Title: Pod, Part 1
Written by: Erik Burnham
Art by: Winston Chan
Colours by: Sidvenblu
Letters by: Jake M. Wood
Assistant Editor: Riley Farmer
Editor: Jazmine Joyner
Supervising Editor: David Mariotte

Dinobot has been welcomed into the Maximals, and during his recovery time, following his previous beating from the Predacons, he is sparring with Optimus, and giving the crew intel on the other Predacons.
At the Darksyde, Megatron finally decrypts another part of the golden disk, but is shocked to see that it is part of a warning from himself, but it is corrupted before he can rewatch it.
The other Predacons go on an Energon run as their stores are running low, and they split up for the job.
In orbit, one of the stasis pods receives a signal, and begins falling to the planet's surface.
Blackarachnia soon wakes up from the pod, and starts exploring the area, after beginning a download of a code update that she has been sent.
The Maximal explorer manages to get away from a crocodile creature, and detects a Cybertonian ship's signal nearby, so she heads toward it. She soon finds the Axalon and walks right through the protective shields, and intends to introduce herself to her fellow Maximals...just as the update completes and she becomes a Predacon!
The new Predacon hides in the corridor, having heard the Maximals talking in a room, soon, she is encountered by Cheetor, who just thinks she is a confused Maximal, until she shoots him with cyber venom, paralyzing him as he tries to call for help...
Optimus Primal - Gorilla
Dinobot - Velociraptor
Rhinox - Rhino
Cheetor - Cheetah Paralyzed by Blackarachnia
Rattrap - Rat
Nyx - Bat
Megatron - Tyrannosaurus Rex
Blackarachnia - Black Widow Spider
Scorponok - Scorpion
Terrorsaur - Pteranodon
Waspinator - Wasp
Skold - Alligator Snapping Turtle
Taranulas - Tarantula (Mentioned)
Crocodile Creature Killed by Blackarachnia
- This issue marks the start of this series' second storyarc. It features a new art style, but this style is only planned to last for this arc, and will return afterwards.
- The character models in this arc are much more based on their Kingdom character models, where available, rather than the hyper stylised versions before.
- Dinobot is still scarred from his back stabbing from Tarantulas last issue.
- Dinobot's been added to the Maximal's safe passage list for the Axalon's shields, allowing him to pass through it, unlike last issue.
- Megatron briefly sees a message from himself from the future commenting that something will doom them all, but that the transwarp drive can do something to save them.
- Taranulas' tampering last issue is explained here. He was sending an update program to the Stasis Pods that uploads a shell program that turns the Maximal Protoform into a Predacon. We can assume that others were also affected, but most likely not all of them, since Tarantulas bwas interrupted by Rattrap, plus some covers have shown at least Airazor as a character in the future.
- The only real difference between Maximal and Predacon Blackarachnia are the colours of her eyes, green for a Maximal and red for a Predacon. However, her eyes are supposed to be black...
- Despite being mentioned a few times, him stabbing Dinobot, and his tampering being a main plot this issue, Tarantulas doesn't actually appear in the story.
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