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Sunday, 26 January 2014

IDW - Robots in Disguise #25

Title: Dark Cybertron Chapter 7: The Dead Are Not Enough
Written by: John Barber and James Roberts
Art by: James Raiz, Atilio Rojo and Livio Ramondelli
Colours by: Josh Perez and Livio Ramondelli
Letters by: Tom B. Long
Editor: Carlos Guzman
At the Lost Light's site on the bottom of the Crimson Ocean Hound leads the Lost Lighters against the Ammonites. During the battle, Swerve saves Crosscut, a former Senator and current Play-write, but is shocked when Crosscute doesn't even know his name, despite being one of the "Main Guys". Crosscut notices Swerve's communicator flashing, meaning he has a message, Swerve says he'll check it out after the battle...but it's already done!
Hound has the injured crew members head back to the ship as they assume the Ammonites have retreated, but Waverider reports that they seem to have just regrouped towards the inactive body of Metroplex.

Inside Metroplex the team are confused as to why they aren't dead since the Rodpod exploded, but they find a wall in front of them instead. Because of this the team quickly figure out that the insides of Metroplex are just shifting all the time, meaning that the maze they found themselves in before was actually just them being trapped inside Metroplex's ever changing corridors.
Whilst figuring this out Getaway gets a message back from Swerve telling them to get out of Metroplex, as the Admium shards in the water are due to Metroplex catching a deadly disease that is turning his body into Admium slowly, and also reveals that it's contagious too. Before they can sort out anything Swerve then informs them that the Ammonites are invading the Titan as well..

In the Dead Universe Nova Prime has dragged his captives into the central castle (which is in the shape of his head). Inside Orion sits by Kup's dying body and tells Nova to reverse what he's done to him, but Nova says he was dying already when he arrived, and he simply manipulated his body afterwards. Nova then has Nightbeat take Orion and the others to a cell, and he'll be along himself later.

On Cybertron, Galvatron argues with Shockwave over them not going after the Transformers who escaped the Necrotitan's attack, but Shockwave counters that there's no need, due to his big-picture plans. During their discussion Jhiaxus and his crew return to Cybertron in their stolen Time Ship. Shockwave has Waspinator and Galvatron take Megatron's body back to his lab, so he can work on using him to recover Nova Prime again.

In the Dead Universe, Nightbeat reveals to the prisoners that Nova Prime is planning to extract their sparks to strengthen Kup's and make the Space Bridge inside his body work properly. Rodimus shows Nightbeat his hand again, and reveals the engraved "89/101" and challenges Nightbeat to explain it, even offering him one question. He hopes that this will help break Nova's control as he has to use another part of his brain (this assumption is due to him sounding most like himself when he was doing his cold reading of Cyclonus after just meeting him).
After making his brain hurt a bit, Nightbeat figures out that the numbers have something to do with the number of crew on Rodimus' ship. Nightbeat lowers the bars, having been (seemingly) freed from Nova's control. Orion is confused as to the significance of the numbers and why they mattered, which prompts Rodimus to start to explain himself to his former commander.

Back on Cybertron Bumblebee stops Galvatron and Waspinator on their way to the lab and demands they hand over Megatron to him. Galvatron finds this hilarious and starts laughing. He throws Megatron aside and rushes Bumblebee, mocking his lack of experience and mocks that 4 million years of warfare is nothing to him, he also starts to mock Megatron...until he notices that he's disappeared.
Megatron, still torn in half has pinned down Waspinator and shoots Galvatron with his fusion cannon,, allowing Bumblebee to grab him and the two leave. Outside, they see Cybertron burning in the Nectrotitan's wake, Bumblebee notices Megatron smiling and asks how he could do so in this situation, but he says he's not smiling about Cybertron, but rather how Starscream must be suffering right now.
Sure enough, in Iacon Starscream is distraught amongst the fire and ruins, all whilst Scoop is mocking him for how he's screwed up everything, and how he's betrayed Cybertron with his actions since taking command of the world (yesterday).

