Stunt Flying
Writer: Ian Flynn
Artist: Priscilla Tramontano
Colours: Joana LaFuente
Letterer: Jake M. Wood
One-Trick Pony
Writer: Sam Maggs
Artist: Trish Forstner
Colours: Luis Antonio Delgado
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Megan Brown
Consulting Editor: David Mariotte

"Stunt Flying" Plot
The Seekers and Wonderbolts have teamed up to attack a group of Sombra-Controlled bots and Equestrians in a Cybertronian city. The controlled bots and horses fire lasers on the fliers, and the two groups are at odds at how to take restrain them, until Rainbow Dash comes up with the idea to have the Wonderbolts use their Pegasus powers to create a rainstorm, and she creates a Sonic Rainboom and disorient then controlled crowd, allowing the Decepticons to fire missiles loaded with Energon nets to capture them.
The Decepticons consider killing the captured Autobots in the batch, but decide against it in case they need the forces to take on Sombra and his hoard. Starscream tries to take credit for their victory, but the rest of the team celebrate Rainbow instead, much to Starscream's annoyance.
"One-Trick Pony" Plot
Applejack wanders around a Cybertronian desert, until she encounters Wild Wheel, who claims the area belongs to him. The two get into a stare down, but is ends after they both knock out the Sombra-controlled Quickstrike and Skids, with each earning the other's respect. The two walk off into the sunset, discussing how Equestria has magic all the time, and Applejack says that she has a friend who can make them matching hats.
Ironhide - Van Controlled by Sombra, Captured by Wonderbolts/Seekers
Jazz - Car Controlled by Sombra, Captured by Wonderbolts/Seekers
Hound - Jeep Controlled by Sombra, Captured by Wonderbolts/Seekers
Skids - Van Controlled by Sombra, Defeated by Wild Wheel
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Skywarp - Fighter Jet
Thundercracker - Fighter Jet
Wild Wheel - Car
Swindle - Jeep Controlled by Sombra, Captured by Wonderbolts/Seekers
Brawl - Tank Controlled by Sombra, Captured by Wonderbolts/Seekers
Motormaster - Truck Controlled by Sombra, Captured by Wonderbolts/Seekers
Quickstrike - Scorpion-Snake Fuzor Controlled by Sombra, Defeated by Applejack and Wild Wheel
Rainbow Dash
Wave Chill
High Winds
Possessed Ponies Controlled by Sombra, Captured by Wonderbolts/Seekers
Sombra (Mentioned)
Rarity (Mentioned)
- I can understand there being more Cybertronians under Sombra's control than the ones we saw in issue one, since he's been "recruiting" them...but where did the extra Ponies come from?
- It shouldn't need to be said, but Starscream's fantasy form is based on his "Emperor Starscream" form from the original movie.
- Rainbow Dash mentions how Starscream was defeated by her, and his own cape in the previous crossover.
- For some reason, Rainbow Dash isn't in her Wonderbolts uniform (and don't say "she didn't bring it with her", Applejack didn't bring her cowboy outfit with her either, yet she's wearing it this issue!)
- It's not stated in the issue, but the location where Applejack is wandering is most likely the Sea of Rust, but re-designed to better resemble the "Old West".
- Wild Wheel is a straight transfer of his character from Cyberverse, right down to his status of being a former Autobot, current Decepticon.
- The two mind controlled bots during the second story are Quickstrike and Skids, the former having a strong western theme to him in Beast Wars, and the latter having had a story from the Marvel days with a western theme too (I guess they needed another cowboy-type from somewhere).
- It's not stated here, but we can assume that Quickstrike is a Decepticon. Though, since he was originally a Maximal protoform who just joined the Predacons of his own will in Beast Wars, he could be an Autobot?
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