek starts to monologue, explaining that he turned the Decepticons on Cybertron into ghosts to have them aid him in finding the Allspark, the Cybertronian artefact that gives life, which he wants for himself, but all the Decepticons, bar Starscream, refused to help, so he absorbed them too.
Using the monologue against him, the Ghostbusters and Autobots fire proton streams at Krezeek, but he uses a lot of energy to break free from them, he attacks Optimus, but is too weak to simply disintegrate him, like he did to the Decepticons, so he attempts to kill him manually, so he can absorb him, and learn the location of the Allspark, once and for all.
The Ghostbusters and Kremzeek try to find out a way to help Optimus, when Ectotron reveals that they left some traps, including the one holding the electrical being they captured earlier, and some mood slime. The crew release the energy being, who is immediately attracted to Kremzeek, due to him being made of electrical energy too. As soon as the two touch, they both de-stabilize and explode...

However, with kremzeek gone, the Decepticon ghosts he stored inside his body are released, Optimus offers to still use the Allspark to grant the Decepticons new bodies, so they don't have to continue in this unnatural state, but Megatron refuses and intends to continue the war forever. Optimus disconnects the Proton pack from his Ion Blaster, and attaches it directly to his arm, unleashing a proton energy-fuelled energy axe, stating that he is tired of their long-since-over war, and declares that he is not afraid of ghosts....
Optimus Prime - Truck
Ectronymous Diamatron/Ectotron - Ecto-1

Megatron (Ghost)
Starscream - Tetrajet (Ghost)
Soundwave - Lamp Post (Ghost)
Shockwave - Ray Gun (Ghost)

Peter Venkman
Ray Stantz
Winston Zeddemore
Egon Spengler
Janine Melnitz (Mentioned)

Kremzeek, the Scavenger Destroyed with Killerwatt
Killerwatt Destroyed with Kremzeek
"Kremzeek's Children" Presumably Destroyed with Kremzeek
Gozer, the Traveller (Mentioned)
  • Optimus Prime takes on his crossover toy colours this issue, we even see his ectoplasm splattered trailer briefly too...guess that was a part of the paint-job too...or Optimus went on a bit of a ghost kill-spree on the way to Long Island...
  • He mentions that he changes his colours by using "Nanochromatic Camouflage", which he claims could have just removed the graffiti he was marked with last issue. This is most likely the "official" name for Electronic Paint, first seen in Transformers: Animated, as it appears to have the same properties
  • So...turns out, despite wearing Mara-Al-Utha's outfit, and the Quintesson themed markings in issue one, "Kremzeek" is actually...Kremzeek, an alien that acts as a scavenger following Gozer when he attacks worlds, and he creates little Kremzeeks as his "children" or minions....okay then!
  • It's not mentioned, but it seems like one of Kremzeek's "Children" were the ones who broke Starscream out of his ghost trap.
  • Also, we knew that Starscream was hiding something about the incident on Cybertron, but it turns out that he alone was working with Kremzeek in his mission, and the other Decepticons turned on him, and were absorbed into his being...I wasn't expecting that to be honest!
  • Optimus references that the Decepticons used to monologue all the time. This is due to the series being based on the 80's Transformers cartoon, where it was commonplace for the Decepticons to monologue a lot. The Ghostbusters might not have this same experience, since this team is the one directly based on the Live Action characters, and not the Real Ghostbusters cartoon characters.
  • We see some Mood Slime in a container this issue, which the team plan to keep in reserve. This was the pink goop from Ghostbusters II, the same move that Vigo came from, and we saw the painting of him last issue....HMMMMM?
  • It's revealed that Killerwatt, the ghost captured last issue was actually NOT connected to Kremzeek...and was just a coincidentally energy-based, electrical ghost roaming around at about the same time as this adventure? Huh...

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