Inside Metroplex, the team are getting ready for the Ammonites and wonder where Whirl has gone. Whirl reappears with the Ammonite Stowaway, who reveals that the Ammonites were recruited by Shockwave to delay the Lost Light in case the "Dead" weren't enough for his plans and if the Lost Light might stop his plans somehow. After his confession he explodes, due to a failsafe created by Shockwave to hide his plans. The team decide to return to Cybertron to stop Shockwave in his plans, when suddenly a harpoon shoots between them and allows a couple of FEMALE Transformers to lower themselves down, telling the crew to make no moves!
Orion Pax - Truck Cab
Rodimus - Car
Bumblebee - Car
Nightbeat - Car
Kup - Pick Up Truck Turned into a Space Bridge by Nova Prime
Ultra Magnus - Vehicle Transport
Ratchet - Ambulance
Whirl - Osprey Helicopter
Skids - Van
Brainstorm - Jet
Hound - Jeep
Chromedome - Car
Highbrow - Helicopter
Sunstreaker - Car
Waverider - Aquatic Vehicle
Trailcutter - Van
Swerve - Van
Crosscut - Van
Metroplex - City/Space Ship Dying
Lost Lighters
Rung (Mentioned)
First Aid - Ambulance (Mentioned)
Megatron Legs severed off
Shockwave - Flying Artillery 
Dreadwing - Stealth Bomber
Waspinator - Wasp Injured by Megatron
Bludgeon - Tank
United Cybertron
Starscream - Jet
Scoop - Front End Loader
Nova Prime - Truck
Galvatron - Laser Tank Shot by Megatron
Metalhawk - Jet
Jhiaxus - Jet
Necrotitan - City/Space Ship
Sweep Army - Space Shuttles
Cyclonus - Jet
Ammonite Stowaway Killed by Unwilling Self Destruct
  • The title of this issue was omitted from the actual issue, but was revealed online
  • Hound's role as acting field commander here is a callback to his previous role as a team commander during the older stories in this continuity, like Spotlight Galvatron and Revelation.
  • Swerve's "My First Blaster" has been implemented to his alternate mode here.
  • Crosscut mistaking Swerve for Rung is a callback to how people don't remember who Rung is.
  • Swerve also refers to himself as one of the "main guys" a reference to his real life status as a main character.
  • Of course, the events of Transformers: Infestation gets a rare mention here
  • It's heavily implied here that the Sweeps and Galvatron who were dissolved at the end of Chaos were simply sucked back into the Dead Universe...wonder if Scourge is amongst the Sweeps too?
  • Shockwave brings up my point in an earlier blog about how Galvatron just happened to get out the portal first, then tore apart the portal's generator (Megatron) as well before Nova could escape too.
  • It's somewhat implied here that Nova Prime's control over the dead Universe may have been exaggerated, as Rodimus points out that all he's really done so far is manipulate their containment cube, and Nightbeat seems to begin to say that just touching Kup won't kill him, despite what Nova said.
  • I personally think that Nightbeat's de-conditioning was a bit too forced, possibly meaning he's still under Nova's command.
  • Megatron's comment about his legs being severed off being just a scratch is sort of understandable, he did just survive for months as just a skeleton after all!
  • Scoop reveals here that he didn't really believe the Dark Cybertron prophecy as being any more than just a story, but Starscream's actions actually made it come true.
  • The Stowaway Ammonite says that his faction has been spying on the Lost Light since they made contact with Cybertron....that was only like 2 days ago or something at the most!
  • Chromia and Nautica's appearances here would have been a major shock to me, had there not have been a solicitation for the Windblade comic that mentions them by name....
  • Nautica is shown holding a wrench, meaning that she's most likely trying to repair Metroplex. 
  • It's revealed here that the process used on Nightbeat is Shadowplay, or something like it. This implies that Jhiaxus had something to do with the process' creation.
  • During the scene of Iacon burning we can see a silhouette of Necrotitan smashing around.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

