Written by: Tom Scioli and John Barber
Art, Colours and Lettering by: Tom Scioli
Production by: Chris Mowry
Edits by: Carlos Guzman
Publisher: Ted Adams
Arcee and some other Autobots who feel guilty about the Earth being blown up decide to merge together and become Defensor, and vows to defend the remaining humans.
Elsewhere Doc is in the middle of performing an autopsy on Wild Bill, when he comes back to life and starts devouring the doctor and everyone else as a zombie!!! (that last part was a joke, he just comes back to life...my idea would be better)
Cobra Commander is travelling across Cybertron and reclaims Cobra for himself, and kills all his replacement commanders. Later he returns to the Cobra headquarters where he reunites with Serpentress/Baroness and they start making out after showing off their hideous scars and they rejoin forces.
In the afterlife Optimus meets with Grimlock, and the two run to escape from Kremzeek,. who is going to eat them. The two of them soon arrive at the entrance to the Matrix Pantheon where Bludgeon is there, and asks for their keys to enter. Optimus displays his, but Grimlock doesn't have one as he never wielded the Matrix. Optimus decides to give Grimlock his key, so Grimlock can go into the Matrix and join the Council of the Fallen (those talking heads that appear when you enter the Matrix in the cartoon) and Optimus stays behind in the afterlife.
Back on Cybertron, Fort Max, now controlled by Snake Eyes (I dunno why) meets with Scorponok, controlled by Scarlett (I sorta know why) The two humans meet each other between the two Transformer's tongues (Seriously! Look at my notes section image!!) and Scarlett forces Snake Eyes to reveal his face scar to her, and the two reunite.
Elsewhere, Megatron has a spasm from the Matrix, which releases the Council of the Fallen, and he is angry that Optimus isn't amongst them, but instead Grimlock appears, and starts to taunt Megatron, ordering him to give back his stolen body parts.
Elsewhere again, Scorponok and Fort Max have joined up with the main Autobot and Joe forces and force Metroplex into his robot mode, so he can join the battle as well.
The Autobots and Joes march on to battle to defeat Megatron and his forces, and to save the tiny Sun.
Wheeljack uses Blaster to shatter Trypticon's shields, and the Joes fire the "Green Bombs" at the Decepticons, covering them in vines etc to disable them. The Autobots attack the Decepticons in their confusion, and Metroplex smashes into Trypticon's chest, and the Joes and some Autobots invade the giant Decepticon.
Outside, Cobra Commander arrives with Doctor Venom, and bargains with Megatron for him to give him Mars after the battle, if he removes the vines. Megatron agrees, since he doesn't believe Mars will exist after the Sun vanishes, and Venom destroys the vines.
Below them, Defensor is being beaten by Typticon (who, up to about 2 seconds earlier was tied up by vines) but Defnsor is saved by the Joes, who use a vehicle to aim Defensor's gun and allows the Autobot to shoot Trypticon.
Baroness meets with Crystal Ball, the Cobra soothsayer, who predicts that Baroness and Cobra Commander will have a child soon that is the TRUE Cobra Commander, Serpentor.
Rodimus Prime - Sports Car
Sky Lynx - Space Shuttle/Horsie
Wheeljack - Car
Blaster - Boom Box
Ramhorn - Cassette
Steeljaw - Cassette
Stripes - Cassette
Perceptor - Tank
Swoop - Pteranodon
Slag - Triceratops
Snarl - Stegosaurus
Bumblebee - Car
Brawn - Van
Topspin - Jet
Seaspray - Hovercraft
Wreck-Gar - Motorcycle
Ironhide - Van
Jazz - Car
Kup - Pick Up Truck
Mirage - Race Car
Gears - Pick Up Truck
Warpath - Tank
Hound - Jeep
Trailbreaker - Van
Road Rage - Car
Arcee - Sports Car
Red Alert - Emergency Vehicle
Blades - Rescue Helicopter
Inferno - Fire Truck
Prowl - Police Car
Ratchet - Ambulance
Jetfire - Fighter Jet
Peacemaker - Rifle
Defensor - Rescue Bot Gestalt
Omega Supreme - Rocket Base
Fortress Maximus - Battle Platform
Metroplex - Slug Thing
Optimus Prime - Truck Dead, inside the Afterlife
Grimlock - Tyrannosaurus Rex Dead, inside the Matrix Pantheon
Alpha Trion Part of Matrix Pantheon
Regulus Prime Part of Matrix Pantheon
Sentinel Prime Part of Matrix Pantheon
Amazon Prime Part of Matrix Pantheon
Zeta Prime Part of Matrix Pantheon
Prima Part of Matrix Pantheon
Primon Part of Matrix Pantheon
Megatron - Gun
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Soundwave - Cassette Player
Sixshot - Sixchanger
Scourge - Space Shuttle
Thrust - Fighter Jet
Bombshell - Boll Weevil
Kickback - Locust
Shrapnel - Stag Beetle
Buzzsaw - Cassette
Ravage - Cassette
Abominus - Terrorcon Gestalt
Devastator Constructicon Gestalt
Predaking - Predacon Gestalt
Menasor - Stunticon Gestalt
Trypticon - Battle Platform
Scorponok - Scorpion Tank Under Scarlett's Control
Bludgeon In Afterlife
Generic Seekers - Jets
Generic Insecticons - Insects
GI Joe
General Flagg
Snake Eyes
Wild Bill Brought back to Life (Somehow)
Lady Jaye
Tunnel Rat
Quick Kick
Rock 'n Roll
Cover Girl
Big Lob
Snow Job
Generic Joes
Cobra Commander
Doctor Venom
Major Bludd
Crystal Ball
Nemesis Enforcer
Interim Cobra Commander Killed by Cobra Commander Supporters
Serpentor (Vision Only)
Cobra Troopers
Crimson Guardsmen
Blind Master Inside the Master Sword
Soft Master Inside the Master Sword
Hard Master Inside the Master Sword
- Defensor is made up of the new team of "Rescue Bots" instead of the Protectobots.
