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Saturday 13 October 2012

IDW - Regeneration One #84

Title: "Loose Ends" Part 4
Writer: Simon Furman
Penciler: Andrew Wildman
Inker: Stephen Baskerville
Colorist: John-Paul Bove
Letterer: Chris Mowry
Editor: John Barber
Editor-in-Chief: Chris Ryall
Starscream, although lobotomized, is still able to think and tries to tell something to the scraplet-infected Kup how to defeat Megatron once and for all, but is physically unable to say the words. Megatron has his Decepticon Zombie army leave the site where he's left Kup's inert body, ready for the Autobot rescue party to arrive.
Springer, Whirl and Sandstorm fly towards Kup's location, which they know is a trap, but they need to do this to give Roadbuster a distraction, whilst his team approach the Ark. In Canada, Roadbuster leads his team, including Circuit Smasher and some of the human resistance (in battle suits from the base), plus the rest of the Wreckers and plans their attack on the Ark. Circuit Smasher makes Roadbuster promise that they're just doing to destroy the Ark, not try to salvage it or anything.
Back at the city, the fliers approach Kup when the Decepticons start to attack them, Springer sends a message to Roadbuster that he's free to start, and they do. The Canada team are attacke dby the Ark's defense systems, including Auto-Guns, but seem to be able to break through them, which no other team has ever managed to do so far.
At the city, the three fliers are all knocked down, one by one. Megatron approaches the still alive Springer and points his fusion cannon at his head, ready to finish him off. In Canada again, the team arrive at the Ark, but then an army of Guardian Units pour out of it, ready to fight.
On Cybertron, Hot Rod has a strange dream about him being on a rocky-lava filled world and is attacked  by a Demon, whilst wiedling a strange sword. Hot Rod thinks this dream or whatever it was is connected to Optimus leaving for Earth, when suddenly Blurr appears and tells him that the Neo-Decepticons have infiltrated the Hall of Silence to take the remains of Thunderwing.
Optimus and his team arrive on Earth and encounter Megatron as he's about to kill Springer, this cheers up Megatron as he's been waiting for decades for Optimus to come to him. With this distraction, Strascream approaches Kup, who is still alive and tries to tell him to "Kill Ratchet", which is the only way to kill Megatron too, due to their mental link.
Optimus Prime
Spinger - Helicopter Shot Down
Kup - Pick Up Truck Infected with Scraplets
Whirl - Helicopter Shot Down
Sandstorm - Helicopter Shot Down
Roadbuster - Jeep
Broadside - Jet
Topspin - Jet
Leadfoot - F1 Race Car Flipped in Canada
Rack 'N' Ruin
Hot Rod
Ultra Magnus
Cosmos - Flying Saucer
Ratchet (Head Only)
Other Autobots
Starscream - Jet
Skywarp - Jet
Thundercracker - Jet
Blitzwing - Jet/Tank
Blot - Bipedal Monster
Tantrum - Bull
Octane - Crago Plane/Oil Tanker
Ratbat - Cassette
Thunderwing (Mentioned)
Circuit Smasher
Gordon Kent
Demon (In Dream)
Guardian Units
Auntie (Mentioned)
  • As I've been saying for a while now, the obvious method to killing Megatron, would be to kill Ratchet
  • Thundercracker goes with Skywarp through his portal...not sure if that's been seen before now
  • Leadfoot isn't seen out of vehicle mode in this issue
  • Circuit Smasher doesn't seem to care whether the Autobots live or die
  • The sword Hot Rod conjures in his dream/vision/whatever it is looks sort of like Primus' sword in the old Marvel days, and adding to that Primus' similar appearance to Hot Rod, it would make sense, it could also be the Star Saber however as well.
  • There's a few Autobots hidden behind Optimus and his guys on the penultimate page, most are unidentifiable, but one does look like Wheeljack

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