IDW - More Than Meets The Eye #25

Title: Dark Cybertron Chapter 6: No Exit
Written by: James Roberts and John Barber
Art by: James Raiz, Atilio Raiz and Livio Ramondelli
Colours by: Josh Perez and Livio Ramondelli
Letters by: Gilberto Lazcano
Editor: Carlos Guzman
On Cybertron, most of the Dinobots are waiting away from the Necrotitan with some of the others injured by it, including Astrotrain, when suddenly the Titan disappears in a smoke of dust, Astrotrain lends his binoculars (bad eyes) to Swoop to see what's happening...what he sees is the Titan attacking the remains of the team that went into the Crystal City, who are running away. The Dinobots try to stop the Titan, but he's too strong and is already heading towards Iacon.

Meanwhile, inside Metrooplex in the Red Ocean, the crew led by Ultra Magnus in the Rodpod and travelling through Metroplex's eye socket, and head towards the brain, along the way they notice all the rust, and the science guys believe it's the water itself that's causing him to rust so badly, they try to figure out what's happening, but before they do they arrive in the brain chamber and find it empty. The team get worried as it seems to be surgically removed. Magnus has the ship redirected towards his chest so they can check on the spark next, along the way Ratchet notices that the lights inside Metroplex are starting to go out, meaning that he's dying. Getaway leaves a message to Swerve about the Admium they found in the water, due to his metallurgy skills. They detect a drydock up ahead and deside to head towards it. Along the way Perceptor picks up 8 life signs, since there's seven on the team, it bodes well that Metroplex may be alive still.

In Iacon, Starscream is inspecting those injured from the deathwave, but ends up getting shouted at by Tankor over his inability to lead. Starscream soon starts shouting at Flatline, who looks full of fear, to which Starscream realizes there's something behind him...the Necrotitan, who is destroying everything in his way!

In the Dead Universe Nightbeat says he's sure he'd be sorry for what he's done to Orion and the others if he wasn't being controlled, meanwhile Hardhead starts smashing against the wall of the containment cube to try and smash it, which the team thinks is stupid. Orion Pax starts to smash into it as well, Rodimus tries to point out that it's useless, to which Orion smacks Rodimus (in order to whisper that he's made a crack and he's trying to distract Nightbeat from noticing). Rodimus then steps in and tries to talk Nightbeat around, when Nightbeat sees something in Rodimus' hand which makes his head hurt and he kneels. All of a sudden Nova Prime appears before the team suggesting they all bow too.

At the dry dock inside Metroplex the team leave the Rodpod and start following some hand painted arrows on the floor. They follow the signs until they reach a ceiling, which Skids smashes through, and finds, to his surprise the Rodpod again. The team are confused as to how they've gone round in circles until they hear a ticking, and find the cause, a bomb and an Ammonite holding a detonator, and sets it off, blowing up the Rodpod in the process.

