Written by: Cavan Scott
Art by: Juan Samu
Colours by: David Garcia Cruz
Letters by: Neil Uyetake
Editors: David Mariotte & Chase Marotz

Rumble and Ravage have been deployed to Hill Valley where they are enjoying watching a kid in a Delorean being shot at and chased by some Libyan terrorists, however they're shocked when he suddenly vanishes and returns later. Analysing the area, Soundwave and Megatron determine that the vehicle is a time machine, and the too Cassettes are tasked with capturing it for them.
The duo follow Marty McFly and Doc Brown to Marty's neighborhood where they attempt to steal the time machine, but the Autobot Bumblebee finds and attacks them. When their fight starts to draw attention from the humans, Bumblebee band Ravage transform to hide, and Bee reverses over Ravage, crushing him in cassette mode.
Shortly afterwards, Doc Brown uses the Time machine again, shocking Bee to its abilities, but he neglects to report it to Optimus, who tells him to return to base.
Marty soon goes to bed, exhausted from his journey to the past, however he is soon awoken by his father, now wearing identical jumpsuits to the rest of the family, and are all led outside, where Marty finds the whole town has been enslaved by giant robots, the Decepticons.
Marty realises that something must have happened to the time stream and he needs to get away from the robots to try and find Doc Brown to try and resolve it. He escapes the human work camp, chased by Starscream, but the Decepticon is knocked out by the Delorean appearing through a time portal.
Initially Marty thinks it's the Doc inside the car, but it begins to transform, revealing another robot, Gigawatt, he knows who Marty is, and needs his help to fix the time stream!
Optimus Prime - Truck
Bumblebee - VW Beetle
Hound - Military Jeep
Gigawatt - Delorean Time Machine
Megatron - Gun or Tank
Soundwave - Cassette Player
Ravage - Cassette Crushed by Bumblebee
Rumble - Cassette
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Thundercracker - Fighter Jet
Blitzwing - Jet/Tank
Long Haul - Dump Truck
Scrapper - Front End Loader
Marty McFly
Doc Emmett Brown
George McFly
Linda McFly
Dave McFly
Lorraine Baines-McFly
Coordinator Biff Tannen
Libyan Terrorists
Other Human Slaves
Needles (Mentioned) Presumably Dead
Einstein, the Dog
- This comic series is part of the now constant "Transformers Vs X" series, which in this case is also being used to advertise the new Gigawatt figure from the special collaboration line.
- The opening page features a note from Doc Brown that essentially tells the audience to enjoy the comic, and don't worry about continuity, much like we were told at the start of the MLP crossover series.
- This story is set at around the end of the first Back to the Future movie, where Marty travels through time and saves Doc Brown from his murder
- The Transformers side of this continuity seems to be based on the designs from the G1 cartoon again, but Rumble us coloured his more traditional red and black colours, rather than using Frenzy's colours like in the cartoon.
- It's unclear why Marty was immune to the timeline changing after he returned him, maybe he was protected by the trans-temporal particles around him?
- Starscream's bullying of Biff Tannen in this story mirrors Biff's own bullying of the McFly boys in the main timeline.
- It's not revealed what happened in the past to cause the new Decepticon ruling timeline, but I'll guess that when Doc Brown went through time Rumble snuck aboard, managed to get to the past where he woke up the Decepticons early.
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