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Sunday 13 February 2022

IDW - King Grimlock #5

Title: Grimlock the Triumphant
Written by: Steve Orlando
Art by: Agustin Padilla
Colours by: Jeremy Colwell
Letters by: Jake M. Wood
Editor: David Mariotte
Assistant Editor: Riley Farmer
Supervising Editor: Tom Waltz

Grimlock engages with Soltron, inside the body of Arko, and the two seem evenly matched, however Grimlock, not wanting to hurt his friend, offers his body to Soltron, stating that he can show him the universe, so long as he leaves Menonia alone. Soltron agrees, and enters Grimlock's Spark.
Inside his Spark, Grimlock battles with the manifestation of Soltron, but due to this being his world, he easily destroys the sun god.

Back on Menonia, Grimlock is awoken by the newly freed Arko, who is sorry that she allowed Soltron to control her, which Grimlock accepts. 
Grimlock suggests that he didn't kill Soltron alone, since it was because her father used his magic to cover the sun, weakening the god, which allowed him to defeat him so easily.
Arko soon reunites with her father, but learns that he injured himself by expending so much energy covering the sun.

Knowing that without Soltron, magic is now gone from Menonia, Arnak wants Grimlock to rule over them, as their king and protector, however the Dinobot declines the offer, but suggests that Arko would make a good ruler instead (despite her betrayal earlier).
Later, Arko uses a portion of Grimlock's Energon to open up a one-way portal back to Cybertron. Grimlock bids her farewell, and wishes her luck in ruling the world, and is quickly pulled through the portal...

On the other side, Optimus is shocked to see Grimlock so badly beaten, since he's only been gone for mere moments, but as soon as Grimlock mentions Menonia, Optimus seems to understand, more concerned that he may have messed with them due to their superstitious nature.
Grimlock assures him that he didn't take advantage of them, and only helped them, though also admitting to punching a dragon, but also says that he's learned to respect Optimus' different methods, and won't fight him anymore, resolving their previous arguments over the Dinobot's actions...
Optimus Prime - Truck
Grimlock - Tyrannosaurus Rex
Swoop - Pteranodon
Slug - Triceratops
Sludge - Apatosaurus

Arnak Lessened Lifespan due to Spell
Valedrift and Anglorian Civilians
The Golden One (Mentioned) Dead

Soltron Killed by Grimlock
"The Anti-Sun" (Mentioned)
"The Great Smelter" (Mentioned)
  • So despite being hinted at having a larger role, and being more important than he seemed...Clatta makes no appearance this issue, meaning he probably did just die last issue.
  • Soltron using the Autobot insignia as his symbol is revealed to just be him using it because he wanted to....right...
  • Soltron's form inside Grimlock's spark somewhat resembles the form used by Primus in his astral form in the Marvel comics, which is quite appropriate, since Primus is also referred to as the "Lord of Light".
  • The characters make it very clear that Arnak just lessened his lifespan by expensing his magic during the battle against Soltron, but that he will survive. However his last panel has him looking dead-like...I wonder if this is a GI Joe movie type "coma" situation again?
  • So, unless time travel has been used with the portal, we can assume that Menonia is somehow in a dilated timeline compared to the rest of the universe, since this entire storyline has been occurring over the span of a few moments on Cybertron.
  • Grimlock states that he initially refused saving Menonia from the Golden One because he wanted the Menonians to be able to fend for themselves, but would have fought alongside them if they allowed him to train them first...he didn't explain that too well when they asked him in the first place...
  • Snarl is missing from the Dinobot lineup on this story set during his holiday around the time of the 1986 Transformers movie? 

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