Title: Primal Rage
Written by: Erik Burnham
Art by: Josh Burcham
Letters by: Jake M. Wood
Assistant Editor: Riley Farmer
Editor: Jazmine Joyner
Supervising Editor: David Mariotte
Waspinator and Scorponok locate some strange Energon, and fight off some aggressive beasts in the process.
When the Energon is brought back to the Darksyde, Tarantulas discovers that the Energon itself is what caused the aggression in the beasts, but for some reason it doesn't seem to affect the Predacons, giving Megatron an idea...
Later, Optimus and Dinobot are out positioning some new sensors, when Tarantulas and Blackarachnia attack, placing a strange device on Dinobot's beast mode back, and leave. Optimus tries to remove the device, but it detonates, knocking him out.
Later still, Optimus wakes up on the Axalon, but is shown to have become exceptionally aggressive to everyone, which Rhinox and Dinobot quickly realize must be an effect of the device, with Dinobot even suggesting that his Predacon heritage, and constant suppression of hatred for his past crew has just made him resistant to the effects.
Optimus stomps through the halls of the ship, and assaults the rest of the crew for their past failures and personality faults. Soon, Dinobot breaks up the fight, and suggests to Optimus to use his current rage to go after Megatron and take him out, rather than going after his own crew, which he agrees to, and leaves to kill the Predacon leader, with the Maximals just hoping he recovers from his affliction before he goes too far.
At the Darksyde, Megatron is trying to repair the engine damage caused during the Maximal's recent attack, when Waspinator appears and tells him that he has captured a Maximal, and wants Megatron to come to it, in order to kill him himself. Megatron follows, but finds no Maximals, then realizes that Waspinator's voice sounds different. "Waspinator" attacks Megatron, and knocks him out, revealing himself to be Saberback, and reports to his bosses that Megatron has been captured.
Elsewhere, Optimus is on his way to kill Megatron, when he is attacked by Polar Claw, who manages to knock him out too, capturing him for his leaders too...
Optimus Primal - Gorilla Captured by Polar Claw
Dinobot - Velociraptor
Rhinox - Rhino
Cheetor - Cheetah
Rattrap - Rat
Nyx - Bat
Megatron - Tyrannosaurus Rex Captured by Saberback
Tarantulas - Tarantula
Blackarachnia - Black Widow Spider
Scorponok - Scorpion
Waspinator - Wasp
Skold - Alligator Snapping Turtle
Children of the Vok
Polar Claw - Polar Bear
Saberback - Stegosaurus
Hammerhead Cats Defeated by Scorponok and Waspinator
"Gods" (Mentioned, very likely the Vok)
- Though not outright named here, the "god's" Polar Claw references are most likely the Vok, who have managed to figure out how to rewrite the Protoform Pods to serve them.
- The strange Energon found found this issue somewhat resembles red Kryptonite, in both effect and appearance.
- Saberback was one of the Predacons introduced in the Beast Wars Neo cartoon and toyline. Whilst probably just a coincidence, one of the sub gimmicks of that line's Predacons, was a "trap" or disguise mode, which Saberback does both this issue, he disguises as Waspinator, and traps Megatron.
- Polar Claw's appearance here could be a major holdover of the early plan for the Kingdom toyline, which originally featured Polar Claw as one of the seemingly planned figures.
- Polar Claw's speech patterns somewhat resembles Death's Head's speech, a character partly created by Simon Furman, who is known for loving Polar Bears, and being the writer for the previous IDW Beast Wars comic series.
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