Written by: Brian Ruckley
Art by: Jack Lawrence
Colours by: John-Paul Bove
Letters by: Jake M. Wood
Editor: Riley Farmer
Supervising Editors: David Mariotte & Tom Waltz
Skywarp arrives at Decepticon HQ, and warns them about Exarchon's return, and that he has plans at the Sonic Canyons, which must be stopped or Cybertron will fall.
Megatron, who was in the middle of peace talks with Optimus, agrees to Optimus to a ceasefire, so they can handle Exarchon. Megatron orders Sixshot and Slipstream to lead their teams to the Sonic Canyons to handle the situation.
At the Sonic Canyons, the Autobot team are hiding from Exarchon, when Zetar digs through the ground, having found something underground for them to see. Exarchon has a Clone Drone army, a massive drill and an Imploder...
Pyra Magna, having received a distress call from the Canyon team heads there with his Compatriots, but Pyra orders Jumpstream to not join them, as she wants to avoid her death, as predicted by her future travels.
Soundblaster and his team arrive to assist Exarchon, on Shockwave's orders, with some of them heading into the tunnels to deal with the Autobots.
The Decepticon teams arrive, but Slipstream has been ordered by Shockwave to stand back, and not join the fight. Some of the team disobey and join the fight immediately, and the others start to question Shockwave's commands...
The Decepticons engage the Exarchon-allied bots in the Canyons, but the giant dragon form of Exarchon joins the fight to deal with the Decepticons, however Pyra's team arrkves just in time to join the battle too.
Back in Iacon, the Science team confront Megatron, about whether it is a good idea to create a new Titan, with Exarchon wandering around.
Meanwhile, Jumpstream sees a shooting star, and decides to follow it, since she can't join the battle, however she soon discovers that it is actually Devastator, who has returned to Cybertron to join the battle. She cannot contact Pyra, due to the interference from the Canyons, do she teleports there, to give the warning in person, despite the risks....
Optimus Prime - Truck
Pyra Magna - Truck
Jumpstream - Car
Rust Dust - Motorcycle
Groundbreaker - Jet
Sunstreaker - Car
Windcharger - Car
Sureshot - Buggy
Geomotus - Radar Buggy
Landmine - Plough Buggy
Pointblank - Car
Zetar - Drill Tank
Megatron - Tank
Soundwave - Hovercraft
Starscream - Jet
Slipstream - Jet
Sixshot - Tank/Jet/Gun/Car/Winged Beast
Shadow Striker - Car
Blackjack - Car
Hyperdrive - Car
Flamewar - Motorcycle
Tracer - Helicopter
Swift - Helicopter
Roughstuff - Truck
Cindersaur - Lizard Monster
Flamefeather - Bird Monster
Sparkstalker - Insect Monster
Mindwipe - Bat
Bitstream - Jet
Astrotrain - Train/Shuttle
Three-fold Spark
Exarchon/Deathsaurus - Dragon
Soundblaster - Hovercraft
Rumble - Cassette
Frenzy - Cassette
Onslaught - Tank
Brawl - Tank
Vortex - Helicopter
Clone-Drone Army - Jets
Exarchon/Flatline - Van (Mentioned)
Shockwave - Flying Artillery (Mentioned)
Other Cybertronian
Cyclonus - Jet
Skywarp - Jet
Devastator - Construction Gestalt
Last Titan Spark Inert
Lodestar - Titan Ship (Mentioned)
Insecticon Clones - Insects (Mentioned)
Primus (Mentioned)
Rust Worms
Exarchon's Re-makers (Flashback)
- We see the other side of the conversation between Optimus and Megatron from Transformers 41 here.
- Starscream and Soundwave are finally working together now, ever since Soundwave has hated him for taking his job as head of intelligence.
- Jumpstream notes that Cybertron was intact when she went to the future, so she thinks history ahs already been altered with the Rust Worms eating the surface as they currently are.
- Both Cyclonus and Jumpstream are present by the end of the issue at the Sonic Canyons, where the future version if Swift told Jumpstream she saw them die...
- Exarchon is revealed to possess an imploder, which is the same weapon used to kill the Titans Croaton and Vigilem.
- Deathsaurus/Exarchon seems to take some interest in who Onslaught is. We see in the dark future that Onslaught was one of the bodies he used in that period.
- Jumpstream absentmindedly comments that she sees a Titan when she sees a shooting star in the sky, much like Rubble did back in the early days of the series.
- Exarchon further comments this issue about how he was altered by the "Quintessence" and we even see tendrals operating on him in the flashback. I think we're seeing the Quintessons here...
- Exarchon's plan is revealed to be to infest the Allspark itself, in order to control all of Cybertron itself.
- Team Stream, who are affiliated with Shockwave, seem to be opposed to Exarchon's return, unlike the rest of his crew.
- The Decepticon scientists are now apprehensive about creating a new Titan, most likely due to how he infested Croaton during the original war.
- Devastator returns to Cybertron this issue, having gone on a rampage on Malyax in Galaxies, and having a brief cameo showing his travelling to Cybertron on a meteor a few issue ago.
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