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Saturday 22 October 2016

IDW - Micronauts #1

Written by: Cullen Bunn
Breakdowns by: David Baldeon
Finishes by: Fico Ossio, Max Dunbar, Jack Lawrence and David Baldeon
Colours by: David Garcia Cruz, Joana LaFuente, Thomas Deer and John-Paul Bove
Letters by: Tom B Long
Editor: John Barber
Publisher: Ted Adams
The planet Saqqura is engulfed by the Entropy Cloud, and begins to tear the planet apart. A science team on the planet are observing the destruction to try and find a way to stop it in the future, but one of the scientists has a spat of consciousness and wants to escape with as many of the population as possible, but is stopped from leaving when his Biotron unit simply stops reacting due to his own mission. The team are struck by the cloud...

Later, on Micropolis-12, Oz is completing a delivery, when he gets insulted that some of the workers are being callous about the destruction of Saqqura, and ends up causing a fight between his crew member, Acroyear and the workers. Oz ends up being through off the harbour, but is saved by Phenolo-Phi in her Space Glider suit. She returns him to the harbour, where it is revealed that this always happens when they come to this planet.
Oz's client, Hezlee Ferro, joins them and escorts them into his office for another job. Inside he asks them to go to the Valtricos research station to recover some medical supplies that are being held there by a Ministry of Defense blockade, so he can give them to the needy. He also asks Oz to take his new employee, Larissa, with them to protect his interests.

At the perimeter of the Entropy Cloud, where Baron Karza is ordering relocations for populations and his own assets to stop them from being destroyed by the spreading cloud, whilst also waging a war with the Ministry of Science.

Oz's ship, the Heliopolis, arrives at the research station using it's warp drive, and the crew are transported on board the station to locate the medical supplies. Within moments however, the team encounter a large number of sentry bots begin attacking the group. Acroyear attacks the robots, whilst Larissa uses her shield generators to create protections for herself and the others.
The group find themselves at the storage area where they hope to find the medical supplies so they can escape the station, but only find  Biotron unit with a long dead pilot inside, and several Phobos units surrounding the room. Oz enters the Biotron unit, removing the corpse in the process, where Biotron informs him that the station houses no medical supplies, but rather biological weapons. Just as Oz is about to inform the crew about this, the Phobos units activate and begin firing, blowing a hole in the side of the station....
Oziron Rael

Ministry of Defense
Baron Karza
Shazraella's Attendants
Devil Head Microtron

Ministry of Science
Biotron's Pilot Died of old age, via Entropy Cloud
Scientists on Saqqua Killed by Entropy Cloud
Valtricos Sentry Bots
Main Biotron
Phobos Units
Biotron Units Destroyed by Entropy Cloud

Hezlee Ferro
Hezlee's Goons
Denizens of Saqqua Killed by Entropy Cloud
  • *Gasp* Another non-Transformers series on this site?! What is this madness!?
  • In case you don't already know, the Micronauts were a toyline that involved magnetic artist-mannequin-looking figures that can detach parts to change their appearances etc. Instead of following the toyline fully here, it was decided to merely use the original figures as the design basis for the series, but with more "normal" looking aliens as the people under the suits etc.
  • Examples of this are that Acroyear is just one of a mass-produced line of Acroyears, and Oz is a member of the Pharoid race, whilst Space Gliders are a type of suit that Phenolo-Phi uses.
  • The interchangeability of the limbs etc in the toys has been translated to "Enerchanging" here, which is where they summon weapons or other attachments from sub-space.
  • From how things are played out here, it looks like Acroyear is new to Oz's crew
  • The Ministry of Defense outpost is made of various existing Micronauts playsets.
  • Baron Karza's Microtron uses the devil head configuration, whilst the Heliopolis's Microtron uses the regular seat head.
  • Despite being a main character here, the main Microtron is only seen in 3 brief panels this issue...his evil counterpart appears more!!
  • Though not explicitly called out here, the Biotron unit, and corpse-pilot at the end of this issue were amongst the scientists at the start of this issue. This is used to show that the Entropy Cloud is able to manipulate time, which is brought up more in the Revolution tie-in stories.
  • Oz's eye colour is a little inconsistent here, some times they are blue, then brown...I'm not sure if this is a mistake, or just a trait of Pharoids.

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