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Sunday 23 February 2020

FBF - To The Death #9

Title: The Leash
Story by: Simon Furman
Art by: Geoff Senior
Letterer: Martin Baines
Design by: Amazing15
Printed in the UK by: Mixam
The Pacifier team begin their battle with Killatoa, and Huey is quickly killed by the monster. Having seen two of his friends die, Rekt loses his mind and goes on a full assault on him.
Dryagin's team send a probe to inspect the Dolmen under Trumvirate control, and they notice a device on their backs, which must be what is controlling them.
The team manage to shoot a device at the Dolmen's backs which free them, allowing them to communicate with the rest of their species back on Asphodel, who in turn summon something from a volcano, seemingly made of lava.
Rekt's team manage to pin Killatoa to a wall with some spikes, but as they start to gloat, the monster reveals his secret, he fires a work-like creature from his mouth and injects it within Rekt, slowly, and painfully taking over his body.
Seeing this, Leone activates the bombs on Rekt's bandolier, detonating their friend and seemingly killing Killatoa too.
Down below, King starts to disarm the Extinction Weapon, whilst Dryagin makes his way through the building, including taking down the private militia there, so he can take down the Triumvirate himself, all whilst they get word that the "Chosen Few" have started making their way to a Starliner coming from Venus, implying that time is almost up. Snow triggers their broadcast, and starts streaming what the Triumvirate are doing to the world.
Dryagin makes his way to the Triumvirate's office, and immediately shoots all three right between the eyes, however due to them being in new artificial bodies, this does little to harm them. Veni proceeds to start pressing down on his chest, telling him his contract has been terminated....
Aleksy Dryagin
Dolan Rekt Infested by Killatoa, Mercy-Killed by Leone
Bette Larssen
Jonas Huey Killed by Killatoa
Diamond Bill
Dodsworth (Footage Only)
Bosco (Footage Only)
Besbitt (Footage Only)

Megan Umber (Mentioned) Dead

White Noise
Deacon Snow
Juddh King
Berenger Possibly Killed by a Dolmen
Reis Killed by a Dolmen
Forward/Tactical Bunker Staff
"The Director" (Mentioned)

Killatoa Possibly Killed with Rekt
The Elite Private Militia Killed by Dryagin

Other Human
Lena Dryagin
Leo Dryagin
"The Chosen Few" Evacuating Earth
Gilgamesh Township Bar Patrons

Lupex, the Space Doggo
Captured Dolmen Trio Freed from Triumvirate Control
The Free Dolmen
  • This issue clarifies that only three of the Dolmen from Asphodel were brought to Earth to guard the Extinction Weapon, with the rest still residing on the planet Asphodel itself.
  • The question from last issue is resolved here, with Berenger getting name-dropped as the surviving team member this issue. However it's not clear if he died this issue, as he appears to be in the location that a blast hits, but I can't be 100% sure.
  • Killatoa is revealed to be a parasite who implants himself into a victim to use their body as a replacement for his own damaged one, possibly explaining his colour change last issue.
  • Remember a few issues ago when I suggested that Lena could be related to Snow due to his interest in her? Well turns out I was right! She is his daughter!

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