Back in the Dead Universe Nova greets Orion Pax and his team to his universe, and asks how they planned to leave since the Gorlam Prime portal is one way now. He also mocks Cyclonus, to the point where Cyclonus tells Hardhead to smash the cell, which he does and escapes, however the cell reforms itself (by Nova's will) and keeps the rest of the team trapped inside. 
Hardhead moves in to punch Nova Prime, who simply grabs his hand, and crushes it (along with the forcefield generator) causing the Dead Universe to claim him, and reduces him to rust, he crumbles up and is blown away by the wind. Afterwards, Nova Prime brings up another friend of Orion's in the Dead Universe, one who turns into a spacebridge they can use to escape...Kup!
Orion Pax - Truck Cab
Rodimus - Car
Hardhead - Personnel Carrier Killed by Nova Prime
Nightbeat - Car Under Control of Nova Prime
Ultra Magnus - Vehicle Transport
Skids - Van
Ratchet - Ambulance
Brainstorm - Jet
Whirl - Osprey Helicopter
Sludge - Apatosaurus
Slug/Slag - Triceratops
Swoop - Pteranodon
Arcee - Car
Prowl - Emergency Car
Ironhide - Van
Metroplex - City/Space Ship Dying - No Brain, Rusting Away.
Swerve - Van
Kup - Pick Up Truck Captive of Nova Prime
Bumblebee - Car (Mentioned) Believed to be Dead
Snarl - Stegosaurus (Mentioned)
Astrotrain - Train/Space Shuttle Injured
Soundwave - Van
Rumble - Tank
Ravage - Cassette Injured
Megatron (Mentioned) Believed to be Dead
Skywarp - Jet (Mentioned) Believed to be Dead
Unified Cybertron
Starscream - Jet
Flatline - Van
Tankor - Tank
Tankor/Octane - Oil Tanker/Cargo Plane
Deathwave Victims
Scoop - Front End Loader (Mentioned)
Nova Prime - Truck
Cyclonus - Jet
Necrotitan - City/Spaceship
Jhiaxus - Jet (Mentioned)
Galvatron - Laser Tank (Mentioned)
Titans (Mentioned)
Knights of Cybertron (Mentioned)
Ammonite Stowaway
  • Slag's rename to Slug here is due to these issues being released with toys in the US. It's also a reference to how "Slag!" is used as an explicit in some Transformers continuities and how it is a real-world offensive term in countries such as England.
  • The first page is set during the end of the previous issue as we see the Titan suddenly act of Shockwave's command here.
  • It's implied here that Megatron, Bumblebee and Skywarp were killed when the Titan attacked, but since we have a solicit for the next issue talking about Megatron fighting Galvatron, and we've also had the teasers for April showing Megatron as a main character, we can assume he's fine at least.
  • Prowl's the one helping the injured Arcee AGAIN?! I think he has a thing for the crazy pink lady!
  • Swerve's ringtone is indeed shown to be Orion Pax's distress call as he mentioned in issue one.
  • Titans are revealed here to have fully functional cities inside them, even in robot mode. This make's sense considering their size and roles as "chariots" for the Knights.
  • The "deathmark" on Starscream's chest is shown to be spreading quite rapidly here.
  • Tankor's appearance here is CLEARLY just because his toy is being released with this issue. He's only in five panels, and one additonal one where he was replaced with his G1 counterpart (Octane).
  • The "something" in Rodimus' hand is most likely something to do with the destroyed Matrix.
  • Nova Prime's line of "Wait for it..." is possibly a reference to the catchphrase used by the staff at the Auto Assembly convention in the UK for when things are going a bit behind schedule with the computers etc (of course here the delay is in Hardhead's horrible murder, which is much worse!)
  • Nova Prime not knowing Kup's name would imply that he hasn't been able to talk since he arrived in the Dead Universe (about 3 years ago)
  • You have to wonder why Hardhead died instantly when exposed to the Dead Universe fully, but Cyclonus didn't? (Both have been residents there for a time)

Monday, 13 January 2014

Timelines - Termination

Writer: Jesse Wittenrich
Layouts: David Reynolds
Art: Josh Burcham
Letters: Jesse Wittenrich
The golden age of Cybertron has ended thanks to a war by Jhiaxus' army of clones. One day, Thundercracker and his drones encounter a group of what they assume are Empties, but are quickly revealed to be Obsidian, Strika and several members of their team. The group quickly take down Thudnercracker's drones and take Thundercracker himself prisoner. During the fight, the pacifist Sandstorm accidentally kills one of the drones, and seems a bit distraught.

Six days earlier, Hoist is informed by Rewind that Optimus has been left in a coma following an attact by what seems to be Decepticons, as a result several other Autobots are promoted to City Commander status and all govern their own area on Cybertron and have their own troops to command.