- Despite this, Defensor looks an awful lot like he would with the traditional Protectobots used, except for the lack of Groove, and there being a bright pink crotch made from Arcee
- No Arcee! Don't combine with Prowl! He'll make you annex a populated planet!!!
- Blades is based on his Aligned Rescue Bots counterpart, but with more of a G1 colour scheme.
- Peacemaker is based on his G1 counterpart, but resized to interact with a Gestalt.
- Wild Bill was killed in a plane crash, and has been dead for a week maybe? So yeah....despite this, he's totally fine and not brain damaged at all when he comes back to life.....of course!
- The Interim Cobra Commander character is based on the "Battle Armour Cobra Commander" toy from 1987...I guess Cobra Commander hated that redesign?
- The afterlife being a digital landscape for Transformers has been seen a few times before in the past, including when Optimus was trapped in Ethan Zachary's computer game, and when IDW Optimus "died" briefly and saw Nova Prime in the interspace thingie in Escalation.
- Oh shock and horror...the Serpentress is actually the Baroness in disguise to hide her "hideous" scars from issue 0.....I really hope this wasn't supposed to be a surprise reveal, as it was realized by everyone when she was revealed.
- It's revealed that Baroness rewrote some of the Cobranomicon to help the alliance with the Decepticons.
- So Cobra Commander is a lizard man? Are we sure that Billy/Stormshadow II is REALLY his biological son?
- So the Baroness' horrible scars from a plane exploding are some slight blemishes and a scar from her glasses? Big whoop-ti-do!
- Why is Bludgeon guarding the Matrix Pantheon?
- So...Optimus has Matrix "Stigmata"? You're really pushing the Jesus metaphor a bit far guys!!!
- The Master Sword (from the Headmasters TV series) is infused with the spirits of the Ninja Masters from the GI Joe framchise...where this came from is not explained due to the series being shortened in some way.
- Fort Max and Scorponok touch tongues.....EWWWWWWWW
- So we learn here that Scarlett took command of Scorponok from Zarak,. who I guess she killed. I have a few questions though...what happened to all the Cobra and Decepticon personnel inside Scorponok we saw last time, and what happened to her hair? Last time we saw Scarlett she had half her hair shaven off, but now she has a full head of hair again (and in a scorpion tail theme)
- Considering what a homicidal bitch Scarlett's been so far in this series, I was actually shocked that she didn't attack Snake-Eyes immediately after he showed her his horrible face scar.
- Also, Sbake-Eyes, please put some sort of bandage on that wound, it looks like it's going to get infected with just your mask over it!
- Grimlock appears to be able to possess his decapitated dinosaur mode head...now this could be just in Megatron's head, but from Destro's reaction it's probably not.
- After this scene, Megatron no longer has his Grimlock parts on his body, so I guess he got rid of them to stop further ghosties.
- I know I shouldn't be expecting much from this series, but HOW does the slug monster Metroplex turn into his usual G1 design, with all his normal kibble instact?
- Rodimus rides Sky Lynx like a horsie.....okay...whatever....
- Devastator is shown active again, despite the Constructicons complaining earlier that with Long Hual dead, they could no longer combine any more. I guess Long Haul got better or something, this is a badly written series after all.
- So those tendrils have the Sun totally surrounded here? last issue showed Prime no where near the size of the Sun, so how is this a thing? If he's absorbed so much solar energy already that it's shrunk the Sun down to the size of a small planet, then I think the Joes and Autobots have already lost this battle!
- They probably aren't them, but I'll say the second orange "Recordobot" and red Tracks are actually Stripes and Road Rage, just so this comic can have something good in it (though it's probably just bad colouring rather than that)
- Oh look a bit of continuity! Doctor Venom was the one who developed the Creeper plants, so it makes sense that he's have the ability to destroy/defeat them
- Also...oh no...Venom has betrayed the Joes...I never expected that at all...oh shockers!
- Where is Baroness getting her fortune told? Did Crystal Ball just bring all his occultic paraphernalia with him to Cybertron with him? Also, I thought the Cobra guys were based in Trypticon, so why aren't they collapsing from him being shot just before this scene?!
- Serpentor is revealed to be the future child of Baroness and Cobra Commander, who will grow up to be their new commander....except....
- Next issue is the last one! Hooray!!
- Seriosuly, I doubt the mutant Serpentor baby will come to anything, Baroness will probably be killed next issue or something.
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