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Wednesday 11 January 2017

IDW - Till All Are One #6

Title: Desperate Times
Written by: Mairghread Scott
Art by: Sara Pitre-Durocher
Colours by: Joana LaFuente
Letters by: Tom B. Long
Editor: Carlos Guzman
Publisher: Ted Adams
Metroplex is being overrun by the Titan Swarm, despite the united Cybertronian army fighting them off as well, he is taking too much damage. Windblade realizes that the Titans are fighting anything that moves, so she severs Metroplex's brain module, connecting it to an Energon stint, and causes him to effectively die, stopping the Titans from further attacking him.
Starscream sees this from his tower, and starts panicking further. He gets Elita One on the communicator again, but she still refuses to allow Carcer to transform and join the battle on the ground.

Following the bad exchange with Elita, Starscream calls the other Council members and allies to have them return to the Spire for an emergency meeting.
Once all gathered, Starscream explains that Elita is refusing Carcer to join the battle, and suggests that they evacuate the planet and escape from the Titans that way. No one is happy with this, but they understand what has to be done...
Ironhide starts filing civilians into the shuttles, but there's too many people trying to escape the planet. The prisoners are escorted to the shuttles, and Chromia sees Ironhide, warning him to get to Windblade, since she knows she'll do something stupid without someone to balance out her ideals.

Much to her prediction, Windblade speaks up, and suggests a mission for a team to head to Carcer, and take control of it to allow him to join the battle, despite Elita's arguments.
Windblade quickly assembles her team, which includes herself, Blurr, Tigatron, Airazor, Moonracer, Lightbright, Sparkstalker, Breakdown (the Veloctironian one) and Fireshot, who will take a ship, and hide amongst the others sent to attack Carcer from the outside. Sparkstalker gives Windblade a strange device that she asked him for, and they leave.

Elita contacts Starscream to ask him why he's sent shuttles to attack her, and he just says that she brought this on herself. Starscream has the Constructicons deployed, and combine them into Devastator to assault the hull of the Titan directly.
Obsidian tries to reason with Elita, pointing out that they are still their allies, and they should just explain the situation to them, but she ignores him, and orders her troops to open fire on the other Cybertronians.....
Metroplex - Iacon City Deactivated by Windblade
Windblade - VTOL Fighter Jet
Blurr - Race Car
Ironhide - Van
Chromia - Speedbike
Bumblebee - Car (Ghost)

Sparkstalker - Insect Monster
Tall Tankor - Truck/Jet
Fat Tankor - Tank

United Cybertron
Starscream - Fighter Jet
Constructicons - Construction Vehicles
Devastator - Constructicon Gestalt
Ironhide's Security Force
Cybertronian Civilians
Prison Warden - Truck

Caminus (Mentioned)
Knock Out - Sports Car
Moonracer - Sports Car
Breakdown - Armoured Van
Quicklightning - Race Car
Vanquish - Part of Jet
Fireshot - Part of Jet
Tigatron - Tiger
Airazor - Falcon

Carcer - Space Shuttle
Elita One - Car
Obsidian - Osprey Stealth Bomber

Titan Swarm Several Killed in Battle

  • Lightbright being a Cityspeaker was shown at the start of Combiner Wars, when we were introduced to Caminus itself. It just hasn't appeared too much since then...
  • It's explained here that Caminus' brain was removed so that his body could be used throughout the planet
  • Despite appearances, the Carcer crew appear to WANT to help Cybertron by Transforming their Titan, but Elita is just being stubborn due to the currently unknown secret of the Titan.
  • The prison warden here looks a lot like Armorhide from the Live Action Movie toyline. A similar looking robot appeared in several flashbacks as the manager of the race track.
  • Devastator is shown with a Decepticon insignia again now, this is most likely a mistake though, since Scoop is forming the centre of his consciousness now, and he is a Neutral/former Autobot.

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