Back in the present, Strika beats up Thundercracker to get information out of him, but Sandstorm stops her, he and Hoist then manage to get him to cooperate by basically saying that if he doesn't then Strika will just annihilate him, especially since it'll be a seath trap anyway.
In Iacon meanwhile Megaplex watches over the damaged city and discusses with Starscream about how both of them should be wary of becoming like their originators, as Jhiaxus wouldn't like it. Skywarp appears and reports that Thundercracker was captured by some Autobots, meaning they can't just bomb them, or he'll die as well. Megaplex seems happy with this as he wanted to get his hand's dirty anyway.

4 days ago, Electro and Mirage were captured by Clamp Down's troops for trying to smuggle illegal weapons and materials between Cyebrtron and Earth, Clamp Down says he'll let them go if they admit it was all Pyro's idea. As they argue with him that they need to be prepared due to Sizzle's report (thanks to his vision) about the war, the sirens start to go off. Mirage off-handedly agrees to Clamp Down's claims, and grabs a gun from him, however when he reaches the window he's shocked to see Jhiaxus' Cybertronian army bombing the city. Within half a day, the Cybertronians have devastated Cybertron's cities and taken over the most of the planet.

In the present Obsidian's team meet with Mirage and Electro outside Iacon, where Obsidian reveals he took the long route to allow them to see Thundercracker with them, to stop them from just bombing them, however just then Megaplex appears with a large portion of his army to counter them.
Obsidian faces off against Megaplex, all the time commenting on how he's just like Megatron himself, much to his annoyance and denial, meanwhile the rest of the Transformers and clones fight amongst themselves.

During the fight Megaplex starts to lose it, and goes all out against Obsidian, which causes Sandstorm to feel a lot of pain, he then suddenly chan ges his personality and attacks Obsidian, revealing himself to be a clone of the original Sandstorm, who was placed in their ranks to try and make them surrender or leave the planet in peace.
Jhiaxus suddenly appears with more of his troops and offers Megaplex and all the non-clones the same choice - leave Cybertron, or be terminated...

To be Continued....
Obsidian - Twin Prop Terror
Strika - Tough Tank
Hoist - Pick Up Truck
Mirage - Formulaic Fun Race Car
Electro - Pick Up Truck
Clamp Down - Emergency Sports Car
Deep Cover - Emergency Sports Car
Override - Motorcycle
Dogfight - Fighter Jet
Backstreet - Race Car
Guzzle - Tank
Jazz - Sports Car
Hardhead - Tank
Springer - Helicopter/Rocket Car
Hauler - Crane
Rewind - Cassette
Gunrunner - Jet
Zoom-Zoom - Sports Car Killed by Starscream Drone
Doublecross - Two Headed Dragon Killed by Starscream Drone
Grotusque - Winged Saber-Tooth Monster Killed by Starscream Drone
Blastcharge Drones - Tanks
Optimus Prime - Truck (On Screen) In Coma
Autobot Council (Mentioned)
Pyro - Fire Truck (Mentioned)
Sizzle - Funny Car (Mentioned)
Sandstorm - Helicopter/Buggy (Mentioned)
Fixit - Ambulance (Mentioned)
Octane - Cargo Plane/Oil Tanker
Hot Link - Fighter Jet
Bitstream - Fighter Jet
Sunstorm - Fighter Jet
Red Wing - Fighter Jet Shot by Skywarp
Magnificus - Half-Tracked Van
Megatron (Mentioned)
Starscream (Mentioned)
Cybertronian Empire
Jhiaxus - Fighter Jet
Megaplex - Bad Jet Fighter
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Skywarp - Fighter Jet
Thundercracker - Frequent Fear Flyer Jet
Soundwave - Tracked ICBM
Sandstorm - Helicopter
Prowl - Race Car
Hubcap - Tow Truck
Starscream Drones - Bomber Jets
Skywarp Drones - Fighter Jets
Thundercracker - Fighter Jets
Sandstorm Drones - Helicopters
Sky-Byte - Shark-Submarine
Empties (Mentioned)
  • It's not clear when this is set in continuity, it really depends on how long it takes for Jhiaxus to make a new batch of clones really.
  • Soundwave is shown to be in his larger body rather than the G-Bot version. So either this is ANOTHER Soundwave clone, or the smaller one got a new body or something.
  • Octane's friendship with Sandstorm is brought up as the reason he joined Obsidian's crew
  • the Skywarp clone seems to have the original's teleporting powers
  • Mirage "betraying" Pyro to Clamp Down is probably a joking reference towards his character's often perceived treachery in past fiction.
  • The group who attacked Optimus, who Rewind assumes are Decepticons are most likely Jhiaxus' forces...or another unknown faction.
  • It's sort of implied here that Override is killed whilst contacting Backstreet and the others, but he reappears later on.
  • Despite him being in Jhiaxus' new faction, Megaplex calls his forces "Decepticons". This could be because of his Megatron codes..but that doesn't excuse the insignias on him still...
  • Megaplex's fusion cannon seems to be based on his IDW stealth bomber body's cannon, but recoloured to match his own body - His toy does have a peg hole that can fit the stealth bomber body's weapon as well!
  • Sandstorm pretending to be the original Sandstorm could have been inspired by Sideswipe doing the same in A Flash Forward.
  • Hauler and Zoom-Zoom look like they could be future toy exclusives using the Grappler and RTS Jazz molds.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

