Written by: Danny Lore
Art by: Guido Guidi
Colours by: John-Paul Bove
Letters by: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Riley Farmer
Supervising Editor: David Mariotte
Design by: Jake Wood & Johanna Nattalie

Long ago, Starscream and his colleague Jetfire meet with Orion Pax to try and ask for funding in their Titan excavation project, which he seems interested in, but Starscream doesn't trust the Senator due to his shady nature, and walks off from the meeting...
Later, Starscream and Jetfire have managed to gather funds themselves and have managed to uncover the entire head of a sleeping Titan, Metroplex. Jetfire starts to worry about their finds running out before they can complete their work, but Starscream still refuses to even meet with Orion Pax due to his mistrust of him.
However, Jetfire goes against Starscream's wishes, and does go to Pax, and even joins the Autobot cause, with Jetfire even disavowing his friend when he refuses to join them. Starscream escapes from the Autobots and heads to the Titan site, where he destroys their research, while partially coding it to his own spark...
Much later, following the war's conclusion, Starscream returns to the long-abandoned Titan, where he completes the transfer, thus turning his spark into the key to awaking the Titans for the Decepticons to take back Cybertron...
In the present, Megatron and Starscream arrive in the Autobot-controlled Gold City, where they quickly find Soundwave, who is running a Decepticon Radio service for relating information to their scattered resistance fighters to ask him to help them relay their new plan to their forces.
Later, Megatron and Starscream meet in a bar, where they soon discover they are being spied on by Blaster and his minions, who quickly attack the Decepticons.
Megatron and Starscream put up a good fight, but Megatron is forced to restrain Blaster, allowing Starscream to fly to safety, as his spark is needed for their plans.
Starscream is shot out of the sky, but is found by Goldbug and his old friend Jetfire, who capture the Seeker...
Goldbug/Bumblebee - Car
Jetfire - Jet
Blaster - Boom Box
Rewind - Cassette
Steeljaw - Cassette
Ramhorn - Cassette
Playback - Cassette Killed by Starscream
Gold City Denizens
Bar Patrons
Orion Pax - Truck (Flashback)
Prowl - Police Vehicle (Flashback)
Ironhide - Van (Flashback)
Jazz - Car (Flashback)
Chromedome - Car (Flashback)
Megatron - Jet
Starscream - Jet Captured by Goldbug
Soundwave - Cassette Player
Ravage - Cassette
Laserbeak - Cassette
Decepticon Soldiers (Mentioned)
Seekers (Mentioned)
Other Cybertronian
Metroplex -Titan Ship (Flashback) Dormant
Scavenger - Excavator (Flashback)
Hook - Crane (Flashback)
Other Excavation Bots (Flashback)
Bots on Monitor (Images)
- You might notice that this issue's cover is in a different style to the other ones so far, that is because this is not the version that comes with the Starscream toy, since the toy has been (currently) delayed until early January. Incidentally, the next issue and the Goldbug figure have already been dispatched by Hasbro Pulse.
- Following the trend with this series, the returning characters from the Timelines continuity have been mostly reinterpreted with new personality quirks such as Ravage being overly talkative, but not speaking in 1337 speak.
- I can't really tell who the characters on Soundeave's screen are, die to them being just line arts, but I believe they use the Refraktor, Astrotrain and Fortress moulds, but they could still be anyone to be honest.
- Soundwave mentions that he's called the other Seekers to aide them, so we can assume they'll be making a reappearance soon, following their flashback cameos last issue (I know this happens with Skywarp next issue anyway, for the aforementioned reasons)
- This issue confirms that Metroplex, seen in the previous issues, is not actually an Autobot (yet) as he hasn't been awoken from his Titan sleep yet.
- Among the Cassettes deployed by Blaster is Playback, a character who appeared on Paradron in the G1 cartoon, and was named after a hi-and-die character from the Marvel comics of the same name.He doesn't last long...
- Starscream's unique spark is revealed here to be due to him reprogramming the Titan awakening system to be attuned to his spark signature, and later merging the programs fully to make him fully required for Metroplex and the others to wake up, essentially turning him into a Titan Master or Cityspeaker.
- The grid effects inside Starscream when he links up to the Titan system looks quite similar to the effects on him from merging with the Underbase in the Marvel continuity.
- The two bots that Starscream sees as he wakes up at the end of this issue are Goldbug and Jetfire, who are also the cover characters of the last two issues of this series. Nice touch!
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