Strength in Numbers
Writer: Ian Flynn
Artist: Sara Pitre-Durocher
Colours: Joana LaFuente
Letterer: Jake M. Wood
Writer: James Asmus
Artist: Tony Fleecs
Colours: Lauren Perry
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Megan Brown
Consulting Editor: David Mariotte
Group Editor: Bobby Curnow

First Story Plot
The Insecticons attack the Apple Family Farm. Applejack tries to chase them off, but is unable to, until Discord arrives, and transports members of the Apple Family from all over Equestria to help her, and they manage to chase off the attackers with some ease.
Second Story Plot
The Decepticons have gone into hiding, which worries Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire. That is until the walls of her palace are blown in, and the Decepticon/Changeling army demand her surrender of all the Empire's magical items to be turned into supercharged Energon.
Unfortunately for Megatron, the Autobots and their Equestrian allies are there too, and all join together to take down the villains.
After a long battle, Megatron learns that Twilight's allies spread across the entire planet, making their victory almost guaranteed. Chrysalis states that she doesn't care, and without her magic, the portal home won't open, as the Cybertronians will just battle it out on Equestria, destroying it, leaving the world for her to rule afterwards
At the moment, the Spacebridge opens in the sky, having been repaired by Spike and Grimlock, and the Decepticons are forced through it, back home, and the Changelings escape.
Afterwards the Autobots and their allies have a tea and Energon party to celebrate, before the Autobots return home, and Optimus detonates the Spacebridge, to keep Equestria safe from their war.
However, elsewhere on Cybertron, Shockwave reveals to Megatron that he has the coordinates to Equestria still, and wonders if they can force the magic of that world to theirs?
Optimus Prime - Truck
Windblade - VTOL Fighter Jet
Prowl - Police Car
Ironhide - Van
Arcee - Sports Car
Bumblebee - Hatchback
Grimlock - Tyrannosaurus Rex
Megatron - Tank
Shockwave - Ray Gun
Soundwave - Cassette Player
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Crasher - Race Car
Skrapnel - Stag Beetle
Kickback - Grasshopper
Bombshell - Boll Weevil
Venom - Cicada
Chop Shop - Stag Beetle
Ransack - Locust
Barrage - Rhino Beetle
Princess Twilight sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Spike, the Dragon
Queen Chrysalis
Princess Cadance
Starlight Glimmer
Tempest Shadow
Shining Armour
Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle
Big McIntosh
Sugar Belle
Granny Smith
Maude Pie
Apple Cinnamon
Aunt Orange
Uncle Orange
Caramel Apple
Red Gala
Apple Fritter
Babs Seed
Apple Brown Betty
Red Delicious
Apple Strudel
Apple Bumpkin
Auntie Applesauce
Golden Delicious
Pina Colada
Other Apple Family Members
Evil Changelings
Fluttershy's Animal Friends
- This is the finale issue of this crossover, and as is now customary for the crossovers of late, it ends on a potential cliffhanger for a sequel.
- Some of the Apple family members summoned for the battle against the Insecticons are actually not members of the family, they just have apple-like cutie marks
- Discord summoning the apples is reminiscent of Doctor Strange summoning the revived heroes in Avengers Endgame.
- The Insecticons referred to as clones here are the larger deluxe Insecticons, just coloured like the main trio
- The cragodiles seen amongst the Changelings and Decepticons are most likely shapeshifted Changelings, and not actual cragodiles.
- Spike uses an Exosuit like the one that the human Spike uses starting in the G1 Transformers Movie
- The end of the story features a scene transition going from the Decepticon insignia to the Autobots, with Twilight's cutie mark behind it
- Crasher/Fracture makes a brief cameo in this issue, using her Movie toy as the basis...she's using he gun as an axe though...weird...
- Tempest Shadow is seen helping form the shield in the final battle...but her magic is supposed to be unstable and explosive...this could have been explained in the comics though.
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