Cover Date: 31 Dec 2003
Price: £1.75
Main Story
Title: Dawn of Destruction
Script: Simon Furman
Pencils: Andrew Wildman
Inks: Stephen Baskerville
Colours: Nigel Dobbyn
Letters: Neil Porter
Cyclonus crashes on the Moon, following his failed mission with the Autobot Mini-Cons, and is soon found by the Destruction Team...
Later, at the Decepticon HQ, the Decepticons are concerned about Cyclonus not contacting them, and Megatron is annoyed since he's lost most of his new base in this endeavour, and doesn't even have the Autobot Mini-Cons to make up for it.
Leader-1 detects Cyclonus approaching, and soon the Decepticon, now being controlled by the powerlinked Destruction Team, attacks the Decepticon base, destroying it.
The Decepticons confront Cyclonus, and are willing to kill their ally to destroy the rogue Mini-Cons, resulting in a battle between them.
Before Cyclonus, controlled by the Mini-Cons, is about to kill Megatron when Starscream turns his new sonic disruptor weapon on him, forcing the power links to be removed, freeing Cyclonus from their control, and the Mini-Cons run away to dafety.
Later, Starscream contacts the Destruction Team, and proposes an alliance between them to take down Megatron...
Megatron - Tank
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Cyclonus - Helicopter
Demolishor - Battle Tank
Leader-1 - Cannon Truck
Swindle - F1 Race Car
Blackout - Anti-Aircraft Vehicle
Dualor - Battle Tank
Buzzsaw - Buzzsaw Truck
Drill Bit - Drill Tank
Tales of the Mini-Cons...
Title: Counter-Strike!
Script: Simon Furman
Pencils: Simon Williams
Inks: Bambos Georgiou
Colours: Junior Tomlin
Letters: Neil Porter
In the distant past, on Cybertron, the Decepticons are attacking Mini-Con villages to gather supplies for their experiments.
Elsewhere, the Mini-Cons are holding an emergency meeting to plan a way to stop the Decepticons, the Destruction Team plots to rig the Autobot base with explosives, and send out a message to the Decepticons to head there, as it is filled with Mini-Cons, but when they arrive, they will just be destroyed, along with the Autobots as collateral damage.
Later, the plot is set and the Autobase is attacked by th Decepticons. The Mini-Cons prepare the explosives, but Sparkplug, whilst seeing the merits of killing Megatron, he can't allow the deaths of the innocent Autobots.
Just before the explosives are set off, Sparkplug sends a warning to Optimus about the explosives, allowing him and the Autobots to escape, unfortunately the Decepticons are far enough away to avoid most of the explosions, and Dualor ows revenge on whoever warned the Autobotss about their plans...
Optimus Prime - Truck
Hot Shot - Sports Car
Red Alert - Emergency SUV
Smokescreen - Tow-Crane Truck
Megatron - Tank
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Demolishor - Battle Tank
Cyclonus - Helicopter
Thrust - Fighter Jet
Sparkplug - Sports Car
Dualor - Battle Tank
Buzzsaw - Buzzsaw Truck
Drill Bit - Drill Tank
Jolt - Helicopter
Liftor - Fork-Lift-Bulldozer Truck
Commetor - Moon Buggy
Skyblast - Rocket
Ransack - Pick-Up Truck
Spiral - Race Car
Mirage - F1 Race Car
Dirt Boss - Stock Car
Generic Mini-Cons
- This was the final issue released due to dwindling sales, the next official UK Transformers comic series would come out in 2007 with the Titan movie comics.
- Cyclonus plummets to the Moon at the beginning from the end of the previous issue, placing this issue directly after that story.
- The Destruction Team's familiarity with Cyclonus and the mention of Punishment Cubes seems to be references to the Dreamwave comic, but we all know these two series don't fit in continuity together.
- Cyclonus appears to destroy the Decepticon's new base here...well that lasted a long time!
- Starscream's sonic destabilizer sure is a powerful weapon! I bet that if the series ever continued it would have never turned up again!
- It's revealed that the Destruction Team have been hiding in the old Mini-Con shuttle...so I guess they were woken up by Optimus when he got Liftor and Rollbar to reactivate, but just ignored his requests for help....yup!
- Commetor finally makes an appearance, despite Jetfire appearing much earlier in the series.
- It irks me that only SOME members of the Race and Space teams appear here
- Again, despite the front cover, Thrust have a VERY minor role in this comic!
- How did the Mini-Cons rig the Autobase with explosives with no one noticing?
Other Features
Various Contests and Adverts
Mini-Con Marble Madness! - Destroy the comic to make some crappy targets
Data File #17: Jetfire
Cyber Puzzles - Various "puzzles"
Cyclonus Upgraded! - Pull-out puzzle of Cyclonus against the Decepticons
Cyber Space! - Article on more upcoming toys
Data File #18: Commetor
High Wire's Festive Fun Factory! - Make some Christmas things!
Starscream's Hate Mail! - Read the mail and stuff!
Next Issue...
Whilst this was the last issue released, there were more planned, the next issue would have included the Adventure Mini-Con team, finding Sideways, and presumably leading up to some Unicron Battles plot lines.