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Thursday 27 September 2012

IDW - Beast Wars The Ascending

Magmatron, who since The Gathering is trapped in the timestream, is in the near future of the Beast Era Cybertron, where he witnesses, yet again the destruction of his world at the hands of Unicron, and decides that he must stop this from happening. He returns to prehistoric Earth where he sees a battle between the Maximals and Predacons from his Beast Wars beginning another full-on battle, which itself is just a ruse for Ravage to sneak into the Maximal's lair and steal the temporal devices the Maximals stole at the end of The Gathering when Magmatron went missing, as he plans to use them on Megatron to rescue him from being taken prisoner to Cybertron by the "other" Maximals. Razorbeast and Snarl confront him and knock him out, or so they think, as they leave to continue the battle Ravage starts waking up and can see the devices.
Magmatron goes back in time by a few weeks and arrives at the point when Snarl is sending the message to future Cybertron, and carries it himself into the future to be picked up by The Pack. Those Maximals on Cybertron pick up the message and prepare to head to prehistoric Earth to rescue their team-mate, Razorbeast, which Magmatron hopes might be enough to save the day, however elsewhere Shokaract is being fed Angolmois Energy by the Blendtrons to give him the power to become Unicron's avatar.
Unicron contacts the Blendtrons and warns them that tehre's a disruption in the time stream, that might threaten his plans, he orders Rartorata to Earth to deal with the problem.
On prehistoric Earth the battle continues outside with Razorbeast and Snarl rejoining it, whilst inside the lair Ravage breaks free and activates the devices, which allows Magmatron to contact him, and begins to warn him about Unicron's arrival.
On Cybertron the Maximal Imperium are worried about the recent increase in violence occurring on Cybertron, and call for Big Convoy to meet with them to deal with it, but Big is too busy, as he's just found some Angolmois capsules, which they've had experience with in the past and know this is what's causing the violence. Elsewhere Shokaract wants more Angolmois, as it's slowly turning him into a god, and is told to be patient as his agents are out hunting down more from across the universe.
The Pack travels back in time to Earth and find Razorbeast's group at last (after a few wrong jumps). The Pack have all taken on beast modes, just in case of a need for disguise. On the planet, the battle continues, and Ravage walks through the battlefield in his different time frame, seemingly disturbed by what Magmatron's just told him, when the Pack's ship arrives in the sky, and the Pack join the fight, subduing the Predacons and ending the fight. Ravage reveals himself and starts to tell them what Magmatron told him, but too late as Rartorata appears and stabs Razorbeast, injecting him with Angolmois, mutating him into a feral form.

On Cybertron, Big Convoy and his team arrive outside Shokaract's base and try to find a way in, as they've detected Angolmois in there, Shokaract is bored and decides to "greet" them himself, much to the annoyance of the Blendtrons, he goes outside through a portal, and kills Tasmania Kid, the other Maximals in the team start fighting Shokaract too.
On Earth, Razorbeast has gone feral and starts attacking everyone, alone with Rartorata. The factions join forces and Ravage tells Lio Convoy everything that Magmatron told him before about Unicron.
On Cybertron Big Convoy is killed by Shokaract and knows that Unicron will be arriving next. On Earth again, Rartorata and Razorbeast are both restrained  Lio Convoy manages to calm down Razorbeast enough for him to actually be able to talk. 
The Pack gets everyone fit to leave to head to the ship, but before they can leave the other two Blendtrons arrive and start attacking everyone, to stop them from returning home. Razorbeast breaks free of his restraints and fights Elephorca, distracting the others, and allowing most of the Maximals and Predacons to leave on the ship and return home. Lio, with a sample of Rartorata's venom, plans to use it to make an antidote to the Angolmois energy for anyone affected, with the help of Bump on Cybertron.
The Pack's ship arrives on Cybertron just after Tasmania Kid is killed, and distracts Shokaract, thus reversing Big's death, however Shokaract shoots down the ship, causing it to crash, just as his heralds retunr to Cybertron through some small portals with more Angolmois.

