Title: Gauging the Truth, Part 3: Moment of Truth
Written by: Sam Maggs
Art by: Beth McGuire-Smith
Colours by: Josh Burcham
Letters & Design by: Jake M. Wood
Editors: David Mariotte & Tom Waltz
Assistant Editor: Riley Farmer

The Exodus flies above a Cybertronian city, and begins it's attack on the planet. Arcee and Greenlight escape the ship so they can warn the Cybertronians and form a resistance against the invading force, whilst Gauge stays behind to try and stop the attack from the inside.
Unaware to her though, Heretech plans to use her as an integral part of his master plan, he'll have her, a Cybertronian newborn, who has been raised by the Reversionists to encourage everyone to join them, or he'll use the Exodus' engines to ignite an Energon vein on Cybertron, killing all those who remain "sacrilegious".
The Reversionists, including Gauge jump towards Cybertron, with Gauge taking on her mobile digger alternate mode, so she can "find the Energon vein" for Heretech. Gauge makes her way to a communications tower, and sends out a message to everyone, but not the one Heretech wanted, as she says that everyone should make their own choices in life, if they want to join the Reversionists they should, but they shouldn't be forced to.
Heretech, angry about this betrayal breaks his way into the communications tower and intends to kill the traitor, but Arcee and Greenlight arrive to defend their mentee. During the fight, Gauge locates some raw Energon under the tower's flooring and throws it at Heretech, who is in his giant drill mode, hitting the drillbit and causing the Energon to explode, badly injuring the Reversionist leader.
In the aftermath, the Reversionists give up their fight, and mostly disband, joining other factions, or returning to space under Accelerator's command. Gauge decides that she wants to stay with Arcee and Greenlight for a while, whilst she looks for her own life, and the trio walk off together, to begin their lives again on Cybertron.
Heretech - Drill Tank Badly Injured by Gauge's Energon Explosion
Reversionist Congregation
Other Cybertronian
Gauge - Mobile Digger
Arcee - Car
Greenlight - Car
Random Cybertronians
Primus (Mentioned)
- It's not clear when this issue is set in continuity, but since it was originally set to be released around the same time as issue 21 of the main comic, we can assume it's around about that time too here.
- When referring to Arcee and Greenlight, Gauge seems to refer to them as Autobots, we've had no indication that either are Autobots (yet) in this continuity.
- In the time since they left Cybertron, Gauge has taken on her own alternate mode, which should be a major deal to her mentors, but Arcee and Greenlight don't even mention it...
- Apparently directly under the ground in the communications tower is readily mineable Energon veins...you'd think they would have mined those considering the Energon crisis, before building a tower above it....
- Following the reveal of Heretech's lies and attack on Cybertron, the Reversionists are now no longer a political party, with most of the members joining the other factions, and some, under Accelerator, plan to return to space.
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