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Wednesday 9 November 2016

IDW - Revolution: Transformers: Till All Are One

Title: Informed
Written by: Mairghread Scott
Art by: Naoto Tsushima
Colours by: DAI-XT
Letters by: Tom B Long
Editor: Carlos Guzman
Publisher: Ted Adams
Windblade is recharging in her quarters on Cybertron when she is approached by Pyra Magna and Soundwave to come to Earth to assist him in a delicate matter, though unhappy with the sudden request, she agrees, since she cannot refuse a Prime.
The trio soon arrive on Earth and Optimus explains that Metrotitan hasn't spoken to anyone in some time, since forming Autobot City, and he wants Windblade to find out what's wrong with him. Windblade, Pyra and Soundwave examine Metrotitan's systems and find nothing wrong with him. Several days later, Pyra gets annoyed and claims that it's like Metrotitan is giving them the cold shoulder, making Windblade realize that there's nothing wrong with Metrotitan, but he just doesn't want to talk to them.
Windblade locates Metrotitan's interface port and realizes that he wants to talk directly to Optimus, but she knows they don't know if this will be safe, so she interfaces instead.

Inside his mind, Windblade is angrily confronted by Metrotitan, who is insulted that Optimus sent a "speck" in his place to speak to him, but allows her to speak to the one who really wanted to speak to Optimus...Micronus Prime....
Windblade's mind is transported into Microspace, where she encounters Micronus, who has a message for Optimus regarding the destruction of Microspace, but tells Windblade that she has to experience what is happening, in order to fully understand it...

Soon, Windblade is shot out of the Entropy Cloud where she is collected by the Ministry of Defense, who find her interesting, as she has been reformatted into a pure energy being. Shazraella is called to interrogate the mysterious creature, and explains about the entropy cloud destroying Microspace, and also explains about the war between the Ministries of Defense and Science, but makes it sound like the MOD are the ones in the right.
Windblade doesn't trust Shazraella, so she doesn't give any real information to her, but is pressured by Shazraella, who is insistent that she is an alien from the cloud, using it as a weapon. Windblade gets tortured through electrocution , which event harms her physical body in Macrospace.
Windblade is forced to tell Shazraella about Cybertron and the war, but hides that the planet is currently under uneasy leadership, in case the Microspace residents ever come to their universe. Soon, one of her handmaidens calls Shazraella away to see her husband, before being attacked by another handmaiden.
The traitor handmaiden releases Windblade from her restraints and asks her for help, but doesn't believe in getting it through torture. Windblade begins to assure her that she'll help, but she fades away from Microspace, as the handmaiden is killed for her treason.
Windblade sees Micronus' face before her and begins to pass on his message to her....

Soon, Windblade wakes up in Autobot City, where she tells Optimus about Micronus Prime's universe being destroyed, and begs him for help there. Optimus however refuses, as he wants to concentrate on protecting Earth from the current Ore-13 instabilities, and due to him now being resistant to aiding another Prime following their past mistakes. Windblade points out that Optimus is no better than them, as he annexed Earth in the name of the Primes, and they accepted that due to him being a Prime. Optimus still denies her request, but asks her to remain on Earth to help him, which she accepts...because he is a Prime....she goes off alone, watched by the newly arrived Rom....
Optimus Prime - Truck Cab
Windblade - VTOL Fighter Jet
Pyra Magna - Fire Truck
Sentinel Prime - Truck/Jet (Mentioned)
Chromia - Speedbike (Mentioned)

Soundwave - Personnel Carrier
Starscream - Fighter Jet (Illusion)
Bruticus - Combaticon Gestalt (Mentioned)

Other Cybertronian
Metrotitan - Autobot City
Micronus Prime In Life-Death State
Windblade's Possible Pasts and Futures (In Metrotitan's Mindscape)
Liege Maximo (Mentioned)
Vigilem - City/Space Ship (Mentioned)
The Primes (Mentioned)
Mistress of Flame (Mentioned)

Baron Karza
Traitor Handmaiden Killed for treachery
Shazraella's Handmaidens
Acroyear II Unit
Ministry of Defense Troops (Footage)
Ministry of Science Troops (Footage)

Rom, the Space Knight
  • The start of this issue begins between the end of the Titans Return event, but before Revolution #1. The "present day" part is set between Revolution #2 and #3, as evident by Windblade's knowledge of Microspace, and Rom's presence in Autobot City.
  • Despite being made by the series regular artist, Sara Pitre-Durocher, the main cover for this issue features Windblade with the wrong facial markings. Also Metrotitan is shown with an Autobot insignia, which he doesn't have, and on top of that, the Micronauts don't appear ANYWHERE in this issue...
  • Metrotitan has a tower in his city mode that is topped by his robot mode head...that's creepy...
  • The ancient symbol of the Primes that Metrotitan uses here is based on the symbol seen on the earliest Prime from Five Faces of Darkness.
  • Micronus' character model in this issue is pretty much his character model from Robots in Disguise, rather than the design based on that character seen so far in the crossover.
  • The servants who assist Shazraella during Micronauts are identified as "handmaidens" here
  • Shazraella's official role is given here as leader of the Ministry of Defense - Intelligence Division, before we only knew she was at one point the "mistress of spies"
  • Windblade's trip into Microspace appears to have sent her back in time as well, since Baron Karza should be working from Micronus' body by this point, rather than still being in normal Microspace. It's likely that this is due in part to the time-altering nature of the entropy cloud, as shown when Baron Karza entered the cloud after the Heliopolis, but wound up exploring it for years whilst the Heliopolis was only there a couple of days.
  • Windblade compares Shazraella to Starscream in personality....I don't know who should be more insulted there!

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