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Thursday 10 November 2016

TFCC #71 - Of Masters and Monsters Part 5

Title: Pandora's Gift
Writers: Jesse Wittenrich & Pete Sinclair
Pencils: Dan Khanna
Inks: Jake Isenberg
Colours: Evan Gauntt
Letters: Jesse Wittenrich
Managing Editor: Pete Sinclair
Main Strip
Having rescued Spike and the other humans from the damaged bus, Garry the Gorilla starts talking and thanks Spike for showing him that humans are good and worth saving, so he decides to help them.
The Autobot Pretenders are battling Thunder Mayhem nearby, but aren't doing too well against the destructive force. Garry approaches them and "suits on" revealing himself to be a Transformer too, who knows the weak points of Thunder Mayhem, having been involved in the final battle on Cybertron, revealing himself to be Optimus Prime himself.
Despite this though, Mayhem grabs the Autobot leader and restrains him, as he continues the attack on the city. The humans are panicking below, but Elizabeth tries to calm everyone down, as she has a plan...
Nearby, Megatron is glad that Optimus is still alive, but is still alone as his Decepticons are all gone. Soon, Ramjet arrives, promising to kill Megatron, until the Wreckers arrive, and Toxitron uses his acidic touch to melt Ramjet's face and arm. The Wreckers leave Ramjet to die, as they head off to join the battle, not noticing that Ramjet is healing from his wounds using his dark powers....

Optimus Prime - Pick Up Truck
Hi-Q - Space Shuttle/Gun
Metalhawk - Fighter Jet
Crossblades - Helicopter Injured by Thunder Mayhem
Vroom - Motorcycle
Impactor - Armoured Truck
Bluestreak - Sports Car

Megatron - Tank
Thunder Mayhem - Mayhem Attack Squad Gestalt
Ramjet - Fighter Jet
Toxitron - Truck Cab
Fractyl - Fighter Jet
Counterpunch - Sports Car

Spike Witwicky
  • WHAT?!?! Garry the Gorilla is actually Optimus Prime in disguise?! Who could have guessed that obvious twist was ever going to happen?!
  • It's mentioned that Thunder Mayhem is made much stronger than the component parts when combined because of...reasons...but Optimus somehow knows his weak
  • You know, for a destructive killing machine, Thunder Mayhem hasn't killed anyone, or caused any major destruction (besides one bus) yet...
  • I like how no-one even acknowledges Hi-Q being with Optimus...guess Targetmaster-lives don't matter in the Classicsverse.
  • It's mentioned that Optimus was locked inside a ship and made to watch Thunder Mayhem's rampage over Cybertron in an apparent attempt to drive him insane...WHY BOTHER?!?!
  • Wait, who are those guys appearing at the end of this story? Well they come from the prose stories that accompanied this series, due to what I can only assume to be because of the ending of the TFCC and their stories needing to be tied up quickly.
  • Toxitron is supposed to be an altered Decepticon made as a clone of sorts for Optimus, including his own fake Matrix....he looks nothing like that Optimus of this universe....
Title: The Re-Burn of Blurr
Writer: Derrick J. Wyatt
Art: Josh Perez
Letters: Jesse Wittenrich
The Headmaster Jrs and Sari are on a trip with their teacher when they are greeted by a saddened Kremzeek, who tries to tell them about how the poor, slow Blurr was crushed accidentally by Shockwave, but the Headmasters aren't interested, so they attack Kremzeek and further damage the Blurr-cube, leaving Kremzeek even sadder....

Arcee - Sports Car
Nightbeat - Sports Car
Siren - Htachback
Hosehead - Snow Plough
Blurr - (Slow) Race Car Pretty Much Dead

Shockwave - Tank/Crane (Flashback)

Sari Sumdac
  • This story is a Shattered Glass take on the "Return of Blurr" script reading/storybook
  • The teacher is a little odd, it's based on Arcee, so you'd assume it was a SG version of her, just in Scourge's colours, but this version also features Scourge's facial hair and head doo-dah, and comments they will "drain the Dinobot" aka a take on "drain the lizard" which is male speak for going to the toilet. I dunno, maybe Arcee's just male in this universe?
  • Nightbeat appears to be based on Harley Quinn, with her mallet and "puddin" comment, so I would guess Hosehead and Siren are based on Suicide Squad characters too, but....I haven't seen the film yet, so I can't identify them.
  • Siren's tiny speech is an inversion of his loud and obnoxious voice in the regular universes, it's difficult to read, but the dialogue says "Derrick J. Wyatt sees me in his dreams" and "Josh Perez thinks I taste like mint chocolate".....right then!
Other Features
The Secret Origin of the G2 Powermasters! - Article on the motorized Powermasters.
Transformers Animated profiles - A bunch of TFA character tech specs, nothing new though.
TFA Season 4 Episode Guide - A list and brief overview on the cancelled season 4 of Animated
Sari-Blurr artwork - A visual representation of the Sari-Blurr fusion from the script reading
TFA Headmaster Jrs. Profile - Profiles for Siren, Hosehead and Nightbeat
Advert for the TF/GI Joe Crossover toys - Buy things!!!!


  1. Regarding how Optimus just happens to know of Thunder Mayhem's weaknesses... Seeing as how Optimus was forced to watch a majority (if not the entirety) of Thunder Mayhem's rampage across Cybertron, he may have picked up a few things from watching the numerous attempts made to destroy the combiner.

    ...But that's just me.

  2. Also, as to why Thunder Mayhem would attempt to drive Optimus insane instead of just killing him... I can think of a good reason:

    "[They're] bad guys, it's what [they] do."
