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Saturday 22 October 2016

IDW - Micronauts #2

Written by: Cullen Bunn
Art by: Max Dunbar
Colours by: David Garcia-Cruz
Letters by: Tom B Long
Editor: John Barber
Publisher: Ted Adams
The research station blows up, but Oz and his crew manage to escape just in time, with Oz still using the Biotron unit, the Biotron unit explains that the Phobos units were rigged to attack when an unauthorized person interacted with Biotron, which Oz did. The Heliopolis is damaged in the explosion, so it and the crew plummet towards a nearby planet.

The crew manage to survive due to their equipment protecting them, but they need repairs. Phen stays with the damaged ship since her space glider suit needs repairs before she can use it, so the rest of the crew head towards a nearby town to get replacement parts for the ship.
Along the way to the town, Larissa explains that she was lied to by Hezlee just like them, so she is offered to stay with them for now.
In town, the crew start looking for their needed parts when a part of the research station lands in the town and starts to emit a gas. Biotron informs them that this is a warhead releasing the bio-weapon, as part of the ship's protocols. The crew manage to get the warhead into Biotron, where it emits it's gas into his air-tight canopy, but leaves him unable to hold Oz until the filters get rid of the vapours.

The townsfolk celebrate and allow them to take the parts they need, but are interrupted when Phen arrives, followed by a swarm of Acroyear units from the Ministry of Defense, who they assume to be after the bio-weapon. The crew fight them off and defend the townsfolk until they themselves are saved when the Ministry of Science arrive and take down the MOD Acroyears with ease. Oz and the others surrender when Baron Daigon, the head of the Ministry of Science, arrives, and greats Oz by name, clearly knowing him.
Oziron Rael

Ministry of Science
Baron Daigon
Space Gliders
Ground Soldiers
Phobos Units Killed by Acroyear

Ministry of Defense
Acroyear Swarm Destroyed by Ministry of Science and Micronauts
Baron Karza (Mentioned)

Shanty Town Aliens
Hezlee Ferro (Mentioned)
  • Luckily Larissa and Phen have retractable oxygen masks to help them live in space just after the space station explodes...sometimes...other times they can just breath in space...
  • So....Biotron can transform in a treaded vehicle.....can I just class this as a Transformers series now?!
  • Larissa had no idea about the bio-weapons on the station, meaning she was being sent there by Hezlee for ulterior motives
  • It's shown here that Space Gliders are used by the Ministry of Science whilst the Ministry of Defense use Acroyears for soldiers
  • Despite needing a biological "battery" to power them, Biotrons are shown to be able to operate for a while unpiloted, so long as they are given orders.

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