Written by: David Mariotte
Art by: Jack Lawrence
Colours by: Brittany Peer
Letters by: Jake M. Wood
Editor: Riley Farmer
Supervising Editor: Tom Waltz

The Wreckers, sans Circuit arrive at a Race Bar to gather intel on the racers, in order to try and determine who could be affiliated with Mayhem, but come up with no leads. Aileron however learns that there's a bet being held to see who ruins the race first, Mayhem or the Wreckers. Aileron ends up insulting Thunderclash to the Mayhems when comparing how they are using the Speedia 500 to try and cause a spectacle, just like the Wreckers do with their stunt cover missions. Thunderclash shouts, but is quickly calmed down, before security chief Breakdown can ban him from the race.
Elsewhere, Circuit is created by his old crewmate, Axer, who now works for Velocitron's security force. The latter offers his apologies for his actions during the Iron Hope incident, and gives him a ride back to the Wrecker's shuttle. Axer suggests that Circuit and the other Wreckers leave the race, since it's being used to flush out Mayhem, and leaves after receiving a message.
Circuit is suspicious, so follows Axer in his exo-suit, eventually finding him meeting with Octopunch, leader of Mayhem, and opening a channel to the other Wreckers to warn them that security has been breached, however the Autobot is shot in the head by a sniper.
The Wreckers, hearing the incident over the Comms rush out to Circuit's last location, but find him badly injured, next to the burning Mayhem hideout.
Circuit is brought back to the shuttle, where Minerva patches him up as best as possible, but isn't sure if he'll survive, before putting him into a CR Chamber.
The team head out to perform the rest of their mission, with Minerva heading to a medical station, in case of any injuries during the race, and the others joining the participants.
The race is started off, with Breakdown announcing security measures during the race, seemingly unaware of the security force's infiltration.
The racers are counted down, and the race for the next leader of Velocitron has begun!
Thunderclash - Truck
Ricochet - Car
Hot Shot - Jeep
Aileron - Jet
Minerva - Car
Circuit Sniped by Mayhem, in CR Chamber
Other Mayhem Members (Mentioned)
Road Rocket - Motorcycle
Breakdown - Van
Override - Race Car
Knock Out - Car
Leadfoot - Race Car
Sideways - Motorcycle
Jackpot - Car
Scrounge - Wheel
Signal Lancer - Traffic Light
Drag Strip - Race Car
Burn-Out - Van
Bar Bouncer
Bar Patrons
Speedia 500 Racers
Sizzle - Race Car (Image)
Electrons - Car (Mentioned) Dead
Iron Hope 100 (Mentioned)
Sec-Ops (Mentioned)
- This issue features a lot of cameos from older characters (such as Cybertron Brakedown, Crumplezone, Landmine etc) but with new heads and colourschemes. The characters who appear to be exact transplants are just going to be mentioned as characters in the list though.
- While Override and Sideways appear to just be transplants of their Cybertron and Armada toys respectively, Knock Out appears to use a body based on the Studio Series Jazz toy, possibly giving us a look at an upcoming Legacy Knock Out figure. Leadfoot likewise appears to be using Siege Mirage's body, possibly giving us a look at his next too too.
- The characters mention Sec-ops as being on patrol on Velocitron, but it should be Colonial Security here. It is possible though that locally it is just called Sec-ops though.
- The two games shown in the bar are "Mechanic Mania", an allusion to "Operation" and "Virtual Cube", which is based on the sport of "Cube" from the Cyberverse series.
- Circuit's suit is shown to be able to transform between a hover car and an eco suit....why did he leave the ship without it again?
- Minerva mentions that Circuit's injuries are the worst she's seen in a long time, and that she doesn't remember the last time it's looked this bad, further adding to my thoughts that this series is set during the early stages of the main comic series, before the war breaks out.
- Xaaron is shown this issue starting the race, it's possible that he's a denizen of Velocitron, but it's also possible that he's just there as a Senate representative, authenticating the event.
- Knock Out and Breakdown are shown to be a couple in this continuity again, and are even shown kissing on panel, which I don't remember ever happening in IDW version 1
- As I mentioned last issue...why is Aileron allowed to enter the race, when she uses a flying alternate mode?
- Drag Strip makes a brief cameo this issue, showing off his upcoming Legacy figure, which has just been revealed.
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