Shokaract sends out his Heralds to spread the Angolmois across Cybertron and help him in his (actually Unicron's) plan. Big locates Bump who was called in by Lio, and then finds the Pack's ship as well nearby, uniting the groups. Ravage goes to speak to Magmatron again in his dimension to talk strategy, ie to send Shokaract to Magmatron's dimension, whilst Lio tells Bump to make enough antidote for the Angolmois for the entire planet.
On Earth Razorbeast is being ganged up on by the Blendtrons, so the remaining Transformers on the planet join the fight.
On Cybertron, Shokaract starts absorbing the Angolmois spread around Cybertron through his Dark Matrix, whilst the Transformers on Cybertron start attacking him on mass. Whilst on Earth, the Blendtrons are dead, but Razorbeast has lost all control and starts heading towards his friends again.
On Cybertron again, Snarl manages to sneak up to Shokaract, and plants the temporal device on the demi-god, sending him to Magmatron's dimension who proceeds to show him to the future.
On Cybertron, the Heralds are confused about where Shokaract has gone, which allows Ravage to attack them, scaring them away. Shokaract is shown the future where Unicron uses him as a portal into this reality, and he is shocked, he tears out his dark matrix, which kills him instantly, and ends Unicron's plans, and also causes a space-time rift that frees Magmatron from his dimension and rejoins the normal time line, and also affects the shuttle taking the "other" Maximals from Earth to Cybertron. Magmatron reveals that before he was shunted back he looke din on Earth and reports that Razorbeast was killed by Optimus Minor, who euthenized him.
In the aftermath, the Transformers are united and start rebuilding their world, hoping there are no more terrible things happen before they can finish, just as Megatron arrives on the planet...
Lio Convoy - Lion (Former Mechanical Lion)
Big Convoy - Spider Tank
Razorbeast - Wild Boar Killed by Optimus Minor
Apache - Mandrill (Former Speeder)
Long Rack - Giraffe (Former Excavator)
Mach Kick - Horse
Stampy - Rabbit (Former Speeder)
Drill Nuts - Boll Weevil (Former Drill Tank)
Break - Penguin
Survive - Tank
Cohrada - Jet
Tasmania Kid - Car  Killed by Shokaract
Prowl - Speeder
Silverbolt - Jet
Ironhide - Treaded Vehicle
Prowl II - Owl Killed in crossfire
Grimlock - Giant Raptor
Torca - Elephant-Orca
Snarl - Tasmanian Devil
Optimus Minor - Spider Monkey
Ramulus - Ibex
Claw Jaw - Squid
Air Hammer - Owl-Hammerhead Shark
Cybershark - Hammerhead Shark
Wolfang - Wolf Killed by Shokaract
B'Boom - Mandrill
K-9 - Dog Killed by Shokaract
Noctorro - Bull-Bat Killed by Shokaract
Armordillo - Armadillo
Bonecrusher - Bison
Bantor - Tiger-Mandrill Killed by Drancron
Polar Claw - Polar Bear
Stink Bomb - Skunk
Optimus Primal - Ape/Jet/Treaded Vehicle
Sharp Edge
Randy - Motorcycle (Alternate Future Only)
Magmatron - Seasaur, Landsaur, Skysaur
Ravage - Jaguar
Materror - Mantis
Retrax - Pill Bug
Snapper - Snapping Turtle
Injector - Hornet-Lionfish
Lazorbeak - Pteranodon Killed in Angolmois Reaction
Sky Shadow - Lizard-Dragonfly
Jetstorm - Dragonfly
Transquito - Mosquito
Scourge - Locust
Buzzsaw - Yellow Jacket
Buzzclaw - Lizard-Mantis Killed by Rartorata
Powerpinch - Earwig
Spittor - Poisonous Toad Killed in Angolmois Reaction
Terragator - Alligator-Turtle
Insecticon - Beetle Killed by Shokaract
Iquanus - Frilled Lizard
Manta Ray - Manta Ray Killed by Drancron
Drill Bit - Boll Weevil
Scavenger - Ant
Megatron - Dragon
Vice Grip Killed in Angolmois Riot
Dirgegun - Jet (Alternate Future Only)
Saberback - Treaded Vehicle (Alternate Future Only)
Killerpunch - Tank (Alternate Future Only)
Halfshell - Tank (Alternate Future Only)
Guiledart - Tank (Alternate Future Only)
Unicron's Heralds
Shokaract - Tank Suicide
Drancron - Lizard-Dragonfly (Former Jet) Killed in Angolmois Reaction
Rartorata - Hornet-Lionfish (Former Jet) Killed in Angolmois Reaction
Elephorca - Orca-Elephant (Former Land Vehicle) Killed by Earthbound Transformers
Max-B - Wolf
Hellscream - Shark
Antagony - Ant
Hardhead - Pachycephalosaurus 
Thrustor - Raptor
Unicron (Essence Only)
Cybertronian Civilians
  • Most of the guys still on Cybertron in this story are from the Japanese and Botcon Beast Era franchises, and are also mostly still in their Cybertronian modes
  • This story is set during the final episode of Beast Wars, beginning with the Maximals preparing to leave Earth with Megatron, and ending with Megatron breaking free and arriving on Cybertron before Primal and his team.
  • The cause of Megatron's freedom is implied to have been because of Shokaract's death causing temporal distortions.
  • The signal to the future failed originally, but thanks to Magmatron's interference, it succeeds.
  • Transquito mentions to Injector about how he looks similar to Rartorata, referencing that they share the same toy mold.
  • The Pack's ship is shaped like the Maximal insignia
  • So by the end of this story, some of the Maximals and Predacons were left behind on Earth with no way off, either they were rescued at some point after this story, or they were just abandoned.
  • Long Rack's pre-Earth mode is based on his Cybertron series toy

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