IDW - Robots in Disguise #24

Title: Dark Cybertron Chapter 5: Finest Hour
Written by: John Barber and James Roberts
Art by: Robert Gill and Livio Ramondelli
Colours by: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Livio Ramondelli
Letters by: Tom B. Long
Editor: Carlos Guzman
Nova Prime and Galvatron are coming through the portal in Megatron's chest, but appear to be a little stuck. Nova insists that Shockwave helps them, but he says he's a bit busy, just as the Autobots and Decepticons, now teamed up, arrive and attack them. During the fight, Bumblebee is shocked to see Metalhawk alive, and learns from him that Shockwave has promised him revenge for his death if he helps him out with this mission.

Ironhide and Skywarp work together to stoop Nova Prime from coming through the portal, by Ironhide physically stopping him, and Skywarp going to the controls to disable them. Unfortunately for Skywarp however, his teleporting powers have gone haywire and he keeps going non-corporeal and cannot use the controls. Dreadwing reveals that he's joined Shockwave because he's pormised him victory, unlike Megatron..
Nearby Arcee and Blitzwing are hiding the injured combatants in a small cavern whilst they mine for some of the resurrection ore so they can heal their allies outside.
During the battle Shockwave takes Waspinator's gun, whilch he's deduced can control the Titan, and uses it to command the Titan to attack. Upon his command, the Titan smashes into the city and causes massive damage.

In the Dead Universe Nightbeat greets his old friends and talks about how he's still alive following Hardhead executing him, and he meets Cyclonus, who he performs a cold reading of to learn everything about him, and about his recent experiences with Tailgate. Cyclonus gets mad and threatens to kill Nightbeat and everyone else, but Orion calms him down. They decide to carry on with their mission to the center of the universe, with Nightbeat taking the lead.

Back on Cybertron, the survivors leave the destroyed Crystal City where they find Megatron up and about, carrying Ironhide, willing to work with Bumblebee to stop Shockwave. However before anything can happen he is attacked and torn apart by Galvatron from behind. The others attack Galvatron, before noticing Shockwave, the Titan and the rest of his team are also assembled, ready to destroy them.

