Writer: Simon Furman
Artist: Guido Guidi
Colourist: John-Paul Bove
Letterer: Jake M. Wood
Editors: David Mariotte & Tom Waltz
Assistant Editor: Riley Farmer

After boarding the Ark, the Dynobot's bodies are deemed to be unsalvageable right now, but their sparks and memory engrams are placed into the ship's mind bank, though Optimus wants them to be saved, he also knows that this effort will soon be completely wasted...
At the Autobot's base, Perceptor reports his beliefs that Shockwave used the Dreadnaut thrusters to try and move the planet's course, however before they can do anything about it, the new Decepticon leader, Straxus, launches an attack on the Autobots (on Counterpunch's advice) that distracts them from the thruster discovery.
Soon, the Ark completes it's fake mission to clear a path for Cybertron, and is boarded by the Decepticons, prompting Optimus to purposefully crash the Ark into the side of a mountain on the surface of a planet...
Following his victory, still aboard the Nemesis, Shockwave contacts Counterpunch to inform him of his imminent return to Cybertron, once he confirms the deaths of Megatron and the others. To his shock, the Coneheads appear behind him, having been ordered to stay in aerial mode outside the Ark during the attack, and wonder why Shockwave isn't trying to help the injured Decepticons below. Shockwave's response is to shoot them with a modified Scraplet virus, designed to incapacitate rather than kill, and heads off to the planet below.
On the Ark, AUNTIE, the Ark's computer detects Shockwave's presence and deems him a threat to the crew, so it rebuilds the Dynobots (now the Dinobots) using scans of fossils in the area as a basis. The Dinobots head out alone, intending to get revenge on the one-eyed Decepticon for his recent victory over them.
Later, Counterpunch contacts Shockwave to ask where he is, since he missed their planned rendezvous, and Cybertron has passed the planet, however Shockwave has had a change of plan, as he's discovered that the planet is packed full of raw Energon sources, and he intends to drain the planet dry and power his Project Dreadnaut forever.
Unfortunately for him, the Dinobots arrive and tear into the lone Decepticon. Seeing the battle isn't going well, Grimlock has Snarl bash the nearby mountain, causing a landslide, hitting everyone. Sludge and Snarl get buried and Slag is caught in a tar pit, but Shockwave is able to still stand. Swoop grabs a vial of Shockwave's new super Energon he's been collecting from Earth, and throws it to Grimlock before crashing. Grimlock injects the Energon into his system and gets super-powered, immediately punching Shockwave into the mountain, burying him too, winning the battle....
Punch/Counterpunch - Car
Grimlock - Tyrannosaurus Rex
Slag - Triceratops Trapped in Tar Pit
Snarl - Stegosaurus Buried under Land Slide
Sludge - Apatosaurus Buried under Land Slide
Swoop - Pteranodon Crashed into Mountain
Ultra Magnus - Truck
Nosecone - Drill Tank
Lightspeed - Car
Impactor - Tank
Optimus Prime Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Gears Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Huffer Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Bumblebee Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Windcharger Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Ironhide Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Wheeljack Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Ratchet Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Other Autobots on Ark (Mentioned) Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
The Reserve Warriors (Mentioned) Stored in Mind Bank
Straxus - Flying Tank
Shockwave - Ray Gun Buried into Mountain by Grimlock
Thrust - Jet Hit by Shockwave's Scraplet Virus
Ramjet - Jet Hit by Shockwave's Scraplet Virus
Dirge - Jet Hit by Shockwave's Scraplet Virus
Megatron Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Starscream - Jet Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Thundercracker - Jet Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Skywarp - Jet Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Soundwave Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Laserbeak Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Frenzy Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Chop Shop - Insect Jet
Bombshell - Insect Jet
Kickback - Insect Jet
Shrapnel - Insect Jet
Ratbat (Mentioned)
Skyfire - Jet (Mentioned) Brain Chip taken by Shockwave
Other Decepticons on Ark (Mentioned) Rendered Inert in Ark Crash
Scraplets (Mentioned)
- I'm very sorry about this review being EXTREMELY late, but my original copy got lost in rthe mail, then it's replacement got lost, so I had to get another one from another seller just to get this done relatively on time. (To put it into perspective, I've had issue 3 for longer than I've had issue 2)
- As with last time, I wont mention most things that were brought up in the creator commentary at the end of the issue, unless it seems particularly important to note.
- The Dynobot's sparks and memory engrams are placed into the same mind bank that the reserve Autobots are stored in, as we'll see more of next issue....
- Straxus is introduced here, and it's revealed that he was placed in his command position by Counterpunch, on Shockwave's orders, with the intent of him being removed from power by Shockwave, which of course doesn't happen...
- The Autobots defending the border regions from Straxus during the Ark's launch is mostly made of future Wreckers, again, more on them next issue!
- Its confirmed here that Shockwave did figure out Optimus' plan, and used it to take out Megatron and his forces for his own gain, and intentionally stayed on the Nemesis as "back-up" to take advantage of this.
- The second half of this issue is basically a retelling of the Dinobot's origins from the original Marvel series, but more realistic and to be safe from legal stuff (such as the lack of living dinosaurs on the Savage Land)
- The Ark's computer, AUNTIE, is given the acronym of Artificial Utility Nexus/Tactical Intelligence Entity
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