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Friday 5 October 2012

DW - 20th Anniversary Summer Special

G1 - Welcome to the Jungle
Megatron fights a feral Razorclaw on Planet Beest, having already defeated and captured the other Predacons, but manages to defeat the Predacon leader in the forest and take shim back to his lair inside a temple where he fixes his mind and refits Razorclaw to be able to combine with his fellow Predacons, into Predaking.
Megatron - Gun
Razorclaw - Lion
Predacons (Seen in Predaking Mode)
Predaking - Predacon Gestalt
Air Warriors - Jets
Battle Beasts
  • This story is set between Megatron killing Wreck-Gar and returning to Cybertron
  • The denizens of Planet Beest are the Battle Beasts.
  • Despite what is shown on the cover, the other Predacons don't actually appear in this comic

Energon - Perspective
Slugslinger, Snow Cat and Sharkticon return from a mission (to steal the Omega Supreme plans) in failure and lie to Megatron about what went wrong, and telling him how it wasn't each of their faults. After listening to all of them, Megatron talks to Slugslinger and says that his lie was the most convincing, which is what he needs in his army, so he promotes him to senior lieutenant.
Omega Supreme - Crane and Train (Flashback) Under Construction
Megatron - Space Jet
Snow Cat - Snow Tracker
Slugslinger - Twin Nosed Jet
Sharkticon - Submarine
Shockblast - Sattelite/Tank (Mentioned)
Skyboom - Shuttle (Flashback)
Wreckage - Warship (Flashback)
Scattor - Jet (Flashback)
Kicker (Flashback)
  • This is set after the last to be released issue of Energon
  • ...Why was Snow Cat...who turns into a snowmobile sent on a mission to Ocean City, which is in the ocean...?
  • Slugslinger and Sharkticon's faces look different to their normal states, both looking more normal than they should
  • The Energon Saber Team are in their Armada series counterpart's colours

RID - Ultra the Rescue?
Megatron tells Scourge and Sky-Byte that their supplies from Cybertron have been cut off due to issues there, so he orders them to drain energy from Earth, whilst he and some of the Decepticons cause distractions for the Autobots.
The attacks begin and the Autobots are stretched thin so Optimus goes to deal with Scourge and Sky-Byte himself, who are attacking a power plant in Arizona, when Ultra Magnus joins in as well. The two learn to work together and eventually manage to defeat the bad guys, saving the day, however Magnus still doesn't want to be part of Prime's team, so he goes off on his own once more.
Optimus Prime - Fire Truck
Ultra Magnus - Car Carrier
Prowl - Police Car
Side Burn - Muscle Car
X-Brawn - SUV
Rapid Run - Bullet Train (On Screen)
Megatron - Dragon/Bat/Hand/Car/Jet
Sky-Byte - Shark
Slapper - Toad
Gas Skunk - Skunk
Darkscream - Flying Squirrel
Scourge - Oil Tanker
Armorhide - Tank
Rollbar - Jeep
  • This comic seems to be set during the RID TV series. It's likely however that had this of been picked up as a series that we'd have seen it diverge somewhat
  • From the looks of things, Megatron is performing a diversion in this story....why?!
  • Magnus pretty much calls Scourge a repaint.
  • ...What is wrong with Side Burn's head in this story!?!?

BW - Ain't No Rat
The Maximals are on their way home with Megatron as their prisoner, so the Maximals all take a stasis nap to pass the time, whilst asleep, Rattrap has a dream about him being out alone, when Dinobot 2 attacks him, but he's rescued by three Maximals he doesn't recognize. Rattrap invites the Maximals to return to base with him for safety, but they refuse, saying they have more important things to do.
Rattrap wakes up to Optimus Primal wondering what he was talking about whilst sleeping, but Rattrap doesn't think it's important, and that it's just a dream, and they continue back home.
Optimus Primal - Ape/Armoured Truck/Jet
Rattrap - Rat
Cheetor - Cheetah
Rhinox - Thino
Black Arachnia - Spider
Silverbolt - Winged Wolf
Optimus Minor - Spider Monkey (Flashback)
Bonecrusher - Bison (Flashback)
Wolfang - Wolf (Flashback)
Megatron - Dragon
Dinobot 2 - Raptor (Flashback)
  • This story was selected to be the next Dreamwave series, however Dreamwave collapsed before it could be made, however the series was recycled by IDW for The Gathering, which has the same basic plot and characters (as seen from released scripts)
  • This is of course set between the end of Beast wars and the start of Beast Machines.
  • Despite what is shown on the front cover, Megatron ISN'T in his Tyrannosaurus Rex body in this story

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