Back in the Dead Universe, Nightbeat reveals that he discovered when he examined the black Energon earlier, he noticed a fragment of Cyclonus' forcefield generator, meaning that he's not protected from the Dead Universe any more as it was damaged when he crashed into the Universe, meaning that he's part of this Universe again.
Nightbeat shortly starts to walk off on his own, and asks the others to stand where they are, when suddenly a containment cube appears around the others, Orion figures it out that Nightbeat is STILL under Nova Prime's command.
Speaking of which, Nova Prime comes crashing back into the Dead Universe now that the portal in Megatron has been stopped....
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime - Truck Cab
Rodimus/Hot Rod - Car
Bumblebee - Car
Hardhead - Personnel Carrier
Nightbeat - Car
Prowl - Emergency Car
Ironhide - Van
Arcee - Car
Megatron Split in Two by Galvatron
Shockwave - Flying Artillery
Waspinator - Wasp
Dreadwing - Stealth Bomber
Soundwave - Van
Laserbeak - Data Disk Slashed by Metalhawk
Ravage - Cassette Slashed by Metalhawk
Rumble - Tank Slashed by Metalhawk
Buzzsaw - Cassette
Blitzwing - Jet/Tank
Needlenose - Jet
Skywarp - Jet Teleporting going Haywire
Starscream - Jet (Mentioned)
Cyclonus - Jet
Nova Prime - Truck
Galvatron - Laser Tank
Metalhawk - Jet
Necrotitan - Space Ship
Tailgate - Car (Mentioned)
  • When first shown, Galvatron seems to be pushing Nova out of the way when leaving the portal, explaining his appearance later on
  • Metalhawk's missing arm seems to have grown back, most likely due to the resurrection ore in the city
  • Bumblebee's face is revealed here to be covered in a mask, most likely to slowly heal his damages from the end of the war for Iacon.
  • For the first time, neither the Lost Light, nor Iacon are shown in a Dark Cybertron issue.
  • It's confirmed here that Waspinator's gun is the source of his ability to control Titans
  • Bumblebee says "crap" instead of a common Cybertronian curse word like "scrap"...wonder if that'll be kept for the toy-re-release?
  • Nightbeat's cold reading of Cyclonus reveals the reasons for his actions during the series so far, such as not replacing his missing horn until Tailgate gave him one, his self mutilation and even his feelings for Tailgate.
  • Galvatron tearing apart Megatron (ie the portal to the Dead Universe) could mean that he's planning to strand Nova in the Dead Universe still.
  • Nightbeat's sleeper agent reconditioning is revealed to still be in effect.
  • It's mentioned here that Nightbeat's body must have been drawn into the Dead Universe following his death on Gorlam Prime, and that's how he's been revived...why didn't the Autobots notice his body was missing after the Expansion war though? He was kind of a big character after all...he was even on Optimus' crew for a while!!

IDW - Regeneration One #97

Title: The War To End All Wars Part 2
Writer: Simon Furman
Breakdowns: Guido Guidi
Finishes: Stephen Baskerville
Colourist: John-Paul Bove
Letterer: Chris Mowry
Editor: John Barber
Editor-in-Chief: Chris Ryall
The Dinobots are watching as the Demons are placed in a resettlement camp by the Autobots, which disgusts Grimlock, however the Demons don't seem to care, and seem to be calm, and are worshipping an engraving of Primus, as if waiting for something to happen.
Elsewhere at the Presidium Jetfire and Rodimus rush to Nightbeat, Perceptor and Bumblebee to find out anything they learned about Jhiaxus, and they suggest that he has a meeting with the long long Cybertronian. Later on, Rodimus arranges a meetup but it causes a massive crowd to gather. Everyone is shocked when a spacebridge starts to materialize from nowhere and out come Jhiaxus and some of his forces. Rodimus welcomes him back to Cybertron, and Jhiaxus comments on how he's noticed the snipers in the towers nearby, just in case, and mentions that Optimus probably wouldn't have done that. Rodimus goes off with Jhiaxus for their talk in private, whilst Jhiaxus signals for his troops to leave them.

Back on Earth, Optimus is overseeing the construction of the spacebridge to Nebulos with some other Autobots both on Earth and Nebulos. Quickmix, on Nebulos tells Optimus about Fort Max almost being revived, and he seems glad.
At the Technodrome, the Nebulans are replanting Fortress Maximus' original head onto his new body, unaware that the dark Matrix spawn infested his head last issue. Upon connection Maximus starts screaming in pain, but suddenly calms down.

Rodimus takes Jhiaxus to Nova Point, as it's the most secluded area (though Nightbeat and the others are spying on them). Rodimus asks him why Primus believes him to be a loose thread and a danger to the grand plan, and Jhiaxus laughs at Primus' name, and mission. He then explains that he left Cybertron to build his own empire and destiny rather than await the destiny that Primus left for them (to fight Unicron) and shows him a massive hologram of the Hub Network.

The Primum Fugae fly over to the resettlement camp and find the Demons, they mention that they were told not to kill the Transformers, but these creatures don't count. They begin the slaughter. The Dinobots intervene and start to fight the Fugae as well.
Back at Nova Point, Jhiaxus offers Rodimus a change to add Cybertron to the Hub as well. Rodimus asks how many lives he killed to create the Hub, as the worlds he's used must have been cyberformed. Jhiaxus replies that it depends on what he considers life. Rodimus attacks Jhiaxus for that, but is quickly overpowered. Jetfire and Bumblebee come to his rescue, but aare easily taken out by Jhiaxus, all whilst the Dinobots are defeated. Magnus and his team arrive to try and save the day, but before they can do anything the Primum Fugae are called away by Jhiaxus. Jhiaxus also leaves, but causes major damage to Nova Point as he goes.

In the aftermath Rodimus and the others are tended to, but it's mentioned that the Dinobots are probably going to be out of commission for some time. Rodimus declares that they need to take the fight to Jhiaxus and his troops.

It's revealed that earlier on, Starscream recognized Jhiaxus and his troops due to him retaining some of the Underbase's power and knowledge, and he declares that a reckoning will be coming to him for his actions in the past (killing the other creators)
Rodimus Prime - Caravan
Optimus Prime - Truck
Grimlock - Tyrannosaurus Rex Injured by Primum Fugae
Swoop - Pteranodon Injured by Primum Fugae
Snarl - Stegosaurus Injured by Primum Fugae
Sludge - Apatosaurus Injured by Primum Fugae
Slag - Triceratops Injured by Primum Fugae
Jetfire - Jet Injured by Jhiaxus
Bumblebee - VW Beetle Injured by Jhiaxus
Perceptor - Microscope
Nightbeat - Sports Car
Ultra Magnus - Car Carrier
Tracks - Muscle Car
Sideswipe - Sports Car
Sureshot - Baja Buggy
Crosshairs - Off Road Vehicle
Skids - Van
Blurr - Race Car
Huffer - Truck Cab
First Aid - Ambulance
Fortress Maximus - Battle Platform Possessed by Matrix Spawn
Scoop - Front End Loader
Landfill - Dump Truck
Quickmix - Mixing Truck
Resettlement Camp Workers
Autobot Population
Hot Rod - Sports Car (Mentioned)
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Shockwave Connected of Ark
Cybertronian Empire
Jhiaxus - Jet
Firecrest - Bird-Jet
Hawk - Bird-Jet
Rook - Bird-Jet
Nightjar - Bird-Jet
Wryneck - Bird-Jet
Other Cybertronians - Bird-Jets
Senior Scientist Borx
Other Nebulans
Demons Mostly killed by Primum Fugae
Matrix Spawn Creature Possessing Fortress Maximus
Primus (Engraved Image Only)
  • The multiple versions of Rook shown last issue are shown here to have different head designs and names, showing it's not just a mass-produced body like it was in G2
  • Jhiaxus has developed a Spacebridge without a physical construct needed. This is commonplace in modern fiction, but not so in the 80's G1 series'
  • The Primum Fugae consider the Dinobots to be only JUST above the level of evolution as the Demons.
  • Jhiaxus is shown to be unbelievably strong here, due to his exposure to the Underbase during it's construction
  • Starscream is revealed to still have some Underbase powers as he seems to channel the ones who built it, and recognizes Jhiaxus on sight.